
Manage People Performance- Assignment


Added on  2021-04-17

4 Pages754 Words27 Views
Running head: MANAGE PEOPLE PERFORMANCEManage People PerformanceName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
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1MANAGE PEOPLE PERFORMANCEIn an organization, division of work is one of the foremost tasks that have to be takencare of by the managers who are in charge of the respective departments (Yu et al. 2014)While allocation work and drawing up the plan of action for a given work it is very essentialfor the managers to make sure that the best of the team is appointed for the particular task.The appointment of the workforce should be aligned to the level of competence that certainemployees have over a certain domain. The people who are able to work on a certain topic ina better way than others should be put in the task for that particular topic. This will ensurethat the best expertise is provided to the project. The goals and objectives of the companyshould be kept in mind while allocating work as every organization has to work according totargets. The way in which work is allocated and plans are made should be in line with thetargets of the work organization. The plan that will be formulated for a work should alwaysmaintain that the lowest of the costs are incurred to the company. The entire work processshould be drafted with consultation from the experts who will provide suggestions that willserve in the best interests of the company. KRAs and KPIs are integral part of the planning process in an organization. These arethe tools that are used to measure the amount of target that has been achieved in theorganizational process. KPIs enable the organization to know the degree to which the goalsare achieved and the results that can be achieved by adhering to the organizational targets.KRAs are long term while KPIs are short term (Arora and Kaur 2015). These allow for thereal time evaluation of the organizational progress. The performance management systemsare required to keep a track of the performance of the various employees and teams. Theperformance needs to be in line with the targets of the organization. The code of conduct inan organization makes sure that the employees are ethical in their behavior and approachtowards their colleagues. Such code binds the employees to be honest and makes them towork with integrity and fairness. The various Human Resource Management tools such as
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