
Check Current Temperature


Added on  2019-09-18

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2017-2018Module: CI 6310User ExperienceTitle of Assignment:Ux ProjectModule weighting: 100% courseworkSubmission details: There are four reports, and two prototypes to hand-in. Hand-in of reports is covered here. Hand-in of the prototype is covered in the prototype section.Hand in of Reports, Cover Sheet & File Name ConventionsThe maximum file size is 15MB (approx.), so please reduce the size of screenshots and other images, before you insert them into your document. If you have problems uploading via Canvas, then please upload your files in a .zip to a shared folder on www.box.com, e-mail me the link, and include a link to this folder in the Appendix of the report. Please name your report file using the following convention - <FAMILY NAME_FIRST NAME_Knumber_ReportName_CIXXXX). Your individual report will need to be identified using the title of the pdf, and titles such as ‘Ux coursework’ are very common! Hand in of PrototypesPlease see the specific section for the Prototype(s)Module Learning Outcomes assessed in this piece of courseworkThe overall learning outcome for this module is to develop and explicit, structured and knowledge-based approach to user experience design. You encountered the idea of ‘user-centered design’ earlier in the course.The specific learning outcomes for this module are:
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2017-2018Research user needs and the implications of technology for work practice Analyse users and their activities, and carry forward lessons learned Design input modalities, output media and interactive content to appeal to an audience Prototype interactions between humans and computers Evaluate the quality of users’ experience Reflect upon design practice and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of alternative techniquesThe assessment on this module is a single, extended coursework project, broken down into a number of pieces, which, taken together, assess all the above outcomes (see Summary Table), and give you the opportunity to develop as individuals.ElementWeight (%)SetDateDue DateHand-in viaReturn dateFeedback ViaProject Definition 10All set on first day of TB1Friday 26/10/17Canvas_Assignments Monday 20/11/17Canvas-Speedy GraderUsability Test 40Friday 11/1/18Monday 12/2/18Design Doc ModelsProcess & Rationale12.5Friday 983/18Monday9/4/1812.5Friday 12/4/18Monday 14/5/18Prototype 25Friday 12/4/18Monday 14/5/18
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2017-2018Assignment Brief and assessment criteria (the coursework overall, and each individual piece, will be discussed within formally timetabled classes)A separate assignment brief and marking criteria is provided for each piece of the Ux project (see later). BriefThe coursework project on this module is “usability test a desk-top web application of your choice, and then redesign and prototypea mobile version that provides a better user experience. You should adopt a user-centered approach”.The overall story for the coursework is as follows. First, you define and plan your project – what existing system are you going to test, what users and tasks are you going to test, what kind of prototype are you going to develop. You then ‘usability test’ your existing system, to identify some problems with it, and understand how it could be better. The usability test report is handed-in just after Christmas. Then, you analyse your concerns, and redesign and otherwise innovate and augment your mobile version by wellbefore Easter. Driven by the usability problems you identified in the test, and your ‘new concepts’ you paper prototype your improved experience. Hand in your user-centered models. Finally, you complete a hi-fidelity version of your redesign (either as interactive wireframe or html/css or interactive wireframe) and explain, and reflect on your design process for just after Easter .Within this general structure, every student’s Ux project will have unique features, so you will have many choices to make as you complete your project :You will be supported in your decisions as you go. Many options and variations are acceptable – so please discuss your project, its on-going evolution, and get formative feedback on it, throughout the module with the module leader and workshop helpers.Assessment CriteriaAn individual marking scheme or ‘rubric’ for each coursework element is provided later, with that element. You can use these marking schemes to assess your own work and revise it before you hand it in. Criteria for Report WritingThe marking schemes under-emphasise general presentational expectations that ‘goes without saying’ at this level:i.Headings and sub-headings clarify the structure and meaning of sections and paragraphs;ii.Figures and tables have a title and a caption to clarify the point that is being made visually;iii.Paragraphs open with a link to the previous paragraph, and close with a link to the next paragraph, to clarify the flow of the argument
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2017-2018iv.Sentences are relatively short and simple, and make one point at a time.v.Text has been proof read for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and awkward/ambiguous words. When you put a draft of your work aside for a few days and then return to it, it should be a pleasure to read – is it?Vi Screenshots and other images, possibly with annotations, are appropriately used to convey information and your design thinking – it is a design module after all!General, Academic and Industry-Facing CriteriaThese are my version of some general criteria, applicable to all kinds of academic work.A: Increasing quality of presentation, originality/novelty, coherence, insightfulness and completeness, including extensioninto application and into relevant theory. Correct analysis. Critique of own project. InnovativeB: Increasing quality of presentation, level of analysis and background. Increasing relevance and completeness of arguments. Increasing consideration of scope of the subject matter and application of knowledge. Decreasing error, both analytical and proof reading. Mention of future work.C: Decreasing quality of presentation. Decreasing relevance to the subject matter. Decreasing adequacy of arguments or of depth of treatment.D: Erroneous conclusions. Substantial incompleteness.Fail: Increasing number and severity of errors. Increasing area of substantial incompleteness.Here are some more ‘industry-facing’ criteria that ‘reality check’ the academic criteria. It is useful to see ourselves as the real world sees us, sometimes, especially in the final year, when the real world is the next step.A band: we would be proud to post this on course web pages, and show to other students as ‘an example to learn from’. If we were a design agency, we would send the work to the client, and expect to be paid. The work is innovative and insightful – but it could always be more so!.B band: we would show it to the public as ‘work in progress’, and class mates would be interested. If we were a design agency, we would hold the work back – some more to do. The work is explicit and structured, and increasingly complete, butessentially familiar. We need to find an angle, some uniqueness, some precision that makes an audience say ‘Wow!’ or ‘Eureka!’
