
Leasing Practices & Systems Engineering Approaches


Added on  2020-07-22

11 Pages3653 Words613 Views
Leasing Practices & Systems Engineering Approaches_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................3Definition and the different Roles and characteristics of a Leader and Manager(P1)...........................3Role of a Leader and the function of a Manager in different Situations(p2)........................................4Theories and model of approach (p3)............................................................................................6Key approaches to operations management of Marks and Spencer (P4):............................................7Importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives (p5):.....................8Different factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by Leaders and managers of the Marks and Spencer (p6)........................................8CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................8REFERENCE LIST....................................................................................................................10Page 2 of 11
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INTRODUCTION The aim of this assignment is to discuss the different roles and characteristics of a leaderand a manager. This assignment will also examine the role and functions of a leader in differentsituations by giving special references to M&S (Marks & Spencer). The different theories andmodels of approach will be discussed as well as situational leadership including systematicleadership. The assignment will help to understand how management and operations are beingdone by leaders and managers in M&S. Thus this assignment will help to understandmanagements and operations of M&S and a detailed research about how the entire process runs.Definition and the different Roles and characteristics of a Leader and Manager(P1)Manager is the person who is responsible for taking organizational responsibilities andcontrolling any organization. The role of a manager is to manage the work which is being doneby the employees of that organization. They also manage situation as well as take care of theemployees helping them out with problems which they are not able to solve. The manager notonly guides the employees but also takes complete care of the resources of the organizationwhich is a very important point to consider as a role of a manager (Balaban, et al, 2016). Amanager should always carry managerial characteristics and behavior in order to make peoplefeel confident about how much that person will be able to manage. A manager should alwayscarry a positive attitude in order to face any type of situation and minimize the percentage of therisk in the organization. Positive attitude helps the employees to feel safe under the presence ofthat manager (Bowers, et al, 2013). This helps to boost the performance of the team. In M&S therole of a manager is to control the entire store and to check the performance of the employeesand to check the product quality, number of products which has came in the store and as well asthe products offered by M&S such as bathing kit, Shampoo, shaving kits, leather belts and shoes.There is a wide range of products which are available in the store of M&S. A manager of M&Sor any organization should have adequate patience to look after the employees and theorganization as it is the toughest job in the entire store (Bright, et al, 2015). Patience is requiredto maintain a large store and to take responsibility of the people working under that manager andthe products as well as the customers. It is a very challenging responsibility as most of the peopleeasily give up from such jobs. It is also important for the manager to be flexible because it is notan easy task to look after the entire store alone, so it important for a manager to be flexible asthat person has to look after the customers as well as the staffs and the products of that store andPage 3 of 11
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this is the reason why a manager should always be flexible because they carry a lot ofresponsibilities. A leader is that person who leads a team or an organization. It is the completeresponsibility of the leader to lead a team or an organization to reach the organizational goals.The leader influences the employees to work hard and reach the goal of that organization. Theperfect example of a leader can be that a person with rooted commitment to its goals and the onewho goes first and leads by. The role of a leader in an organization is to lead people of anorganization and takes them near to that organization's goals. They do this by influencing theemployees working under them in various ways. It is important for a leader to have a clear visionof the future of that organization. The leader always tries to motivate its employees by settingseveral examples which allows them to provide the best performance for the organization. It isalso the responsibility of the leader to guide its employees. The other role of a leader is that theleader helps to create morale (Davendralingam, et al, 2015). A leader should be confident,committed, have positive attitude and also have creativity. These characteristic are must for aleader to have inside them. Sense of humor is something which can lead should always havebecause employees tend to like those who have an very good sense of humor and a clearapproach this helps to build a strong relation between the leader and the employees.Role of a Leader and the function of a Manager in different Situations(p2)In every organization there are a set of roles which are being offered to the leaders but themain roles of a leader in any organization are:Requirement- A leader is always required in all levels. The function of a leader isimportant for any management level and also in top level. The role of a leader is to guidethe people who are working in the organization no matter what they are in (Delgado, etal, 2014). The demand of having a leader at any level is important because they help toexecute plans and programs which are made by top level management.Representation- A leader is always considered as the representatives of the organization.The leaders represent their view and concerns at any meetings or seminar and meetings.The leader also represents the team which he is in charge of.A Philosopher and Guide- A leader is also considered as a leader and a guide to theemployees and workers of the organization. Leaders also act like a friend to them bysharing his feelings and thoughts with the employees and the workers of thePage 4 of 11
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