
Managing a Successful Business Project 3COM


Added on  2020-07-23

21 Pages4147 Words46 Views
Managing a SuccessfulBusiness Project
Managing a Successful Business Project 3COM_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1: Aims and objectives..............................................................................................................1P2: Project management plan......................................................................................................2P3: Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart..........................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P4: Small scale research..............................................................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P5: Data analysis.........................................................................................................................8P6 Recommendation................................................................................................................12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12P7: Reflection............................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONDigitalisation refers to a process of transmitting important and material information intodigital form which can further used by an organisation in order to make an effective decision andplans regarding achieving desired goals and objectives. Moreover it implies the adoption ofdigital technology such as electronic media and tools in order to perform various businessfunctions such as marketing process, production process etc. Thus, all organisations whethersmall, medium or large tried to adopt advanced and updated technology within an organisation inorder to gain competitive advantage and sustain in competitive market world for longer period oftime. The present assignment report is based on the importance of digitalisation and theircontribution in achieving growth and success in competitive environment. In addition with this,the role of an effective management plan which is formed by an organisation with a motive ofexecuting business activities in an effective and efficient manner. The project report also coversthe data accumulation which is done with the help of suitable tools and techniques (AwaisAhmad Tipu and Manzoor Arain, 2011). An effective plans and strategies made by themanagement to eliminate hidden barriers which affect the growth and success of an organisationare also discussed under this report.TASK 1P1: Aims and objectivesTopic: “Impact of digitalisation on development on small business enterprise: A case studyon 3COM”Aim: The main motive of “3COM” is to create and introduce new and advanced technology inorder to provide innovative products or devices to people in future and thus always focusing onpromoting digitalisation. Therefore, the company’s main aim is “to introduce and implementupdated digital technology in order to achieve growth and success of small business organisation(Basu, 2014). Basically adoption of digital technology brings beneficial result to an organisationas well as help in improving the standard of living of people. It will also contribute more in theeconomy of the nation which make huge impact on people as well. Thus, the major objectives ofthis project are described as under:To introduce digitalisation in 3COM as well as entire industry to develop society.1
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To consider the changes required in existing tools and techniques which were used by3COM in order to get profitable result in near future.Evaluation of the effectiveness of adoption of digitalisation in business organisation.After identifying the aims and objectives of this project and selected organisation then it isimportant for management to conduct research on the effectiveness of implementing digitaltechnology. The relevant questions which need to be asked in research related with digitalisationare listed as below:What is the main purpose of 3COM to implement modern technique?Are there any changes required in existing technology used by 3COM?How the adoption of modern and latest equipments will bring beneficial result tocompany?After collecting and analysing all answers, learner need to be aware pre-decided aims andobjectives and accordingly make an effective plans and strategies in order to achieve them withinpre-determined period of time. Thus, management also play an important and crucial role ingrowth and success of an organisation (Geraldi and Lechter, 2012).P2: Project management planPlanning is an essential requirement for every business organisation if they want toachieve competitive advantage and survive in competitive market environment for longerduration. In order to execute project activities in an effective and efficient manner, a suitableplanning is essentially required to be made by management of an organisation after consideringall relevant information and figures collected from different sources. But on the other hand, itbecomes difficult to make and implement an effective plan that ensures in getting positive resultas it requires specialised skilled and knowledgeable person who are able to perform specific andcrucial roles and responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner. Along with this, there areseveral factors which make pre-determined plans more successfully. Such factors are mentionedas below:Cost: Money is considered as backbone of every business thus it is important to haveenough financial resources so that the management are able to invest in execution of businessactivities with a hope of getting profitable result in near future. Therefore, before implementingpre-determined plan, the management should required to prepared budget in order to allocate2
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cost to different departments after identifying the important areas that will ensure an organisationto recover invested amount.Scope: The management of “3COM” need to first identify the possibilities of makingplans and strategies more successful that will ensure an organisation to bring beneficial result infuture. And it can possible only when the company fulfils customer’s needs and requirementswith the help of using advance digital technology. Thus, it is important to create new andinnovative ideas and devices for gaining maximum benefits (Harish and Kumar, 2014).Time: 3COM is one of the fast growing business organisation as they always focuses oncreating new and innovative products and tried to make changes in their current devicesaccording to the customer’s needs and requirements. Thus, time is an important factor whichforces every business to comply with it and adopt changes in exiting business activities onregular basis. The management is required to define roles and responsibilities to their employeesand motivate them to perform their roles within given time frame so that the company can able tograb competitive opportunities and gain strong image in market.Quality: 3com offers quality devices to their customers with the help of managementwhich always tries to give extra efforts in enhancing quality and maintain their standard in orderto attract large number of customers. Therefore, it is also become an important part of projectmanagement plan as producing quality products can easily grab an attention of customers andinfluences their interest and buying behaviour towards their product which indirectly improvessales figure of company as well and generate huge revenues.Communication: It is also an important factor which helps in bringing unity amongemployees in order to give combined efforts in achieving desired goals and objectives. Thus, themanagement need to create a platform or channel through which employees of differentdepartments can easily communicate with their respective managers and other employees. Thiswill help in establishing healthy relationship between managers and employees which aremotivating them to achieve growth and success in their professional goals. Hence, planner ofmanagement is tries to give maximum efforts in designing unique devices with different featureswhich facilitate each employee to easily communicate with each other (Hwang and Ng, 2013).Risk: As business environment is complex in nature which changes rapidly thus it createsrisk as well which affects and influences the future project activities. Therefore it is important formanagers to make an effective plans and policies in order to identify risk on time so that it can be3
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eliminate as quickly as possible. The plans may be related with providing training programs toemployees who makes them ready to face challenges without any fear. Figure 1 Project Management Execution(Source:- Project Management Execution, 2016)P3: Work breakdown structure and Gantt chartA work breakdown human brain structure can be defined as classes’ classification ofbusiness start in smaller units in order to achieve desired goals and objectives by allocating rolesand responsibilities to employees according to their skills and knowledge. It is very helpful forevery business organisation as it helped in distributing roles and responsibilities to the staffmembers so they can perform better and achieve profitable outcome in near future. Basically3com is required to adopt creative and innovative technique in order to execute andaccomplished their predetermined project activities in effective and efficient manner(Verzuh,2015). It is important for managers to reduce or minimise their workload throughdelegating work to their subordinates after analysing their qualification and skills. It is generallya framework or blueprint which helps in providing direction and guidance to overall company atthe time to performing delegated roles and responsibilities in such an effective manner that willhelp them in achieving organisational as well as personal goals.However, it is design in a tree structure which clearly specifies the subdivision of effortswhich are needed to achieve desired goals such as session, report and contract. The managementare held liable to form such structure and divide roles and responsibilities to the workers after4
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