
Assessing the Infringements, Resolution and Effects


Added on  2019-10-01

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Assessing the Infringements, Resolution and Effects_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................3TASK 1......................................................................................................................................31.1 Sales-related legal and regulatory requirements and Codes of Practices.........................31.2 Principles of contract law and penalties for misrepresentation........................................41.3 Analyse the potential impact of social and ethical concerns related to sales function.....41.4 Processes and policies in organization meet ethical and social requirements and complywith legal and regulatory requirements..................................................................................5TASK 2......................................................................................................................................52.1 Ensuring that sales employees have a clear understanding of organization legal,regulatory, ethical and social policies and procedures and the importance of putting theminto practice............................................................................................................................52.2 Monitoring ways that legal, regulatory, ethical and social policies and procedures areput into practice......................................................................................................................62.3 Providing support to sales team in putting legal, regulatory, ethical and social policiesand procedures into practice...................................................................................................6TASK 3......................................................................................................................................73.1 Identify and rectify any failures to meet any legal and regulatory requirements.............73.2 Providing full reports about any failure to meet requirement to senior management......83.3 Monitoring and managing complaints regarding legal, regulatory, ethical and socialrequirements...........................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................9REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................102
Assessing the Infringements, Resolution and Effects_2

INTRODUCTIONThe current report has been referring to the acknowledgement of legal, regulatory,ethical and social requirement to the sales function. Further, drawing an insight on how thingscan be manageable if the sales function complies with legislation. Lastly, it showcases factson how one can deal in cases of non-compliance by sales member. For a better understandingof this assignment, Debenhams a known fashion retail store has been chosen and therequirements are fulfilled in context to this company. TASK 11.1 Sales-related legal and regulatory requirements and Codes of PracticesConsumer laws: Customer-oriented selling is a vital factor in both consumer andindustrial goods sector since building convincing relationship with customers is vital key toenhance the firms performance (McShane and Von Glinow 2013.).Debenhams has been a successful designer with 67 stores in 22 countries outside UKand Ireland. They trade in international market with a network of franchised stores incountries like Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Australia, UAE etc. The stores establishedherein are developed to adapt to local consumers preferences and adhere to building strongrelationship between customer selling strategy and sales performance. The consumer rights are the legal protected rights that arise when a company likeDebenham sells a product or service to them. Consumer is entitled to safeguard their rightsagainst supplier of the goods. They can exercise its rights to reject goods or claim refunds ifthe purchase is not as described, or of satisfactory quality or fit for the purpose (Rutledge,2010). This right is only acceptable if the fault is reasonable enough to be acclaimed. Underthis act consumers are also protected against the unfair treatment of the traders. Theprotection is also legally binding for the fact that the consumer enters into a contract.Furthermore, Debenhams through its online website also offer a number of additional rightsto the customer in distance selling. Code of Practices: In Debenhams there are clear sales responsibilities ensuring the following codespracticsed in recruit, employ, management and disciplining of the employees:3
Assessing the Infringements, Resolution and Effects_3

Freedom of Association: Freedom of Association & protection of the Right toOrganize Convention, 1948.Fair wages are paid: Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928Working hours aren’t excessive: Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919Modern Slavery Act:Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957Disciplinary practices and discrimination: Discrimination (Employment andOccupation) Convention, 1958The code of practices provides a guide and principles that constitute minimum and notmaximum standard (Vogel, D., 2010). The retail industry requires Code of practices toaddress the applicable laws and provision of such laws affording to provide greater protectionto sales department. Debenhams has clearly stated such practices, which has helped it inrendering positive sales performance. 1.2 Principles of contract law and penalties for misrepresentationThe principle of Contract Law is for ensuring that a fair transaction is ensuredbetween the seller and buyer. In a crux, it ensues that a reasonable transaction takes placewherein the customer receives good or services as per the description so provided and theseller receives the monetary value for the goods or services so offered (Robinson, 2010). Thecontract actually upkeeps the promise so made and makes it legally binding. Misrepresentation is a false statement of fact, which is made by a party to induce theother party for entering into a contract. The statement could be untrue or a true one but withmisleading facts. This statement can also be implied or expressed, either by way of conductor through silence but partial silence only, which can turn a statement into half-truth resultingin misrepresentation (Islam, 2014). The liability shall be limited for innocence and negligentmisrepresentation wherein the sales person will be liable to damages payable with a limit soapplicable. But in a wider context in case of fraudulent misrepresentation the liability shallnot be limited and will be decided on specific circumstance. 1.3 Analyse the potential impact of social and ethical concerns related to sales functionIn an organization like Debenhams it does trade fairly and also treats its local andinternational customers with respect, but nevertheless selling ethically goes beyond this. Theethics inculcates the system or code of morale of a specific individual, group, profession,religion etc. In order to makes sales properly, repeatedly and develop the market; thecompany needs to earn trust (Weber, J. and Wasieleski, D.M., 2013). In cases wherein the4
Assessing the Infringements, Resolution and Effects_4

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