
Digital Technology Adoption in Small Enterprises


Added on  2020-06-03

21 Pages4297 Words54 Views
Managing Successful BusinessProject
Digital Technology Adoption in Small Enterprises_1

Digital Technology Adoption in Small Enterprises_2

INTRODUCTIONTo operating a business activity, business owners and employees are use digitaltechnology to conduct organisation activity effectively. These technologies are used throughvarious sources like mobile, internet, computer and different communication resources toincrease productivity easily. Technology affect business activities in both positive and negativeway but it is important for companies to apply these activity in ways that put them in advantageand increase their business structure easily. Digital technologies are require specific skills andknowledge to use them at various placers effectively and get its advantages easily. This projectreport is based on 3COM which is a digital electronics manufacturer and known for its computernetwork products. The company was founded in the year of 1979 by Robert Metcalfe.Digitalisation in 3COM is print their core business system and administer its activities in sharinginformation, introduce to people with new technologies as well as connect the people with theirproducts. The assignment is highlight aim and objectives of the organisation and its managementplan for growing in rapid way in future. At last the report is going to show suggestion to removeconflicts and barriers that can affect on their structure and procedures. TASK 1P1. Aim and ObjectivesWhen a organisation is established in the economy they set their aim and objective tosurvive in the economy easily. These aims are provide them different planning and strategy toget them easily and effectively. The planning is provide them effectiveness and growth for futureas well as competitive advantages easily. In other hand, this is the purpose of business for futurethat what they want and serve in market. Aim and objectives are very different to each otherbecause aim is define the what the business want in the future and objectives are stated for theirtargets or its planning of how to achieve aims effectively. These both activities are provide thempurpose as well as motivation to their employees to improve their ability according toorganisations need. In order to get important objective of organisation easily they need to usedigital technology. Thus, main objectives of this report are as follows-Analysis the requirement of tools and techniques and innovative ideas in the companyand economy. Understand the use new technology and and its impact on society. 1
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Identify the usages of digital technology in 3COM, others industry as well as for societyto improve their level. Provides brief knowledge to employees and society about digitalisation, its innovation aswell as its positive impact. After know the objective and aim of 3COM, it is very important to analysis on researchquestion to collect more information about digitalisation and its impact. The data will beprovides specific research on this topic-What are the uses of digitalisation in 3COM ?How the innovative ideas and technological equipment is beneficial for the organisation ?Is there any requirement of changes in digitalisation for 3COM ?Utilisation of various resources or techniques for organisation's growth ?After analysis of digitalisation and innovation organisation can easily make planning andstrategy for their objectives and goal to achieve them effectively. The need of this plan toprovide effectiveness in their products as well as plan that helps to introduce digitalisation in theeconomy. Through this process 3COM is raise their organisation structure and economy standardeasily. P2. Project management planPlanning for a organisation and their objectives, provides effective ideas and design tocreate something new to achieve them easily. This is use for all small scale and large scaleorganisation to provide them desire growth and effective outcomes. Project management isformulate ideas and thoughts to the organisation toward corrective path so the they can manageand handle their activities in better way. Plan is being made for growth of the organisation aswell as to get higher benefits or achieve organisation's aims and objectives. This is helps toreduce risk factor from the firm and provide them effectiveness to grow in future. There aresome factors that can affect in developing plan such as- Cost- This is effective thing to attract customers toward the products of the organisation.In this process organisation need top manage their cost according to their customers need andtheir capacity that they can easily afford. For this process 3COM need to use some techniquesthrough this they can easily reduce wastage from the organisation and manage their costeffectively. For a small enterprise it is very important to connect lost of customers to their2
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products that help them to get maximum profit and growth. Cost is the thing that effectively useto attract the costumers easily and provide them higher satisfaction as they always want. Scope- It is necessary for small scale organisation to landscape their size in the economythrough their products and innovative ideas. This is provide them a scope to represent theirinnovative ideas and products in front of their customers without any threats. Scope is providesgrowth and maximum profit to 3COM and a specific structure in the market or economy. Time- Time is all about produce various thing on a particular time and according tocustomers need. Digitalisation helps to reduce time factor from the organisation and providevarious opportunities to serve different products in market. Through this process 3Com easilyreduce wastage and get high productivity easily. For this organisation, it is very important tomanage their things according to innovative ideas and technological support. For a organisation,it is very important to manage their time effectively to make their own value in front of theircompetitor. Quality- It is a need for organisation to provide quality products to their customer tofulfil their demands effectively. Quality is all about the value of the product in the economy.Customers never want to purchase cheap quality products that can not provide them satisfactionas much they want. In this process digital technology helps to to produce quality product in lesscost and at a particular timing. So it is a management plan and requirement of 3COM to managetheir product quality according to their cost that they serve in the market. Communication- It is a necessary for the organisation to communicate effectively in theirorganisation as well as to their customers. Through this process they can easily get informationthat what their customers want from them as well as their employees need that organisation needto fulfil for a particular time period. This is a effective method that use to provide informationand message to each other that would be beneficial for 3COM. This think is help to reducebarriers and conflicts from the firm and help to build positive environment in the company. Risk- Risk is determine a term which is directly affect on function and operationalactivities of the organisation. For this organisation need to manage their activities in aappropriate manner that reduce risk factor from the 3COM. The management plan of thiscompany is use various tool and technologies to reduce risk factors as well as its negative affects.For this process manager of the organisation need to make various strategy to minimize risk that3
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can effect on its procedure as well as need to tech their staff member hoe to face these risksituation. Resources- This is all about utilization of various assets, manpower and other resourcesthat helps to provide future growth and effectiveness in the organisation. These all things help tobuild quality product in the organisation through various technologies. It is important for themanager of the 3COM that introduce or design innovative products in their organisation that helpto provide them growth and maximum benefits as well. P3. Work breakdown structure and Gantt chartAs the word identify the meaning of work break down is to dividing the work and taskinto various department in the organisation to reduce burden over a individuals and improveothers skills an capacity of working. In this process manager is deals with different segmentationof the organisation to manage activities with potential effects. In this process organisation isdivide into different department that operate various activities of the organisation. So for them,it is very important to manage their services in the firm to earn higher productivity and profit at aparticular time period. Work breakdown structure is the key project deliverable which conductteam works into manageable parts. It is deliverable oriented which decomposition of work thathas to be implemented by project team members. The work break down structure is a hierarchical list that defines major elements of theproject. It is used to divide complex projects work load between team members into manageableparts. This type of structure needs to use by 3COM to mage their technical activities in effectivemanner into the organisation. It is very helpful and useful for every association because it is helpto distribute role and responsibility between workforce of the company. 3COM is use thistechnique because they are deal with digital technology and provide various technical support totheir customers, so they need to use this to minimize their work load that can be over theindividual employees and provide responsibility to their each candidate. This is help to increasetheir working skills and capacity of adapting new techniques in effective manner. The Gantt chart represents a project report in which a company can come to know thatwhich task took the most time. For those task who take most the time and for such, theorganisation bring effective policy and decision which help the firm to reduce time taken. Allsuch help entity to attain their aims and objective in effective manner and thus with coordinationand collaboration among the departments can be seen and efficient work can be done which is4
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