
Manager and Operations TABLE OF CONTENTS


Added on  2020-10-22

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Manager and Operations TABLE OF CONTENTS_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1a. Differences and similarities between a leader and manager...................................1b. Functions of a manager according to Fayol................................................................5c. Applying different theories and models of leadership approaches in M&S............7Thus, manager and leader of M&S uses contingency approach which help them tomake employees function effectively and attain targets timely............................................10TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................101. Different approaches to operations management and the one used in M&S......102. Role as a store manager, a classic example of an operations manager.............133. Importance and value of operations management to achieve business objectives..............................................................................................................................................134. Impact of key outside factors upon operational management...............................145. The way external factors impact upon decision-making as a store manager......16CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES............................................................................................................................18
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INTRODUCTIONManagement’s responsibility is to conduct operations for accomplishing thebusiness goals and objectives. Funds, material and manpower are the resources whichadministration requires to utilise in an efficient manner. For this, it is necessary thatappropriate tools and equipment are implemented in the system for execution ofactivities effectively (What is Operations Management?, 2014). Manager framesstrategy and plan for directing subordinates to perform their tasks in a proficient andsystematic manner. Along with this, leader provides guidance and support to staffmembers for the delivery of products and services in respect to needs and demands ofpeople. Present report is based on Marks and Spencer which is a popular retail store,headquartered in the United Kingdom. It is a multinational firm that provides differenttypes of products like clothes, food, home furnishing, etc. Difference between role of aleader and function of a manager is stated in this assignment. Besides this, theirapplication in different situational contexts of firm is given. Key approaches ofoperations management and their importance in attainment of business objectives arementioned as well. Further, impact of upon operational management and decision-making is also described in the report. TASK 1a. Differences and similarities between a leader and managerLeader and manager have a pivotal role to play in an organisation. Leader is theone who inspires, influences and motivates his colleagues to work hard and performtheir goals and tasks efficiently to achieve the meaningful purpose of an organisation.On the other side, a manager is an important source in between company and theirstakeholders i.e. government, creditors, investors, shareholders, suppliers, customersand employees. He is the key person who performs managerial functions (Ahuja, 2017).Manager - An individual who is in charge of managing different groups of tasksor a whole or subsidiary of it to undertaken with motive of accomplishing company'sfuture goals or objectives. Roles: Manager's roles are explained by Professor Henry Mintzberg's theory which arestated as below: 1
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Interpersonal role - This role includes various legal, social and culturalresponsibilities. Manager provides direction to leadership for attaining the desired goals.In context of Marks & Spencer, it is the primary role of manager to provide direction andpath to organisation for increasing its profitability. He is responsible for creatingcommunication and network with internal and external connections.Informational role - The utmost responsibility of a manager is to find outinformation related to organisation and monitor internal management for achievingproductivity and well-being. In context of Marks & Spencer, it is the major role ofmanager to be a spokesperson to speak on company's behalf and represent vision andmission for achieving organisational goals (Brandenburg and et. al., 2014). Decisional role - Manager acts as an entrepreneur and negotiator for theorganisation. He is an appropriate one who controls change within organisation whichinvolves problem solving, new idea generation and implementing same accordingly. InMarks & Spencer, it is the major responsibility of manager to allocate funds, managingstaff and resolve issues and unpredictable conflicts. CharacteristicsThese are features that manager possess to direct staff members as stated below: Effective decision making - A manager should have decision making abilities toinfluence working and increase the profitability of a company. In Marks & Spencer, It isa foremost quality of a manager to take right decision at right time for the right purpose.He should pursue ability to convince other for the overall consent regarding decision-making. Accountability - In Marks & Spencer, a manager should have strongaccountability characteristics to take critical decision and responsibilities for theirachieving goals. He must possess problem solving, take ownership and burden totackle situation is an organisation (Martínez-Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes, 2014). Patience - Patience is an art to learn and develop ability to handle worst situationto pull company out of stress to lead for profitability. Well, it needs deep understandingand patience to deal with team mates, clients and vendors. As Marks & Spencer is awell-grown entities, so manager needs patience for tackling every arising situation in thecompany. 2
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Leader - The person who influence and motivates a group of people with visionand mission towards the achievement of a well-structured and defined goals withcombined efforts. RolesAn inspiring team leader should pursue specific roles and responsibilities for theachievement of a company success are:Representative - In Marks & Spencer, a leader is also considered as manager,which is treated as representative of an organisation. He needs to represent meetings,conclave, seminar, conferences and other corporate meets. His main role is tocommunicate vision and mission of a company and link it with task of an everyemployee to achieve goals and targets (Prashar, 2015). Friend, philosopher and guide - A leader must possess “Your Own” qualities. Itmeans that he should consists a friend, philosopher and guide qualities in themselves.He must possess qualities of friend to share feeling and thoughts, philosopher to use hisexperience and intelligence by guiding employee and guide for supervision andcommunicating an employee regarding plans and policies of a company. This is allinclude in relation with Marks & Spencer CharacteristicsThese are features that leader have to guide employees are as follows: Communication - In context of Marks & Spencer, it is important that a leadershould possess communication skills to speak and convey the clear vision of acompany in order to achieve desired goals or purpose of an organisation (Fan and et.al., 2014). Passionate - Passion helps the leader to motivate and convince employee toachieve the target and goals even in the case of tough consequences. It is aresponsibility of a leader to understand problems and situations of their member andwork passionately to solve their issues and increase their efficiency and productivity. Confident - In Marks & Spencer, it is necessary that leader should be confidentand motivated. Hesitation and lack of trust doesn't come under part of leader. If leaderstarts hesitating, it is impossible to regulate and manage the workforce to accomplishtheir defined targets and set goals (AsefVaziri, 2015). 3
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Difference between manager and leader: Basis Leader Manager Attribute A leader must possess the qualityof foresightedness to predict andthink about company's goals andtargets. Manager should be a mindedperson. His strong qualities andstrength would be managing theworkforce of an organisation. Decision-makingA leader must possess ability totake critical decision withouttaking care of any consequences.Manager is a key person whomake decision after viewing plans,policies, structure and goals of anorganisation Focus A leader focuses more onmanpower because main role ofleader is to handle team or groupto increase their productivity andefficiency. A manager should focus oncreating process and procedure,which comes under initial part ofcompletion of any task or goals ofa company. People A leader aligns people accordingto the role and duties related tothe particular objective of anentities. A manager is one who found mostperfect people and align theirskills and qualities according tocompany's objectives (Lim and et.al., 2014). Similarities between a leader and manager: In a particular person, qualities ofboth leader and manager work together and sits at a responsible position. A managercan be effective leader to achieve highest efficiency level of person require to performthe roles and responsibilities. Both parties are supposed to manage personnel as wellas resources and to work accordingly with goals, vision, mission and direction of acompany. b. Functions of a manager according to FayolOrganisation is present in dynamic environment which keeps on changing withtime. Administration require to have knowledge about various situations which mightaffect functioning of firm. This help them to make changes in system and policies for4
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