
Corporate Social Responsibility


Added on  2020-06-04

25 Pages3897 Words48 Views
Managing a SuccessfulBusiness Project
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P.1. Devise the aims and objectives of project undertaken....................................................1P.2. Project management plan................................................................................................2P.3.Make Gantt chart and work breakdown structure for stages of completion....................3P.4.Carry out small scale research using qualitative and quantitative research methods.......4P.5. Analyse the data that is found out in research...............................................................15P.6. Give proper recommendations according to the research carried out...........................19P.7 Value of research and it's importance............................................................................20Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................21REFERNCES.......................................................................................................................22
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INTRODUCTIONCorporate social responsibility refers to the process of corporate self-regulation integratedinto a business model. Corporate social responsibility policy main function is to do self-regulation and ensure its active compliance with the spirit of law, international, national norms.CSR is very helpful in nowadays as it regulates the work that is used to do social welfare of thesociety. It involves taking the steps which are useful for the society and help the society grow.The corporate social responsibility has attracted many stakeholders and businesses since it is notonly in doing the business but also the overall benefit of the society which in result helps theoverall development of any country or the place where these responsibilities take over. Itinvolves the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic activities which play the major role here.Nowadays, companies are focusing too much on these responsibilities because the world today ismoving towards making products which are helpful for customers.P.1. Devise the aims and objectives of project undertaken.Posh Nosh is a very known restaurant and company which is responsible for havingexcellence in the food and drinks that it provides. It has a 25 years of experience and it deliverssome of most executive foods and drinks. It also participates in event management like wedding,functions, presentation, corporate parties etc. The main objective here is to know how thecompany can make use of the waste food that is left behind. Food is obviously wasted at anyrestaurant so it is required to come up with ideas which will use this waste food and transform itinto something useful. Also the way through which the food waste can be reduced. The main aimof the company is to increase their profits by undertaking corporate social responsibilities.Increase profits – The main aim here is to increase the profits of Posh Nosh. It can be donesimply by reducing the waste food or utilising it for re use. The left out food is a loss to thecompany and it has to be reduced with time(Dahlsrud,A,2008).Attract customers – More number of customers bring more revenues to Posh Nosh. So, companymust focus on increasing their sales. If Posh Nosh will have a unique CSR technique, thendefinitely customers will be attracted.Control the waste – Most crucial thing here is controlling waste to overcome any loss.Restaurants will have issues over this and it can be useful.1
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Train employees – Employees must be trained to take care of any food wastage. If employeeswill be enlightened, then it can be seen that it can help a lot overcome this issue.P.2. Project management plan.Posh Nosh generates lots of waste food products which needs to be controlled and takencare of. Various steps need to be taken to control factors responsible for this waste.Step 1 Storage of food has to be done properly – If the storage is not done properly then foodmay rot and can't be used again. It should be stored in fridges and freezers which must run athigher temperatures. It needs to be taken care that low risk foods are always stored at highershelves than high risk foods and keep storage areas clean and tidy.Step 2 Donate leftovers to a local charity – Donating waste food to local charity who are need offood is a good way that it can be used for a good cause. This is a good CSR activity and must befollowed to help the needy. What can be better than this because it can serve both purpose. HelpsPosh Nosh as well as the poor people who are in need of it. Due to such activity company canalso generate good business and attract stakeholders for company(Dahlsrud,A,2008).Costs-The cost of the project will take around 1000 pounds. This money can be used to controlthe waste product. This will involve recycling of waste product and then using it again forbenefit of company. The chefs and workers have to be given proper instructions about makingthe required amount of food only and shouldn't exceed the limit. This is also a reason for wastefood. Recycling can be done every now and then. The recycled food can be used and packed todeliver it to customers. The project also incurred transportation cost too.Quality – If quality of food is compromised then customers won't buy it and will move away. So,care has to be taken to maintain the quality of food delivered to customers. Project involvessetting quality standard and checking it repeatedly. Around 200 pounds will be used for checkingpurpose (Dahlsrud,A,2008).Communication – CSR activities can be spread and told to other people by advertising overinternet by using company's websites, Facebook, banners, pamphlets etc. Communication playsan important role because through this only the news can be spread to various parties and people.CSR activities like providing food for charities, free meals for poor etc. can attract manystakeholders and business people to put the money in project. This can be told in surety becausepeople nowadays are inclined towards making world a better place to live in. Also, as seen on2
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marketing basis it becomes very easy for companies to create a good brand image (McWilliams,A,Siegel,D.S.).Risk and resources – Risks are always there when money is involved. Calculated risks will betaken in order to avoid any loss that can happen to Posh Nosh. Resources will be required todevelop machines which would do recycling of waste food. Also these are required to make fooditems and drinks. Posh Nosh should also try to innovate in their menu because it is requiredeverywhere. If restaurant will have unique dishes and drinks, then customer will be attracted bythemselves and pull concept of marketing can be used. Also project will focus on employing newchefs which would bring new cuisines and marketing strategies. Project focuses on bringing thedishes which are continental and are not easily available.Time – Time taken to make and serve will be improved. If time taken is too much during fooddelivery, then customer may not like it. Due to this reason special techniques and resources willbe used to reduce time that is taken to complete any task. Many customers get irritated fordelayed delivery of ordered food (McWilliams,A,Siegel, D.S.).P.3.Make Gantt chart and work breakdown structure for stages of completion.Work breakdown structure refers to a system which is used to change a project intosmaller components. It is breakdown of complex structure into simple components. It helps theteam to manage work easily and efficiently. It helps a lot to make the work happen easily andsmoothly. It is a simple technique to break complex works into easy work and hence productivitycan be improved of any company. It is very essential to understand how a good system can helpcompletion of a work quickly and providing a good way. For every division which needs to betaken care of a good result is made which is helpful for any organisation. Here too it can be seenthat main three components of CSR are aims and objectives, project management plan and smallscale research. These are basic components here and again sub divisions are made here which areof great help. Under these the sub divisions are cost, time, quality, resource etc.(McWilliams,A,Siegel,D.S.).3
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Breakdown structure:Gantt chartActivitiesWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Aims and objectivesProject management planSmall scale researchData record and analysis of dataRecommendation according todata interpretationGantt chart is used to know the entire work that is being carried out in a project. It tells mostlythe entire schedule of the company. It will tell the work done and the activities undertaken withthe ongoing duration of time. Here we can see it in the given table too. It is very important to seethis and to know the process. This helps a lot to understand the process and to make an overview.P.4.Carry out small scale research using qualitative and quantitative research methods.The research is based on doing surveys which involves using questionnaires. Thisquestionnaire is the basis for making decisions and then taking respective steps. The researchhere can be seen as quantitative and qualitative research.4CSR1 Aims and Objectives2 Project Management PlanCostObjectivesAimsResources3 Small Scale research QualitativeQuantitative TimeScopeQualityCommunication
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