
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment


Added on  2020-12-28

25 Pages3030 Words310 Views
Managing Successful Business
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_1

Table of Contents
BACK GROUND............................................................................................................................1
1. Aims and Objectives of project..........................................................................................1
2. an appropriate project management plan ...........................................................................1
3.Conduction of research .......................................................................................................3
4. findings and conclusions ..................................................................................................5
5.Presentation of the project ..................................................................................................7
6. Recommendations ...........................................................................................................19
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_2

Digital Technology has resulted into a boon for every organisation in order to provide an
effective and efficient productivity. It has made every complex procedures which are followed in
a company into simpler one. This technological platform has provided a wider scope to the
production level of a company and facilitates in the easy handling of every task associated with
any department. It is used in every department for several purposes. An effective productivity
has lead many firms to earn a great profitability as it is very crucial for providing a competitive
advantage to them and a great sustenance.
One of the most used digital technology is artificial intelligence which is mostly used in
operational activities of a company. Artificial intelligence is the process which includes making
the machine to develop an ability to think like a human being or have similar decision making
programming. All the operational activities which are followed in Marks and Spencer reduces
the manual work and made it more automated. But there are many aspects that employees are not
much aware of the benefits related to it as it is very important to make them realise the worth of
applying artificial intelligence in operations department.
1. Aims and Objectives of project
Aim-To analyse the Impact of Artificial intelligence on Operational activities of an
organisation: A study of Marks and Spencer.
To acknowledge the impact of artificial intelligence on operational activities
To minimise the complexity for accomplishing tasks
To increase increase the productivity up to 5%
To make employees aware regarding benefit of Artificial Intelligence
To recommend and suggest various solution for the problems associated with the aim.
2. an appropriate project management plan
Project Management Plan is considered to be set of activities which are essential for the
effective completion of a project and are tended to be connected with each other. The scholar
will be provided guidance through this plan which will include the time factor that is needed to
be taken in concern for the management of time schedule in order to complete project on time.
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_3

The incompletion of any activity on time can lead to failure of the project; therefore, it is very
important to complete every activity on given time period which increases the effectiveness of
the project.
It includes many activities such as preparing a structure for a research which is followed
by the setting up of appropriate objectives and aims to create a vision which will lead to provide
a direction for investigation; after this it is very important to collect every necessary background
information for better understanding; selecting various methodologies which are required for
facilitating a successful research is another essential step in the project management; along with
this suitable selection of methods that can be used for collecting data from several sources; these
information is needed to be interpreted in order to conclude some relative findings which would
be represented with a visual presentation for better understanding and amending it according to
the suggestion and also advices. Following is the plan which depicts the time frame of every
Activity/Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Preparation of research proposal
for investigation
Setting aim and objectives
Developing understanding and
writing about background of topic
on which investigation has to be
Mixture of suitable methodologies
for research
Selection of method for Data
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_4

Data or information analysis
Representation of information
gathered to generate expected
Decision and making changes as
per the suggestion or advice
draft Submission
Final Submission of the report
3.Conduction of research
Research Methodologies
Research Philosophy- Investigator will use intepretivism philosophy by interpreting the
observed information which is gathered in which the researcher will study the scenario and will
make suitable conclusions(Goksoy, Ozsoy and Vayvay, 2012).
Research design- The research is descriptive as scholar will describe the scenario from
the topic chosen through conduction of survey (Johnson and Christensen, 2010). As investigator
will describe the impacts and related aspect of chosen research problem.
Research approach- Mixed research approach will be taken by scholar for conducting
Methods for Data collection- The research which will be done is primary research in
which questionnaire will be made by the scholar in order to get acknowledged regarding the
impact of artificial intelligence on operational activities of Marks and Spencer by making it
filled by employees in order to gather information regarding the research (Kane, Palmer and
Buckley, 2015).
Data analysis – Thematic analysis will be taken for analysing the data.
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_5

Sampling - The sample number will be taken 20 which will lead to provide the
information regarding whole population and it will be done on random basis (Flick, 2015).
Following is the questionnaire which is made for conducting the survey on awareness for
impacts that are created by artificial intelligence on operation department.
1.Which digital technology do you use for operational department of your company?
Artificial Intelligence
Social Media techniques
Cloud Computing
All of the above
2.Are you aware regarding the benefit from artificial intelligence?
3. How this technology has impacted the operational department?
Increased the efficiency
Maximised Automation
Less Complexity
All of the above
4. What were the requirements needed for implementing the particular technology?
Advanced Machines
Skilled Employees
Guidance from Specialist
All of the above
5. Are you satisfied with the implementation of this advanced technology ?
6.How it has impacted the company overall?
Positive Impact
Negative Impact
No Impact
7. What problems does organisation faced while initially adopting this technology?
Managing Successful Business Project Plan - Assignment_6

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