
Impact of Digital Technology on Small Businesses


Added on  2020-06-06

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Managing Successful BusinessProject
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Aims and objectives of projects........................................................................................3P2 Project management plan..................................................................................................5P3 Explain Work break down structure and Gantt chart........................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................9P4 Carry out Small scale research..........................................................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12P5 Analysis of research and data using appropriate methods..............................................12........................................................................................................................................................12P6 Recommendation.............................................................................................................17TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................17P7 Reflection........................................................................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................20
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INTRODUCTIONDigitalisation have catered revolutionary disruption in the commercial and businesssector which is benefiting organisation in regard of sales, marketing and many other sector. Thishave become crucial to involve the digital technology in the organisation in effective way inorder to seek the attention of consumer (Sharon and Dori, 2015). This avail in recording anddocumentation of data, sales and marketing, demands and supply chain, accounting, humanresource managements etc. This re[port is based on the Unicorn Grocery which is a developingretail company in the United kingdom that is growing its business everyday. The organisation ischanging their documentation and information record system in order to innovate their programswit some digital technology This report will analyse the aims and objectives of enterprise alongwith evaluating the impact of this new innovation of digitalisation in the company. In order tomanage the outcome, it will conduct entire projects of research to meet the effective data. TASK 1P1 Aims and objectives of projectsProper and effective planning has become essential for expansion and development ofeach and every organisation in the global market. Through the help of proper planning, one canmeet their desired objectives, maximum profitability level and great outcome of the operations.A research projects should be able to light on the entire picture of the goals and targets og theorganisation and make their position in higher in global market. It is one of developing retailingenterprise which have limited resources including financial and human resources. The mainobjectives and motive of this assignments report is to met the return of investment on higherlevel through which enterprise can achieve full of clients satisfaction and worker needs. In therecent era, Competition have gain a higher place in the global market as competitors havebecome more oriented toward the digitalised structure (Smith, Gonin and Besharov, 2013). Theywill aid in manufacturing the services and goods in the determined frame of time. Unicorngrocery help in adopting this new innovation of documentation of technology for smoothfunctioning of activities of ans their operations also to make effective decision. This can beexplained as the digital technologies and innovation has the great influence on the developmentwhich company should cater. Topic: Impact of digital technology on growth and innovation. 3
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Background of the project: It has become fundamental for the operations of business tomodify the technologies according the marketing styles and change of external environment. Inthis new era of business, advanced technology use is more essential elements in the macroenvironment. It will help in carrying various commercial success and modification in theorganisation (Stoshikj, Kryvinska and Strauss, 2014). Digital technology help in varying theentire small and large organisation modification. With assistance of their operations, enterprisedepartments of marketing, division can inspire an worker for meeting the unique commodities inefficient way. Accounting and sales division render support in the financial activities anddocumentation of records that an organisation perform. On the different side, the HRM can hireand chose the higher qualified worker who contain excellent information and knowledge with theonline technology application. Another department is manufacturing that can produce betterservices through utilising enhanced methods and techniques on the lower cost of production. Thereport projects has rendered the various aims and goals that aid in leading the essential activitiesand functions in effective way. Aims: The major aims of this report is to evaluate the impact of digital technology ongrowth and innovation: A case study on Unicorn Grocery. Objectives: The organisation is considered as one of the best production organisation thatmajorly deal with the equipments of digital technology and device of computer which consist ofrouters, IP voice system, switch, interface controller etc. The organisation will be glad topurchase entire services and good quality at the reasonable cost of their consumer as well as aidin satisfying their wants and requirements completion in effective way (Leach, 2014). The willrecognise entire modifications that help in catering technological changes. Here are the majorobjectives of this projects is mentioned as below: To analyse the paramount explanation behind the alternation in distinct organisationfunction. To assess the business profitability as well as profitability maximisation in effective way. To set the control and influence of digital technology at the working environment. To assess the influence of digital technology in various divisions like accounts, finance,HRM, marketing etc. Research Question: 4
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What is the major explanation behind the modification in different functions oforganisation? Does innovation and digitalisation enhance the profitability and productivity oforganisation? How the digital technology impact on working environment? What are the impact of innovation and digital technology of small business growth? P2 Project management planThe management plan of projects demands for risk analysis and evaluation of variouselements that can refrain the assignments completion process. It will avail in the gaining theobjectives ad goals that is determined by an organisation so as Unicorn Grocery. A companyshould conduct the research of market for managing the design of administration as well asidentify the methods which can help in achieving the organisation's goals and objectives(Marston and et. al., 2011). In order to meet the final outcome of the projects, this is required toassess the basic needs and risks of projects in order to function entire innovation and digitaltechnology process in effective way in Unicorn Grocery. Here are the basic factor mentioned asbelow: Project Scope: This will help in meeting those areas of projects that need to be capture.Unicorn grocery is developing supermarket of United Kingdom which can expand theirsales as well as business through the help of digitalisation in the workplace throughwhich they can easily satisfy their clients on higher level. In the business projects oforganisation various sources will help enterprise in developing commodities in effectiveway as well as meeting the final outcome. Entire association us trying to meet theservices demanded by consumer for gaining maximum outcome that can help inenterprise's expansion. Cost Control: An projects demands for financial funds and activities which is required tobe managed in an organisation for meeting the outcome. This is essential for an enterpriseto plan or design the cost and expenses or budget before the execution of plan in order tocontrol the expenses (Porwal and Hewage, 2013). The Unicorn Grocery are including thesystem of digital technology and innovation in order to meet the new market which canhelp them in cost control of their employee as well as labour. Through the help of properplanning, the organisation can control the projects cost which is undertaking various5
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process like research, execution of plan etc. This is a very hectic process for whichorganisation have to set the criteria of projects £30,000 for which breakdown structure isalso have formulated. Quality Control: It is the major procedure that help in managements and development ofeffective products and service quality (Ryan and Campbell, 2012). Goof business supportactivities and better growth level of enterprise that can aid worker in interlink with eachother. Through the help of effective communication channel, the employee can stayconnected with each other. Worker and employer are entirely rely on the market researchprocess for managing the objectives and goals to meet the target. If an organisation likeUnicorn Grocery conduct the investigation and research programs, accumulation of datacan be helpful. In order to enhance the quality of project, enterprise is working onprimary and secondary research in order to get factual data for authentic outcome. Communication: This is essential elements while developing and managing a successfulbusiness projects. Unicorn Grocery need to create a proper and effective communicationbridge and channel of interaction in order to meet the final outcome. In order to resolvethe issues and conflicts, this is the best process which an organisation need to managethrough using proper marketing and communication tool. For example digital technology,online media etc. Resources: There are various resources that is indispensable to manage in order tocomplete a business project. There are various types of resources such as human resourcein order to manage the planning and execution process. Another is financial resource inorder to cater and adopt the procedure and structure in Unicorn grocery for maintaininginnovation and digital technology (Thomas, 2011). Technical Resources for managing theequipments and technologies according to the demands and enterprise requirements etc.These are essential to identify and manage in order to meet the outcome of businessprojects at Unicorn Grocery. Risk Management: This is major and leading tools and techniques that can help inevaluating and assessing entire risks emerge in future. It can be mentioned as thetechniques which can help in understanding and analysing the risk for meeting accurateissue solution. Through optimising the process of risk management,. One can meet theeffective outcome and reduce issues and problems in Unicorn Grocery while the process6
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