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Importance of Marketing Management within Sainsbury


Added on  2022/12/26

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This report analyzes the importance of marketing management within Sainsbury, the second largest retail brand in the industry. It focuses on STP marketing strategies, marketing mix strategies, and relationship marketing strategies. The report also discusses the use of digital tools and platforms for promotion.

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Marketing management

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Executive summary
The report has concluded in detail importance of marketing management within Sainsbury,
second largest retail brand in industry where it offers varied range of products and services for
customers. Report has concluded STP marketing strategies, marketing mix strategies which are 7ps
based on productive diversity where wide scale innovation is focused on. Study has also in depth
focused on analysis in relationship management for bringing on further customer goodwill rise, by
bringing on fundamental business tactics actively. There are varied range of digital tools, platforms
used on functional promotion for best variety of products and services which has enabled Sainsbury
high scale advancement.
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Table of Content
1 STP strategy..................................................................................................................................4
2 Marketing Mix strategy................................................................................................................6
3 Relationship market strategy in relation with emphasis on current tactics...................................8
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................11
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Marketing management can be understood as one of the most crucial function within
company discipline, which focuses on practical application of marketing orientation for effective
diversity. Today’s retail industry is competitively raising with wide scale innovation coming in
marketing, through digital strategies for presenting lucrative products and services for customers.
For this report, Sainsbury case scenario has been taken as company for in depth analysis towards
wide range of marketing determinants and long term competitive positioning within dynamic
competitive business world. Sainsbury provide wide quality grocery products across food
merchandise, clothing and financial services with attractive prices and best customers satisfactory
services. Report will be analysing focus on STP strategies under marketing management, to reach
higher revenue goals and customer goodwill benchmarks. Study will further address scope of
marketing mix strategies for yielding wider focus on best promotion of products and services.
Relationship market strategy in relationship with emphasis of current innovative business tactics
will be analysed further, for competent scale fundamental growth. This will also inculcate focus
towards latest business competencies shaping brand value actively, yielding preferences on wider
innovation through digital marketing.
1 STP strategy
STP stands for segmenting, positioning and targeting varied business strategies for making
marketing innovatively target oriented within long term competitive scenarios (Amira and Fitriasari,
2021). Main goal of Sainsbury for using STP can be understood to attract varied range of potential
customers among target market based on preferences, market oriented demand structure and
imperative focus towards wider revenue goals. Sainsbury offers wide range of grocery products,
goods and services catering to innovative business demands in competitive retail industry where
competent innovation is fast pacing actively. Supermarket brand has over 785 stores in UK, where
wide range within customer market share has been competitively expanding in recent periods.
Brand not only focuses on easy reach of products among customers, with high presence among
malls and best supply chains but also aims to head focus toward smart STP strategies. STP is used
by Sainsbury for increasing growth sales in market share domains and provide adequate direction
towards advanced sale functioning, also to adhere new scale positioning factors for evolving
towards competitive advantage (Agustin and Handyman bra Trigon, 2021).
ď‚· Segmentation: Market segmentation organizes customers and business base within
demographical, behavioural and phsycograophic aspects for best fundamental scale diversity
(Cortez, Clarke and Freytag, 2021). By segmenting customers based on these factors

