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Information Systems and Communication Culture


Added on  2020/01/07

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This assignment delves into the intricate relationship between information systems (IS) and organizational culture, focusing on the potential conflicts that arise. It encourages students to critically examine how differences in communication styles, perceptions, and values can influence the implementation and adoption of IS within organizations. The assignment requires an analysis of scholarly literature and a consideration of real-world examples to understand the consequences of such conflicts. Students are also tasked with proposing practical solutions to mitigate these conflicts and foster a more harmonious integration of IS into organizational culture.

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Managing Communication
Knowledge and Information

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1.1 Major decisions taken by the management at each level.......................................................3
1.2 Information and knowledge to ensure effective decision taking...........................................4
1.3 Internal and external sources of information for decision making........................................5
1.4 Recommendation for improvement.......................................................................................5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Key stakeholders for decision making process......................................................................6
2.2 Contact with those identified and develop business relationships (180)...............................7
2.3 Involve those identified stakeholder in the decision making ................................................8
2.4 Strategies for improvement ...................................................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Existing communication process in an organization ............................................................9
3.2 & 3.3 Design ways to improve appropriateness & Implement improvement to ensure
greater integration of systems of communication .......................................................................9
3.4 Personal plan to improve own communication skills .........................................................10
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and
knowledge .................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and
4.3 Implement strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge to others
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In order to survive in highly competitive market, it is essential for the firm to manage the
information and communication within the workplace so that they may take effective decision
that enhance the overall performance of the organization. For the present study, selected
organization is Tesco PLC as they need to access market information, needs and wants of the
customers so that it will be effective for them to take decisions. The company is considered as
the leading global brand that renders wide range of grocery items to the customers.
The present study basically understands the different range of decisions that Tesco
management may take to accomplish the objectives of their different stakeholders. However, the
study will also focus on how communication, knowledge and information must be amended and
developed so that management can easily improve the systems within the organization.
1.1 Major decisions taken by the management at each level
Decision is defined as choice or selection of an appropriate option from the two or more
available alternatives (Jain, 2008). However, it is also termed as procedure under which Tesco
management selects the proper action so that it may be beneficial for each and every
management level of Tesco PLC. There are different people who are involved in the decision
making process. They take effective decision at all the managerial levels namely top, middle and
lower level. There are different ranges of decisions that are taken within the Tesco PLC so that it
may support the organization in accomplishing their objectives. The range of decisions includes: Strategic decisions: These are kind of decisions that are mainly taken by the top
authorities and senior management. They devise long term policy and strategic decisions
for Tesco PLC and assist them to sustain in the long run (Hargie and Tourish, 2009). Tactical decisions: Another range of decisions include tactical decisions that are often
taken by the middle level management that is manager. They often take decisions
regarding how to easily accomplish the policy and strategy within the Tesco PLC. Operational decisions: Another range of decision includes day-to-day operational
decisions that are taken by workers or employees in the Tesco. This enables them to
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easily perform their routine tasks and activities in an effective manner (Turban and,
Decision type Example
1. Framing long term policies for organization.
2. Decision regarding setting up of new
supermarket chain in UK.
1. Tactical decisions related with recruitment of
2. Decision regarding promoting and advertising of
wide range of products.
1. Improving communication skills.
2. Decisions regarding arranging the stock within
1.2 Information and knowledge to ensure effective decision taking
Data is termed as raw facts that are of no value as because the data is unprocessed in
nature. Knowledge is defined as the ability or quality that individual possess so that by using that
they may access and process the data and take effective decision for the organization. In addition
to this, information is defined as processed data that convey some meaning to the individual so
that they can take proper decision. However, with that information and knowledge of an
individual, Tesco management can easily take decision that would support the organization in
accomplishing the objectives and goals (Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). At different level of
management, employees at Tesco PLC are required to collect different type of information
detailed as follows: Strategic information: The strategic information are required by the top level authorities
that may include directors, board of directors who take corporate decisions for the Tesco
PLC so that they may survive in retail industry for the longer time period. Strategic
information includes assessing reliable and detailed information regarding the

