
Managing Food & Beverage


Added on  2023-01-18

12 Pages3353 Words81 Views
Nutrition and Wellness
Managing Food & Beverage
Managing Food & Beverage_1

Table of Contents.
Managing Food & Beverage_2

This report gives the brief description of management of food and beverage business.
In this report it has been discussed about the different types of business related to this
industry. Followed by the different rating system used by such business organisations,
followed by the current trends influencing this business sector as well as the
legislations and impact of technology also has been discussed in this report.
Additionally, this report gives the short description of strategies followed by such
business in order to attract customer for stronger and loyal customer base.
P1 Explore different types of businesses within the food and beverage industry,
profiling a chosen business within each area of the industry.
The different types of business within the food and beverage industry can be
categorised in several parts such as
Quick service establishments
This type of business within food and beverage industry involves commercial
food service in the form of restaurants in which the customers demand for the
services that look garner quick snack, drink or meals. In such type of business
the employees generally associated are comparatively less. And these restaurants
are generally based on self services. Few of the examples of such quick service
snack and drink restaurants are Pizza Hut, Subway, KFC, McDonald's etc
(Subramaniam and Wareing eds., 2016).
Catering business
This type of food and beverage business generally seen on the special occasions.
The catering services business provides food and beverages generally based on
the prior contract. These services are generally observed in the birthday parties
and wedding and everything between them. This business includes larger
number of employees. This type food and beverage business is generally
seasonal as the business owner tends to get the most businesses during the
season of wedding. The capital invested in this business is generally very high.
Full service restaurants
This full service restaurant are the businesses of food and beverages in which the
typical restaurant tends to provide the eateries which feature full course meals,
Managing Food & Beverage_3

drinks as well as some times it includes bar too. The general concept of this type
of business is the customer tends get seated at the table, the wait for the waiter to
take its order. Therefore, this type of full service restaurant business includes
themed restaurants, casual dining as well as fine dining.
P2 Explain different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry
nationally and internationally.
Food safety is a critical issue which need to be implemented throughout the food
chain ranging farm to the fork the customer. The restaurants could be identified
by its rating; these rating are based on the quality of services they provide. These
rating are variable depending on the nation i.e. some use star, symbols or
numbers depending on the system of nation. Stars are the most commonly used
technique for rating. Thus, ratings are based on the feedbacks of the customers.
Generally rating can be observed on the guide books, media, news papers, and
websites as well as at the lifestyle magazines. Moreover, there are some websites
that offers customers to give reviews and rating based on their experiences, this
type of rating has generally became popular now a days but most importantly
they are sometimes less reliable.
The rating system was stated due to poor services provided by the traditional
hotels and restaurants. Thus, the different techniques to rate an restaurant are
It is the most commonly used techniques to represent the rating of the
organisation or food business. Stars are generally ranging from 1 to 5. Where 5
in the rating is considered to be excellent in the service while 1 star shows that
the service was the most unacceptable (Kasavan, Mohamed and Halim, 2018 ).
The symbol may be another option in order to demonstrate the rating of any services
provided by the service provider to the service receiver. The symbol may be the sign
of plus (+) or any special character.
Numbers are another method to represent the rating of any food or beverage
business outlet. These numbers are generically ranging from 1 to 3, where one
Managing Food & Beverage_4

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