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Sainsbury aims to break down target market audience into smaller and manageable groups,
based on varied range of innovative business strategies for attaining goodwill benchmarks.
People who prefer online shopping and offline for grocery and daily needs goods are
segmented based on preferences, wide range of technical variety towards yielding
productive goals. Segmentation by demographic variable is critically focused on by use of
factors such as sex, age, family cycle income and occupation factors to segment effectively
for higher scale innovation strategies. Market segmentation enables Sainsbury to get to
know customers varied preferences, identify various needs among customer market
segments and determine best execution goals. To bring new range of organic fruits in all
stores services, Sainsbury will segment customers who prefer healthy lifestyle and varied
range of organic food options (What is STP Marketing? Segmentation, Targeting &
Positioning Guide, 2020).ď‚· Targeting: Further within targeting, customer market segments are targeted to increase in
competition for enhanced purchasing power among audiences and influence market
positioning further (Bigo, Raj and Situmeang, 2021). Households and individual families
are the main target customers for Sainsbury where brand aims to target varied range of
customers in this category, with best products varieties and services catering to their
preferences. Brand uses differentiated marketing at this step, where targeting is done with
focus towards depth and clarity of resource planning for strategic innovation in further
marketing synergies. Differentiated marketing enhances catering of market reach among
multiple audiences, for boosting profitability and sales volume in market presence for
presenting economies of scale within large audiences. Sainsbury by using differentiated
marketing creates sense for brands to identify wider effective brand value, unique benefit
and resonance with high scale personalisation. It makes sense for brand to identify wider
market segments, by designing best market segments and customer focused marketing
strategies. Sainsbury focuses on serving target customers with best personalisation of
products, fast service delivery options which further enables profound positioning. The
organic fruits products range will be targeted based on varied efficacy benchmarks, where
fresh supply of products create differentiated market brand value (What Are Differentiated
Marketing, Concentrated, and Undifferentiated Marketing?, 2021).
ď‚· Positioning: This is last step of STP marketing procedure where it enables market
evaluation actively for smart positioning informatively based on company goals within
diverse competencies (Huang and Rust, 2021). Accurate positioning creates productive place
of product in target customer’s mind, which enables brand to create thoughtful strategy for
catering higher attention among customer’s preferences. Benefits of positioning can be
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evaluated as it enables brand loyalty development and higher creative innovative strategies,
for advanced competent positioning in dynamic competitive retail industry. Sainsbury brings
on best promotion strategies such as discounts, buy 1 get 1 free options for all target
customers analysed on above step. Positioning further enables creative brand value growth
towards untapped horizons and technical innovation to bring on new variety of products
further. For example: Sainsbury in all its retail stores and online platforms offers wide
attractive offers to bring on lucrative opportunities for scaled up market scenarios, enhance
keen determined horizons and also pertain focus towards innovation (Stikine, Gorky’s and
Bartuseviciene, 2021). Organic food supply range will be positioned by bringing on
advanced price marketing strategies, for competent scaled up expansion opportunities.
Promotion also comes in as one of the most essential factor within marketing innovation,
towards which Sainsbury aims to use best digital platforms for reaching on varied range of
customer markets.
Sainsbury uses STP as analysed above, for wide range of products and services innovation
and higher imperative scaled up goals for productive efficacy towards new operational horizons.
The above discussed factors have in depth fundamentally expired vivid range of innovation and
stringent creativity, by Sainsbury towards online services and fast competitive retail industry to
evolve on new targets actively.
2 Marketing Mix strategy
Marketing mix plays crucial role in strengthening productive determining strength to attract
wide range of target customers, enhance brand value and functionally grow towards untapped
innovative business goals (Khorsheed and, 2020). 7 PS of marketing brings on varied range
of investment business opportunities for company, to emphasize new innovative strategies and build
platforms raising on varied benchmarks. Sainsbury as one of the top leading brand within retail
industry, aims for technical growth towards production competencies actively towards marketing
domains. Sainsbury aims to use best creative marketing strategies for gaining stronger position in
competitive retail industry at global parameters and stringently grow towards fundamental
progression (Hair Jr and Sestet, 2021).
ď‚· Product: Product mix strategy has been actively shaping competent phase at Sainsbury,
where company offers large range of products and services for all customers within stores
and online market platforms. Sainsbury heavily invests in brand product development,
possessing great position within retail competitive industry with over more than 15,000 own
products. Fresh bakery products, meat and frozen food products are some of the best
grocery products offered for customers. There are wide range of health and beauty products
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available also along with clothing and electronics, which provide wide range of variety for
customers. Sainsbury takeover of Argos has also further increased products portfolio
advance, where product factor is essentially strong to bring on customer preferences
informatively. Sainsbury with premium quality structure among products and services, aims
to expand on diverse verities as per varied customers preference actively evolving in recent
periods (Stikine, Gorky’s and Bartuseviciene, 2021).
ď‚· Price: Sainsbury offers value for money with attractive price strategies for ensuring
customer retention, to maintain quality and services evolving within competent surging
retail industry. Company faces stiff competition in customer market, for tackling prices set
by rival brands actively towards varied range of competitors. Groceries and fresh products
are sold at reasonable and high scale affordable price rates for attracting customers actively,
where Sainsbury is best prominent brand. It also faces stiff competition in customer market
for which adopting of competitive pricing policy has been fruitful, to tackle prices set by
rival brands. This also comes in as one of the most essential factor which enhances diversity
of brand value, where price factor strengthens specific goodwill on longer time frame.
ď‚· Place: Sainsbury has 598 supermarkets and 714 convenience store, where 45 stores operate
24*7 providing customers wide scale of services actively pacing up competent functional
scale abilities (Shah and Murtha, 2021).Sainsbury with its wide spread of stores at global
levels have produced dominant place within retail sector globally, making it second largest
retail company. There is online presence also for internet shopping where customers can
choose products online, avail fast delivery options where best supply chain management has
played crucial role. Sainsbury website offers food tokens, gift vouchers and food tokens that
attracts large target customers based on varied preferences and market supply domains for
competitive scale growth. Place factor has been actively gaining importance in recent
periods as online retail supply chain of various new brands, bring on high competition for
Sainsbury to also further upscale online presence.
ď‚· People: Sainsbury has good mix of well trained professional experts among workforce that
are aware of best customer behaviour services , which further enables to segment customers’
needs effectively. Brand heavily invests on HR for training employees, skills enhancement
and competent fundamental scale growth towards best goodwill development. Best skilled
expertise is behind serving best innovative products under various portfolios of company for
technical innovation, potential market stretch fundamentally and also to yield expertise
benchmarks. Employees are one of the biggest strength for Sainsbury, where it heads focus
towards best customer satisfaction and leveraging higher technical diversified synergies

