
Nonverbal Communication Codes


Added on  2022-11-19

11 Pages1564 Words84 Views
Nonverbal Communication Codes
1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image?
In this image, the person is shocked to see the lady, and it can be understood by his facial
expression. The non verbal message of surprise is being sent to the viewers. Also there is a
mutual eye contact between the lady and the man. Thus the message that can be derived from
the image is that they both have a familiar acquaintance.
2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages?
To deliver he message that he is surprised or shocked, he has his eyes wide open, and he
looks at the lady with an open mouth. His facial expression effectively communicates the
feeling of surprise. Both the people in the picture also has a mutual eye contact and there is a
close proximity between both of them.
3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image?
The other person in the image might feel insecure at the way the man is looking at her. She
might be equally surprised to see the man’s reaction. His expression could give a hint of what
he is thinking about the women, which might be a concern to her.
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4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this
In this situation, the non verbal skills such as physical gestures could be made to inform
the other person what he is thinking, or what he wants to communicate (Beebe, Beebe,
Redmond , 2014). There could be gestures made by the hands, or there could be head
nods and movements to communicate effectively.
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Need at least 200 words
1. What cultural barriers are seen in this image?
The cultural barrier in the image is most probably the generation gap between the girls and the
person who looks at them with a look of monitoring them. Also the use of mobile phone acts
as a cultural barrier in the picture.
2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages?
The non verbal codes that are being used in the picture is that the person turns his back to
look at the girls in a manner that suggests monitoring the way they are dressed, or what the
girls are doing. The person’s look is says that he is curious about what the girls are up to in
their cell phones.
3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image?
The other people in the picture are least bothered about what is going on in their
surroundings. Even the girls do not take notice of the fact that they are being watched by the
man. Everyone in this image except the man are busy in their own work.
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4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this
In this case, the non verbal strategies that could be effectively used for
a better communication is the mutual eye contact. Even the facial
expressions could be improved, such as the person could smile at the
girls. Gestures and movements could also be helpful in an effective
communication between the man and the girls (Beebe, Beebe, Redmond ,
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