
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan


Added on  2020-02-14

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Managing Communications,Knowledge and Information
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................41.1 Discuss the range of decisions to be taken............................................................................41.2 Information and knowledge needed to take effective decision.............................................51.3 Internal and external sou Sainsbury rces of information......................................................61.4 justify recommendation for improvement ............................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................82.1 Identify stakeholders for decision making process...............................................................82.2 Making contact with those identified and developing business relationship........................92.3 Involving stakeholders in the decision making process......................................................102.4 Strategies for improvement.................................................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1 Existing communication structure in sainsburry.................................................................113.2 Methods to improve communication system and suitability in sainsburry.........................123.3 Implementation of the improvements for better communication system in Sainsbury......133.4 Personal Plan to improve communication skills ................................................................14TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................154.1 Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination ofinformation and knowledge.......................................................................................................154.2 Changes that are required to enhance the effective of existing methods............................154.3 Strategy to improve the access of systems regarding information and knowledge ...........16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................18
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INDEX OF TABLESTable 1: Personal Plan to improve communication skills .............................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONManaging communication, knowledge and information plays most crucial role in thebusiness and it is associated with the success and growth of company in the market. Apart fromthis, communication is required at different levels within the workplace for the smoothfunctioning of the operations and it directly acts as development tool for the organization (Ang,2014). Moreover, business has to take decisions at different levels and for the same it isnecessarily required to gain different type of knowledge so that organization can easily obtaincompetitive advantage and in turn it can act as development tool for the company. Apart fromthis, information obtained by the business is fruitful for management in every possible mannerand it somehow contributes in growth and success of company in the market where operationsare being carried out (Cerne, 2012). It is the first and foremost duty of management to ensurethat communication taking place within the workplace is appropriate and effective channels arebeing employed for smooth functioning of the activities. Apart from this, stakeholders presentwithin the business plays most crucial role and it is necessary for organization to satisfy need ofevery party so that market performance can be enhanced easily. Considering the present studyorganization chosen is Sainsbury which operates in retail sector and well known in the marketfor range of products it offers to its target market (Chitty and et.al., 2011). Various tasks havebeen covered in the study which involves identify stakeholders for decision making process,existing process of communication in organization, report on existing process of collection,formatting etc. TASK 1 1.1 Discuss the range of decisions to be takenDifferent types of decisions are taken by management of Sainsbury with the motive tooperate efficiently and it directly allows in accomplishment of desired goals and objectives(Dahlen, Lange and Smith, 2010). Further, decisions are taken at strategic, operational andtactical level with the help of which company can efficiently perform in the market. The range ofdecisions that have to be taken are as follows:Operational level: Such decisions are taken by management of Sainsbury with the motiveto enhance overall operations being carried out by the business (Eagle, 2014). Mainoperations of company are delivering products and services to the customers as per theirexpectations. Therefore, this main operation has to be carried out by company in proper
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manner so that need of target market can be satisfied in efficient manner and this mayboost overall productivity (Cochoy, 2014). Apart from this, other operations of thebusiness involve setting prices of products, focusing on quality and other areas so thatorganization can easily gain competitive advantage with the help of this. In short,business has to determine for the effective ways with the help of which operations can beenhanced and this in turn can bring favorable outcomes for the business in the market(Danaher and Rossiter, 2011). Moreover, by enhancing operations business can easilyincrease level of customer satisfaction along with the trust and this will be beneficial forenterprise in long term alsoStrategic decisions: Different type of decisions are taken by management of Sainsburywhich is associated with development of strategies and through this effective plans arebeing prepared for carrying out overall operations. Further, company has to take decisionwhether the strategies developed are effective or not so that it may not influenceproductivity of the company (Fill and Hughes, 2013). Effective plans are required forsmooth functioning of the business and this directly allows in gaining competitiveadvantage (Illia and Balmer, 2012). Apart from this, strategies in the field of marketing,human resource etc has to be developed so that each and every part of the c Sainsburyompany can be easily developed with the help of this. Day to day operations: Sainsbury has to take decisions in relation with carrying out dayto day operations of the business and this directly acts as development tool for theenterprise (Holliman and Rowley, 2014). Further, for the same company needsinformation from different sources and this enhances efficiency of the overall operationsbeing carried out in the market. For check the parameter of day to day activitymanagement allot one team leader in each department. This person check their wholeteam activity and provide final report to the top manage-mt. By applying this activityfirm can easily find out that which department is doing right work and which is not goingright.Therefore, these are some of the major decisions taken by Sainsbury which are associated withgrowth and development of the organization in the market where operations are being carriedout.
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1.2 Information and knowledge needed to take effective decisionIn order to take effective decisions it is must for enterprise to obtain information andknowledge from the sources available (Gabrielli and Balboni, 2010). Further, when informationis acquired from appropriate sources then the quality of decision being taken increases and thisleads to accomplishment of desired goals of the business. In order to take operational decisionsinformation regarding major operations of the business has to be undertaken such as kind ofoperations, its nature (Eagle, 2014). Further, it is must for employees of business to haveknowledge in relation with each and every operation of the business so that they can work for thebetterment of Sainsbury. This knowledge along with information is must for company in thecompetitive era (Dahlen, Lange and Smith, 2010). Without proper knowledge and informationno business can operate efficiently in the market and in turn it acts as hurdle in accomplishmentof desired goals and objectives. Further, to take decisions in relation with strategies informationrequired is linked with plan for instance if Sainsbury wants to develop effective marketingstrategy then information required involves type of strategy, steps required in development etc.Apart from this, knowledge required in taking strategic decision is regarding plans whereemployees of Sainsbury must know about the corrective ways through which effective strategiescan be developed for organization (Lindridge and et.al., 2013). Moreover, this information andknowledge assists in taking more effective strategic decisions for growth of company. Apartfrom this, when decision regarding day to day operations of business has to be taken theninformation required is linked with the type of activities that has to be carried out on daily basisand knowledge required is regarding the ways through which daily operations can be enhanced.So, this directly allows Sainsbury to gain competitive advantage and enhances internal strengthof the company in every possible manner which is profitable for enterprise also. In short on thebasxis of decisions requirement of knowledge and information changes (Karjaluoto,Mustonenand Ulkuniemi, 2015). It is the first and foremost duty of management to ensure that informationis only taken from the reliable sources.1.3 Internal and external sou Sainsbury rces of informationDifferent sources of information are present with Sainsbury which business can easilyundertaken for its growth and development (Illia and Balmer, 2012). Further, sources presentwith the company are both internal and external where management has to consider which one isreliable and can be considered easily for enhan Sainsbury cing its performance. Internal sources
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