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pertaining specific market demands.
ď‚· Process: Sainsbury stores along with varied range of stores, has also made online shopping
for customers with convince of click and collect, services where groceries products with
premium quality are being served (Otter bring, 2021). The brand uses best procedures to sell
wide range of products based on advanced organised structured determinants, making
distribution activities widely cost effective. Online marketing has also made pricing and
allocation of various delivery options for enhanced customer loyalty, wider brand
development towards dynamic customer’s preferences. Process factor holds wide
importance with high scale technical growth in innovative business procedural reach and
best creative market diversion, for expansion into untapped customer market.
ď‚· Physical evidence: Sainsbury uses excellent strategy to market its products and services
suing physical evidence factor , where store designs and layouts having wide facilities for
customers has enhanced brand value actively. Quality facto ha seen stringently growing with
productive diversity for offering impressive shopping experience, and high scale varied
synergy impacting new advanced growth domains. Physical evidence plays essential role
for enabling customers to enjoy high scale hygienic atmosphere in all stores, with clean
stores it becomes appealing for wide range of customers. It can be also analysed that
Sainsbury within fast competitive retail sector has scope to further invest innovatively, in
bringing forward high convenience
3 Relationship market strategy in relation with emphasis on current tactics
Relationship market strategy refers to efforts taken by company in building long term
relationships with customer market, with view to increase engagement for longer duration and
active goodwill development (Lu, 2021). Sainsbury uses best innovative relationship marketing
strategy as facet of customer relationship management, focusing on customer loyalty and long term
profound engagement within keen scenarios. Goal of relationship marketing is to create strong
emotional bond among customers, with business strategies provoking free word of mouth
promotion and customer’s preferences. Relationship market strategy in relation with Sainsbury
latest marketing strategies can be evaluated to be crucial, to enhance satisfaction levels on varied
domains for competent scale growth. Social media approach with audiences is key to bring on best
marketing approach for relationship market strategy, which also ensures brand goodwill to line up
with latest functional arenas (Relationship Marketing Strategies for Customer Retention, 2021).
Benefits of relationship marketing:
ď‚· Higher customer lifetime value is generated by heading on stronger relationship market
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strategy, for productive diversity growth towards untapped market horizons and innovative
business domains. Sainsbury has varied scope for investing in tools such as customer
experience management (CEM), for recording customers feedbacks about products quality
and wide range of services. This also enhances technical productive strength, for tailoring
customers preferences based on serving them with best products standards and heading
towards digital pathways actively (Li, Larimore and Leonidas, 2021).
ď‚· Stronger brand alignment with customers is another benefit by which Sainsbury influences
productive market oriented growth, among untapped business domains and to yield on
stringent functional innovation practically. Relationship marketing gives scope for
connecting varied customer loyalty points at higher domains, where Sainsbury as one of the
top retail brand hires best employees within departments. It can be also analysed that
stronger in depth focus towards untapped relationship marketing strategies raise on profound
ď‚· Relationship marketing enables new methods to be evolved for establishing extended
customer goodwill by enriching new pathways, with high scale connectivity towards
accurate benchmarks. Surveys, email marketing and digital tools bring on best pathways, on
which Sainsbury has scope to reach higher thresholds for effective diversification actively.
With global competitive rise in retail industry innovation customers’ demands have been
also excelling functionally, where Sainsbury has imperative scope to head on commercial
strength (Islam and, 2021).
Sainsbury recent tactics correlated with relationship marketing
 Sainsbury within recent time periods has built varied changes, among customer’s
satisfactory services that have helped to create confidence within COVID-19 pandemic
periods. The brand has raised high scale investments to deploy best skilled employees
among varied departments, accelerating cost savings effectively the relationship marketing
strategy by Sainsbury aims to revolve on best food quality served among customers rapidly,
high tech innovation and consistent innovative business goals. It further aims to reduce
complexity, transform cost base and ensuring portfolio within brand development for
delivering strong shareholder return value.
ď‚· Sainsbury in relation with wide relationship marketing aims to create step change in
transforming approach to costs, simplifying structural procedures and operating costs base
fundamentally. Brand is accelerating imperative creative new cost saving plans to unlock
customer goodwill rise opportunities, functionally enhance goodwill towards untapped
horizons (What Sainsbury’s is doing to make shopping with it more convenient, 2019).The
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online platforms bring on fast customer satisfactory compliance, where Sainsbury heads on
focus towards investing towards serving customers with at first satisfaction, by representing
wide scale innovative business strategies. It also heads on creating positive impression
through customer opinions and surveys which helps in creation of high productive services.
Launching loyalty programs rewards customers effectively with varied range of community
programs, also enables to build profound functional growth towards untapped horizons
ď‚· Investments in convent shopping and creation of seamless customer experience generates
competitive efficiency among connected horizons, which enhances competitive scale growth
in future operational goals. Sainsbury services within products availability among customers
satisfaction scores up more productivity, where scan technology smart is used for further
yielding new competitive diversity. Retailer brand is investing in optimum technology to
improve infrastructure, connectivity and hardware tools where customers today can get their
products fatly booked. Groceries processing is done in 75% lower time than before, which is
one of the best strength for brand to optimally expand in untapped horizons functionally (41
Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools to Help You Grow, 2020).
Sainsbury has further scope to enter into varied range of competent scale innovation within
products and services actively, enhance business reach among new target customers for excelling
potentialities within global retail industry. Relationship marketing also brings on varied range of
business growth opportunities for brand to
ď‚· Social media platforms for marketing such as Facebook, YouTube has high scope to use as
best promotion tools, within digital pathways for yielding towards wider quest operational
parameters. Digital promotion will enable Sainsbury to segment customers actively towards
varied preferences within productive horizons, keenly expand on imperative domains
actively. Social media presence will enable brand to expand towards fundamental diversity
horizons and create goodwill presence, for technical viability towards promotion strategies
on new scale aspects. Stronger alignment of company goals with customers’ requirements
enable new expansion to be enriched actively, strength to be profoundly raised on towards
untapped market scenarios (Dash, Kiefer and Paul, 2021).
ď‚· Digital marketing campaigns needs to be worked on by scaling up brand investments,
towards effective diverse paradigms efficacy and strengthening functional scope effectively.
New advanced digital tools such as affiliate marketing, content web marketing,
programmatic advertising needs to be implemented where hiring best social media expertise
will strengthen goodwill development. Sainsbury has varied scope to keep up with varied