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competitor’s strategy and decision so that they may take effective decision for the Tesco
Tactical information: Another is gaining tactical information that would support the
personnel at middle level management in taking effective decisions. The information
gained for the middle level managers and team must be semi-structured in nature so that
they may mould further to achieve the goals (Romney and, 2012).
1.3 Internal and external sources of information for decision making
In order to make effective decisions for the Tesco PLC, there are different sources
available for the top management so that they may easily accumulate the information from the
market and their customers. Different types include internal and external sources of the
information. With the help of internal source, top level management at Tesco can easily access
the information from their financial and income statement so that they can take decision. Another
source of information include external source that is acquiring information from the customers
who purchase their products (Österle and, 2011).
Another source of information includes formal and informal sources through which top
authorities of Tesco PLC can easily collect the information. Formal source includes assessing
past records, sales record, company report etc. While the informal source of collecting the
market information includes sending mail to the customers, collecting information through social
media sites etc. These are considered as informal sources through which management can gain
In addition to this, other sources for accumulating the information includes primary and
secondary sources. Under primary source, Tesco management focuses on observation method,
interview method or questionnaire technique so that they may collect reliable information.
However, another source is secondary source that is collecting relevant information with the help
of journals, book, online article etc.
1.4 Recommendation for improvement
In order to improve the collection of information and knowledge there are certain
recommendation available to Tesco that are enumerated as follows-
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For improving the quality and quantity of collected information Tesco management must
focus on processing and developing the collected data so that they must amend their
quality and quantity (Melville, 2010). With the help of processing and developing, the
collected data manager of Tesco can eliminate the duplication of information as well as it
will also assist in using the quality data that supports in taking effective decisions.
Another recommendation for Tesco management is that they must focus on using
external sources such as internet as well as social media sites so that they may easily
collect the relevant and reliable information from the overall market customers. However,
using external sources is quite effective for Tesco PLC as it can easily target wide
customers and gain valuable information and knowledge (Leidner and Kayworth, 2006).
Tesco’s management basically relies on internal sources, collecting necessary
information and knowledge so that they may take effective decision within organization.
Thus, for improving the information and knowledge available to Tesco, management
must focus on using external source as sometimes; they are also useful in gathering
quality information and knowledge that will support in taking effective decisions.
Another recommendation, for improving the knowledge and information, they must
improve their formal communication within Tesco so that they can acquire reliable and
correct information regarding the needs and requirement of customers. Therefore,
enabling effective formal communication within Tesco will also remove and overcome
the duplication of information.
2.1 Key stakeholders for decision making process
Stakeholders are characterized as individual or the group of an individual those are
interested within the activities and operations of the organization (Alms, 2012). However,
stakeholders are also defined as the key person that can get affected or may affect the
organization activities to the most. The different stakeholders within the Tesco PLC include
management, employees, local community; customers etc. within the Tesco PLC there are
basically two types of stakeholder’s internal and external stakeholders. The key internal
stakeholder includes manager and employees while external stakeholder includes customers,
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shareholder and community. All these stakeholders play a significant role in the Tesco
organization. The main role of manager in the decision making process is to select the suitable
choice for the organization so that they can easily accomplish the objectives (Harsh, 2005).
Decisions of company Stakeholders that are
affected positively
Stakeholders those are
affected negatively
1. Introducing technological equipment
within the Tesco supermarket for billing the
Customers Employees and workers
2. Discounting the prices of grocery products
to increase the sales.
3. Setting up the production in the
international markets.
2.2 Contact with those identified and develop business relationships (180)
There are different communication medium that is being used by the Tesco management
so that they can easily communicate with their different shareholders so that they may easily
develop the business relationship among them (Cornford and Shaikh, 2013). There are different
methods and ways used by the Tesco PLC for contacting their stakeholder. However, it also
support them in developing their business relations so that they can easily take part in the
decision making process. The methods can be-
Face to face interaction: One of the effective methods is face to face interaction that is
mainly suitable for the organization employees so that Tesco management can easily
communicate and interact with them so they can take effective decisions. With the help
of face to face interaction among their employees Tesco can also build a transparent
business relationship that supports them in rendering proper services (Varey, 2000).

