This assignment explores the evolution of greener leasing practices in Australia and England by Bailey et al. (2015), decision-making research in system of systems context by Davendralingam et al. (2015), executable architecture teaching model by Delgado et al. (2014), and a systems engineering approach to M&S standards development by Galvin et al. (2013). It also covers energy management in the retail sector using the WICKED approach (Janda et al., 2015), Centrally Guided Train Operation System configurations (Lentink et al., 2017), V&V process improvement for weapon systems (Sim & Lee, 2014), and knowledge management roles of RSICC (Valentine, 2016, 2017). Additionally, it includes a domain ontology for ballistic missile defense conceptual model (Wang et al., 2015) and RFID implementation strategic values in inventory management (Yip & Huang, 2016).