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customers preferences on digital networks, where technology determinants being
fundamentally strong gives keen push to wide level of positive revenue growth.
ď‚· Branding towards untapped customer market expansion is also competently crucial for
Sainsbury, where expansion in global untapped market scenarios has varied scope for larger
vision oriented marketing. This can be analysed as one of the most essential scope for brand
marketing enrichment, to yield on keen quest goals formulation rapidly as per latest
functional scope. This can be more in depth analysed to be critically essential for yielding
new imperative focus on strengthening its human resources, training employees with latest
skills for commercial growth. Goodwill among stakeholders and shareholders needs to be
also enhanced within latest working decisions as per functional benchmarks, for evolving on
untapped market horizons actively (Glia., Paul and Gilal, 2021).
From the above analysed report it can be concluded marketing management has been
productively expanding functionally within dynamic evolving retail industry paradigms. Sainsbury
is second largest retail brand offering best quality products, services for wide range of customers
spread among global parameters. It has concluded brand uses STP to enhance marketing strategies,
where demographic segmentation enables company for fundamental customer market segmenting.
Differenced targeting is used and positioning further is done by lucrative discounting price
strategies for evolving competitive domains. Study further concluded in depth analysis of latest
marketing mix strategies used by Sainsbury, by focusing towards 7ps where Sainsbury uses best
innovative business parameters. Report concluded in further analysis importance of relationship
management to strengthen market presence among customer goodwill domains, enhance business
tactics actively. It has concluded Sainsbury heads on best advanced customer relationship
management for keen innovation, promotion tools provoking growth and expansion towards
untapped customer market.
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