
Marketing Essentials: Roles, Responsibilities, and Marketing Mix of TESCO


Added on  2022-12-30

13 Pages2912 Words91 Views
Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials: Roles, Responsibilities, and Marketing Mix of TESCO_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
P1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function. ..................................3
P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing that relate to wider context of organisation............5
TASK 2 .........................................................................................................................................6
P3 Marketing mix of 7P'S...........................................................................................................6
Marketing Mix (7 P'S) ...................................................................................................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
P4 Marketing plan for an organisation........................................................................................8
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10
REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................11
Books and Journal.....................................................................................................................11
Marketing Essentials: Roles, Responsibilities, and Marketing Mix of TESCO_2

Marketing is something that help the company to promote their business and also support in to
increase the productivity. Marketing is also the procedure of group of establishment, operation
for designing, human interaction, transferring and dealing with offers which have worth for their
consumers, guest, shareholders,investors and community. Merchandising include investigation, ,
boost of goods , publicity, mercantilism of the goods and employment. The terms Marketing
essentials defined the necessitate and wants of the consumer like what are their desires and
which types of services and product and they want. TESCO is multinational organisation situated
in Welwyn Garden City, in United Kingdom. TESCO is retail company and operate the
production of clothing, food, shoes , home appliances and many more. This context define the
function and obligation of marketing operations and determine as well as. This context is going
to explain the marketing mix of the company and the strategy that is followed by the company to
increase their productivity(Manion, and Widder, 2017).
P1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function.
The term marketing is the process of exchanging the thoughts , ideas, views and persuasion
about the goods and facilities that are provided by the company.
Marketing Concept: Marketing concept of the company is very important and essential
concept for the company. This concept of marketing essentials analyse the requirements, desires
and necessitate of their clients and customers and then start working on their requirements to
satisfy them.
Current and Future Trends in Marketing: Present merchandising pedagogy is
constantly adopt by the company due to alteration and development in The enterprise. TESCO
use journalist, broadcasting, news media and many furthers methods and ways to showing their
message towards the customers. TESCO applied many tools for increasing the productivity and
publicity and promotion for their products(Al-Nashmi, and Almamary, 2017). TESCO share
several offers for attracting more customer like discount rate ,gifts and many more proposals.
For increasing their productivity the company used these types of offers to create more customer
range and increase their popularity in the market.
Marketing Essentials: Roles, Responsibilities, and Marketing Mix of TESCO_3

Process of Marketing: Structure and process of marketing preface by TESCO
organisation. Here are some steps that is follow by the company TESCO that are explained
Step 1- Set of Marketing team of TESCO going to examine market investigation so that
will help the company to understand the external factors, threats and opportunities of the
company. The company consider mostly the requirements and desires of the client and
consumers(Pater, and Cristea, 2018).
Step 2- When the investigation is complete by the TESCO then they determine and
decide the appropriate imagination for their clients and customer. TESCO split their
customers on the behalf of wants and formation substance.
Step 3- After divisional of their clients and identifying their activeness, functions and
sales outlet, TESCO marketing team introduce a merchandising system that going to help
the firm in inspiriting and boosting its products and employment, That will also help
them to increase their profitability.
Step 4- In this employees of the company TESCO working on their manufacture for
achieving and completion of this system. This structure and framework is established
for boosting their products and facilities in TESCO.
TESCO is the very largest and top most firm in the globe. TESCO supply facilities to many
more customers per week or according to the calendar week of the shop that are considered by
them. In TESCO the department of marketing show a much important function in survival and
for enhancement of the company. Sensational function and operations of marketing helping the
company to pull much customers range for the organisation. Main function and intention of
marketing area are as followed:
Market information- Market information is very essential and much important function
for the company because it support them to analyse the market information and internal ,
external factors that will help them in production of their product.
Finance- There are several kind of functions that are operate by selling and that is
attached to finance. Marketing team of TESCO have to produce a program and monetary
fund for enhancing and encouraging the activities of the company(Faßmann, and Moss,
Marketing Essentials: Roles, Responsibilities, and Marketing Mix of TESCO_4

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