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2017-2018C: band: there is no reason to show the work in public, or to show it to class mates really. If we were a design agency, we would need to talk – so far so good, but some sections need to be reworked. The work is somewhat generic – we need to bring everything we’ve learnt to bear on our work, if we are to stay in business.D band: it is best we keep working on it together, and ask your class mates for help. A design agency might want to be clearabout what we are getting out of this – the good points will show the way forward.Feedback (including details of how and where feedback will be provided)To access feedback on all elements of coursework, please click through the original Turnitin link about 3 weeks after hand-in, and follow ‘view/complete’ and you should be able to see an annotated pdf, plus overall comments and rubric-based checkmarks (grey tabs bottom right). Formative feedback will be given verbally during workshops, and is auditable when there are summary e-mails. All marks are preliminary pending moderation and confirmation by an Exam Board. Marks may be moderated up and down.Further GuidanceFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) DocumentsPrepared answers to common student questions are in the Assessment section of the module on StudySpace. Please refer to them as you go.Example StructuresAn example structure is provided for each coursework element. These example structures indicate the kind of report that is expected, and is a default starting point for your work. They reflect a standard approach to the coursework, and encourage good coverage of the brief. Good students will master the standard approach. However, there is no generally ‘best’ report structure, or ‘best’ user-centered design approach. Excellent students will be able to adapt the basic, standard approach to the unique characteristics of the interaction issues at hand.
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2017-2018So, initially, aim to produce deliverables that follow the example structure, and then adapt the structure, as you better understand your problem, and realise how to tailor your work to the issues. For example, if you are redesigning the ‘Glastonbury Festival’ app (which helps groups of friends find each other), you may want to analyse your issues (and diagram them) as work for a group, rather than as a task for an individual. If you are designing Betfair.com for experienced sports traders, you may need an interview, rather than just one simple question, to positively distinguish ‘sports traders’ from just ‘experienced betters’ – it is difficult to spot the differences. So you will want to include this additional interview in the Method section of your report.Target Maximum Word LengthThe maximum length stated does not include tables, illustrations, and Appendices. The purpose of maximum word length is to draw your attention from the start to the importance of responding to the brief, clearly and concisely. Please use design ‘products’ and ‘representations’ (personas, scenarios, diagrams) appropriately. A picture can say 1000 words. A concise report that answers the brief, demonstrates the competences being assessed, and ‘adds value’ by providing insight into your problem and its solution, will score very highly, even though it is short. If you have exceeded the maximum word length, even by many hundreds of words, there is no automatic penalty. There may be good reasons in your case for a ‘high’ word count - e.g. the total may include annotations, or user quotes, or paragraphs that could have been presented in a table, or Appendix. Or your tasks might be unusually complex, and so take longer to explain; or your procedures might be unusually complex- perhaps you used special equipment, or tested multiple conditions; or,finally, your report might raise complex issues that need deeper consideration of the literature. So, write a full draft, leave it for a few days, and then revisit it with a critical eye. Does each word, each line, provide new, valuable information and so deserve its place in your report? Or could you cut it, and get to the point sooner? or could you convey the point more clearly another way? If in doubt, it is much better to include relevant material, and exceed the word limit, than to miss out partof the coursework.There is a penalty for verbosity, irrelevance, repetition of textbook material, or blandishments a member of the public could have guessed. It is harmful to hide or bury information that adds value – bring it to the surface.Referencing and PlagiarismPlease use Harvard style referencinghttp://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm
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