
Impact of Internal and External Factors on Business Performance


Added on  2019-09-30

25 Pages4961 Words261 Views
Marketing Strategy and PlanBear Nibble
Impact of Internal and External Factors on Business Performance_1

Table of ContentsExecutive Summary.........................................................................................................................1Introduction......................................................................................................................................1External Analysis.............................................................................................................................2Customer Analysis...........................................................................................................................8Internal Analysis............................................................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................16References......................................................................................................................................181
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Executive Summary Bear Nibble is known as the smallest organization which provides different products to itsexisting customers. The organization operates in different business segments. It provides itscustomers with all facilities of better health and low calories in its products. This report mainlyfocusing on the feasibility of strategies of Bear Nibbles. Internal and external analysis of theorganization is performed to understand the different internal and external factors whichinfluence the success of the organization in high context. PESTEL and Porter's five model studyis utilized to understand the different external factors, or SWOT analysis is utilized to understandthe core competencies and opportunities of the organization. Analysis of these factors helpful indeveloping and implementing the successful strategies.Introduction Bear Nibbles is considered as an organization which is engaged in producing delicious naturalfood products such as paws, yoyos, alphabites, and fruit nibbles. The quality of its productsmakes it different from the other existing food organizations. It was established during 2009 withits headquarter in London, GB, and England. In this paper, we will study about the internal andexternal analysis of the organization by using different tools. This will help us in suggesting abetter strategic plan for the success of the organization. It is a private organization which isconsidered subsidiary of Lotus Bakeries. It offers attractive food options to its customers so thatit can enhance its brand image in the eyes of people. It produced its products with gently bakedfresh fruit, whole grains and vegetables. This will enable the organization to produce healthconscious food with low sugar level. Till now, the organization is earning $17.7 million revenuewhich enables it to bring latest innovative and tasty food products. The estimated employees of2
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the organization are approximate 81 which makes it possible to compete in its existing market inan efficient manner (Rothaermel, 2015). The main competitors of the organization are MondelezInternational, Kellogs, MARS, PepsiCo, and Nestle. It can be said that the dried fruit snackingcategory in the UK has been faced a tremendous growth from last some year and benefitingenlarge the different food products organization in the UK. Therefore, the main challenge infront of the Bear Nibbles was to create engagement with customers. This will offer theorganization, functional as well as emotional benefits. The UK industry is considered the mostsuccessful industry and is considered the fifth-largest national economy industry in the wholeworld. There are a large number of industries contributes towards the economy of the US. Itoperates under food and beverages industry of UK which is considered a larger industry as perthe revenue than other industries of the business sectors. External AnalysisIt is necessary to understand the external environment of the organization if it wants to survivefor a long time in its available market. External factors influence the profitability of theorganization in a significant manner (Eden, 2013). It is the key part of the planning of theorganization. The external environment of the Bear Nibbles can be understood by studyingfollowing tools: PESTEL AnalysisThis tool is utilized to understand the macroeconomic factors of the organization which can behelpful in measuring the external opportunities and threats. Its components are:Political Analysis3
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Generally, it is considered that the political environment of the UK is highly covered by thepolicies and regulations formulated by the government in the country (Rachet, 2014). GreatBritain is considered as a constitutional monarchy for the country. Furthermore, the governmentof the country also formulate some defense strategies to regulate the performance of differenttypes of industries in the country. Constitution monarchy means that the official head of the stateis considered the monarch by her or his powers are limited by the constitution. Political factorsof the state are following:Accession of new membersEU regulationsUpdated lawsThus, it can be said that government and politics play an important role in the success of abusiness organization. The political influence on the food products market is generally not aspronounced as it is with the other markets. Food product is considered safe products and thus isnot subject to extensive political debate. So, the organization need not to worry about theinfluence of the political factors.Economic AnalysisThe economy of the UK is considered the sixth largest economy in the whole world if itmeasured by the nominal GDP and eighth largest if it is measured as per the purchasing power.In the 8th century, the UK was considered the first country in the world to industrialize and thesecond industrial revolution in the country and Germany represented a growing economicchallenge to Britain (Martin, 2013). The below mentioned are some economic factors: Changes in rate of interest4
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Attack by terrorist during 2001 influenced all the people of the industryPeople were scared to make investments and travel.Sterling and growing strength of Euro is making the economy of the UK very strongerThe economic atmosphere of the country will play a significant role in shaping the failure andsuccess of the organization. Interest Rate and Unemployment is considered the most influentialfactor for the organization. It is because if the rates of interest are too high than the borrowingcost of the organization enhancing due to which the organization is not able to expand the size ofits business.Social AnalysisWorking in the industries is highly influenced due to the circumstances of the society in whichthey operating (Sölvell, 2015). The below mentioned are some social factors:Having ageing people in the society of the UKDifferent types of sports, tourism, and leisure activities are availableThe society of the UK permits all types of workers from all over the world.The London 2012 helped the country in fostering the identity of the UK.In addition, it can be said that buying habits and lifestyle factors of social environmentinfluencing the organization in greater extent. All this happens because sale of food productsdepends mostly on the buying habits and requirements of the people.Technological AnalysisThe important thing regarding information technology is to improve the internet technologyinfluence the economy of the country in a significant manner. The industrial areas of the city5
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