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Direct communication: Another method for contacting include direct communication
under which Tesco directly communicate with their stakeholders that is through verbal
or written communication. With this method Tesco can easily develop business
relationship with different stakeholder of the organization.
Shareholder Methods used to communicate
Suppliers Verbal communication
Consumers Direct communication
Government Written communication
Employees Face to face communication
Shareholders E-mailing
Local community Written communication
2.3 Involve those identified stakeholder in the decision making
It is significant to involve different stakeholders of the Tesco PLC in the decision making
process as stakeholders may have their own opinion and suggestion that will support the
organization in suggesting their opinion so that it may positively influences the decision making
process (Ströh and Jaatinen, 2001). The above identified stakeholders such as customers,
employees, suppliers, government, community etc. take active participation in encouraging their
views and suggestions so that it may lead to take effective decisions for the Tesco organization.
Some of the methods that is being used by the Tesco PLC to involve their identified stakeholders
in the decision making process include-
Conference- One of the foremost method that is being used by the Tesco PLC for
involving the suggestion of their different stakeholders is through organizing the
conference or meeting of shareholders, suppliers or employees who are consider as key
stakeholder of the company (Moye and Langfred, 2004). Conference method will support
the Tesco shareholder and employees to put forward their views and thoughts that would
help the organization to strengthen the relationship with the stakeholder.
Feedback- Another way to involve the views of stakeholders in the decision making
process of Tesco is to take the feedback from the stakeholder that is customers regarding
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the products and services of the Tesco so that in future they might amend them to render
quality services and products that would satisfy their needs and wants (Miller, 2011).
2.4 Strategies for improvement
For encouraging the wider involvement of the stakeholders in the decision making
process there are different strategies that must be used by the Tesco PLC that support the proper
involvement of each and every stakeholder in the decision making process. The different
strategies that must be recommended or consider within Tesco PLC include-
Proper usage of the social media sites and websites will support in stronger the web
system so that Tesco PLC can easily connect with their different stakeholders.
Another strategy that can be used by the Tesco PLC includes introducing supermarket's
own application so that they can easily communicate and interact with their stakeholders
(Jain, 2008). However, the usage of application would also support the customers in
purchasing and buying the products through using the application. Thus, it will also result
in consuming the time of customers as well as it may also consider as convenient option
for the customers.
3.1 Existing communication process in an organization
For the smooth functioning of the activities within the organization it is essential to focus
on effective communication process that successfully outcome in transmitting the information
within and outside the organization. The existing communication process within the Tesco PLC
mainly focuses on internal communication and external communication (Hargie and Tourish,
Internal communication- Under this communication process Tesco PLC would focus on
written as well as oral communication with the different stakeholders and employees so
that they may take effective and quick decision in the organization. However, the internal
communication may also focus on vertical as well as horizontal communication channel
through which each and every department working within the Tesco supermarket will
actively part in the communication process. Within the internal communication all the
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levels of management as well as different department and the staff members will
effectively communicate with each other (Turban and, 2008).
External communication- Another way of communication process in Tesco PLC include
external communication under which communication will effectively communicate
externally to their stakeholders with the help of oral and written form of external
3.2 & 3.3 Design ways to improve appropriateness & Implement improvement to ensure greater
integration of systems of communication
In the Tesco PLC supermarket there are different weaknesses that have been identified in
the current practices that need to be developed and amend so that Tesco PLC can improve their
existing communication process within the organization. The different ways to improve the
appropriateness within communication process include-
Open communication strategy- One of the effective and foremost strategies to improve
the existing communication process of Tesco PLC include focuses on the open channel of
communication that would support the organization in building and developing the
business relationship (Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). However, improvement in the
communication process of the organization it will support them in building the trust.
Developing personal plan- Another effective strategy for improving the existing
communication process include developing or creating an effective personal development
plan that would support the individual employees and workers of Tesco PLC in
improving their own communication skills that support in amending the overall process
of the organization (Romney and, 2012).
However, for improving the existing communication process of chosen organization that
in Tesco, there are different mediums that can be used by the management. For instance;
Meetings and notices- The foremost medium for improving communication process
within Tesco include using different techniques like focusing on organizing the meeting
so that management can directly interact and communicate with their employees and
staff. However, with the help of notice on the board, management can also improve their
communication process in Tesco.

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Face-to-face contract- Another technique to improve communication process in Tesco is
enabling face-to-face interaction between staff and employees so that management can
transparently and openly communicate with their staff. Thus, face to face interaction
improves the communication process by reducing and overcoming the misinterpretation
or misunderstanding of information and knowledge.
Open channel communication- Another way to improve the communication process of
Tesco include ensuring open communication with the upper level staff and lower level
employees so that they may easily build trust and relationship among employees and
Organizing training program- Another technique for improving communication process
in Tesco is by organizing or developing personal development plan that will support
Tesco’s employees and staff to improve their communication skills. Therefore, this
supports them in improving Tesco’s overall communication process.
For enabling the open communication strategy within Tesco PLC, it is effective for the
organization to follow certain steps that is firstly; top management devises the strategy of open
communication that would support the top management in gaining various suggestions from
other department’s personnel that will support them in improving the communication process
within organization. Another strategy for the improvement includes developing personal plan of
those individuals who are rendering services within firm. For developing the personal plan for
individuals, management must focus on certain steps that is-
1. Identifying the skills and abilities that individuals possess
2. Required skills for performing the job
3. Determining gap between current and future required needs
4. Developing personal development plan
5. Evaluating the plan by measuring the outcomes
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3.4 Personal plan to improve own communication skills
What do I want
to be able to do
Success Criteria
How will I recognize
How will I review and
measure my
Actions/ Strategies
What methods will I
use to achieve my
learning objectives?
How will I practice
and apply what I
What resources
do I need?
time do I
1. Listening skills Minimum
g with each
and every staff
within the
hearing to the
and demand.
4 weeks
2. Interpersonal
interaction with
the customers.
More team
work within
Teams 3 weeks
3. Presentation
n of the
information and
Focuses on
making the
seminars and
Use the
format to
circulate the
2 weeks
4.1 Existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and
There are different existing approach that is being used by the Tesco PLC so that they can
easily collect, format, store and disseminate the collected information and knowledge so that
they can take effective decision for the organization (Pijpers, 2010).
1. Collection- Existing approach for collecting data and information within organization is
through using different internal and external sources that support in collecting the data.
2. Process- However, to format or processed the gathered and collected data of Tesco PLC,
they might use effective formatting technique that easily convert the data into
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3. Storing- In addition to this, the existing approach used by Tesco PLC for storing data
include computerized system that is being used by the management to store the collected
data so that it may not get corrupted.
4. Disseminating- Moreover, for distributing the information, Tesco PLC can use different
technological devices and network so that they can easily disseminate the required
information among their employees (Österle and, 2011).
The above diagram states that Tesco basically collects the data and information through
different sources with the help of customers, internal operations and competitors or through
assessing different external sources. The collected or accumulated data is then processed with the
help of computerized system. After that, the processed data or output is interpreted and then
disseminated among the members of organization that is employees, public, stakeholders or to
the government and regulatory bodies.

