
Organisation Behaviour Assignment - BBC (British Broadcasting corporation)


Added on  2020-10-22

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Organisation Behaviour Assignment - BBC (British Broadcasting corporation)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Analyse the influence of culture , politics and power on the behaviour of others in anorganizational context.................................................................................................................3TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................5Explain how content and process theories of motivation can help to achieve this. ...................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7a) Different types of teams..........................................................................................................7TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11.......................................................................................................................................................11
Organisation Behaviour Assignment - BBC (British Broadcasting corporation)_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behaviour is considered as an interaction between the employees within acompany. It is known as the scientific concept which can be implemented for the managementemployees. There are various organizational behaviour theory which can be used humanresource whose main purpose is to increase the output from individual team members. Thisreport is based on BBC (British Broadcasting corporation) which is a public service broadcasterand it is based in Westminster (UK). The main purpose of this assignment is to analyse theinfluence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour and determined how to to motivateindividual and team in order to reach with desired goals (Adeniji, 2011). TASK 1P1 Analyse the influence of culture , politics and power on the behaviour of others in anorganizational context.Organizational culture – The values and behaviours which is included in a firm tomake the environment unique socially and psychologically. It includes a company's prospect,experience, belief, and values which hold together by showcasing the inner workings, and theinteractions happened outside the world. Hofstede's work - This is a type of theory for cross cultural communication whichanalyse the impact of society's culture on the values of their member and thus, how theirbehaviour connect. The attribute together represent the impact of the culture constituted insociety on the the values of members of that society. According to Hofstede theory there are majorly 5 factors which influence the culture of a firm - 1.Power distance - This refers to different work culture as per the power emissary to theemployee (Butler and Rose, 2011). As the organizations fills many profile as a teamleader or manager for controlling and managing the employees under it. However, therewill be 2 types of organizations which are - A type of organization where powers and authority has been distributed equally amongthe representative profiles. Where as in B type of of firm's leaders get more tasks andresponsibilities as compared to other workers. In the context of BBC organization there is sameenvironment as the team leader were given responsibilities to lead and look after theiremployees. Employees were also authorised to have their specific job profile.
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Masculinity vs Feminity - This is considered as to differentiate between male andfemale employee. It has been distinguish as to showcase and upbring the strength,capability and dedication in between the genders. In respect of BBC they also assignedtough and hard work to boys and the normal one with girls.Individualism – It is to be believed that every individual of a firm have a unique style tosolve the problems (Coccia and Cadario, 2014). But when they all come together on asingle platform to solve a problem then,they will able to help one another where one islacking. BBC also believes in working together so as there accomplishment creates animpact.Uncertainty Avoidance Index – This is considered as a culture where workers of a firmknows how to react in unusual and unanticipated circumstances. It is a situation wherewhere an employee is judged by seeing their reaction in normal and abnormal situation.In BBC employees can be seen by putting them into different situation either it isabnormal or unwanted situation or the situation which is in control or normal. Long Term Orientation – This is a situation where an employee chooses the long termobjectives in their organization. Workers of that kind of firm have such kind of steadyapproach and attempt hard to flow with that kind of expectation. And thus, how theyconnect themselves, with the environment. In BBC the situation come when employeesopt to go for long term duration. Workers of that kind wants to stay with the firm withtheir hard work and long term approach.Power - It refers to the capability to impact the action of the associate with the control ofresources. It is a conversation of relationship that occurs in transactions between an agent and atarget (del Mar Alonso-Almeida and Rodríguez-Antón, 2011). In this phase the agent is theauthority who uses the power and the target is the receipt of the attempt to use the power.French and Raven's Power types - The five forms of power concept which is often used in an organization – wide communication 1.Coercive Power – This is power which is based upon the idea of coercion. BBC use thispower to forced someone or make them assigned for some task against their will.Abidance is considered as the main objectives. And thus how it reflect that what happenwhen cooperation will not be obtained.
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