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However, the Tesco PLC also use different information system at different level that would
support the Tesco sat each and every level include-
Operational level system- At operational or day to day level Tesco use Transaction
processing system that support the employees in carrying out their operational activities
within the supermarket.
Management level system- At the management level they use management information
system that interlinks each and every departmental activity so that they can
collaboratively take the decision for the organization (Melville, 2010).
Strategic level system- however, at the strategic level executive support system is being
used that assist the authorities in making effective decision and plan according to the
preferences and need of the customers.
There are different problem existing in the current system of collecting, formatting,
storing and disseminating the information and knowledge within the organization that is while
collecting the major problem that arises is regarding the duplication of information and data.
However, while formatting the information and knowledge the major problem that arises is
regarding the interpretation of the raw data. This is the common problem that arises while
formatting that is converting data into the information. Furthermore, problem also arises while
storing the information into the computerized system that is regarding hacking of the system that
result in corrupting the data and information. Lastly, while disseminating the information and
knowledge within the Tesco PLC it also results in arising the problem regarding accessibility of
the information.
4.2 Changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and
However, there are different suggestions that will result in changing or improving the
approaches related with the collection, formatting, storing and disseminating of the information
and knowledge so that Tesco PLC can ensure proper working in the marketplace.
1. Collecting- While collecting the data and information management must focuses on the
observing and monitoring the collected data so that it may avoid duplication of the
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2. Formatting- In order to format the data and information they must revise the total data
that has been collected so that they can easily avoid the misinterpretation data.
3. Storing- However, Tesco manager while storing the information and data they must
install anti-virus software within the system so that data stored within the system may not
get harm or damage.
4. Dissemination- Furthermore, Tesco organization must focuses on the Knowledge
management systems as well as enterprise resource planning one of the effective systems
that would support the Tesco in improving the collection, formatting, disseminating of
the information and knowledge (Leidner and Kayworth, 2006).
Therefore, Tesco management generally focuses on using the different systems such as-
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)- It is a business management software and
application that Tesco should use to collect, organize, manage and interpret the data and
information that will support the Tesco PLC in taking effective decisions.
Knowledge management system (KMS)- Knowledge management systems as well as
enterprise resource planning one of the effective systems that would support the Tesco in
improving the collection, formatting, disseminating of the information and knowledge.
4.3 Implement strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge to others
Therefore, for improving the access to the systems of information and knowledge to
others Tesco PLC can implement certain strategies that are:
Use of new communication medium: one of the effective strategies to improve the access
to system of information and knowledge to other include using new communication
channel so that employees and worker can easily access to the new system at the faster
pace (Laudon and Laudon, 2008).
Using new technology: Another strategy includes using new technology so that Tesco
PLC can easily gain and collect the necessary information and data from customers. With
the usage of social media sites and websites, customers and different stakeholders can
easily communicate with each other.
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Use of Intranet: With the help of using Intranet services in organization, Tesco PLC can
easily disseminate the information and knowledge within organization as well as it also
assists in improving access to systems of information and knowledge to others.
Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Use of new
Using new technology
Use of intranet
From the above report it can be concluded that managing communication, knowledge and
information is fundamental learning for each and every organisation as it support providing
effective support for the enterprise. Through effective communication in the organization they
can ensure smooth functioning of the activities in the organization that support in amending their

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Books & Journals
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