
Organisational Behavior Assignment(OB)


Added on  2020-06-06

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisation Behaviour
Organisational Behavior Assignment(OB)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1a) Handy Cultural typology.........................................................................................................1b) How culture, power and politics is influencing behaviour of BBC........................................2M1 Analyse culture, power and politics can influence individual and team behaviour.............3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3a) Content and process of motivational theories.........................................................................3b) Motivational theories will help organisation to improve team effectiveness.........................1c) Improving level of motivation within BBC............................................................................1M2 Evaluate behaviour of others by applying different motivational theories..........................2TASK 3............................................................................................................................................2a) Explain different type of teams in context of BBC.................................................................2b) Tuckman model for team development..................................................................................3M3 Analyse team and group development theories....................................................................4TASK4.............................................................................................................................................4a) & b) Organisation theory and concept and barriers which affect performance of BBC.........4M4 Evaluate concept and theories of organisational behaviour.................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................5REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
Organisational Behavior Assignment(OB)_2

INTRODUCTIONIn recent scenario, organisation behaviour is a important concept for all over businessfirms because it helps to define its working style and system as well as its employee's workingperformance and style. Thus it is necessary to be effectively manage business environment withthe help of appropriate methods and management system. Basically, organisation behaviour is alarge concept which explain the actual working style and individual personal within the company(Wickramasinghe and Perera, 2014). Therefore, this report based on BBC (British BroadcastingCorporation) it is the largest broadcaster across all over the world. Apart from this, it will bediscussing about several type of hypotheses which carried out with Handy's culture typologywith the Smith point of view. Further, here will be elaborating about how culture, power andpolices of the BBC affects on its behaviour. In the other hand, several contents and process ofmotivational theories will be explain in a effective and efficient manner. In this last, willdiscussed about different types of teams in the context of BBC (Sandman and et. al., 2012). TASK 1a) Handy Cultural typologyEvery business firm has its different culture and working style. Thus it is necessary to beeffectively understand and analyse in the effective and efficient manner. So that significantlyidentify the actual working performance and style of employees within the organisation.Additionally, company can adopt and use different type of methods and strategies for enhancingperformance and involvement of its staff members (Agarwal and et. al., 2012). In the otherwords, several scholars has been explained about distinctive culture of the business firm whichcarried out by BBC. Hence, In the context of Handy's culture every organisations are effectivelylinked with its culture and working performance. Therefore, it is divided into two major partswhich explaining under follows: Power culture: In the context of this culture, it defines powers, duties andresponsibilities of an individual person which have to be accomplished by them as per therules and regulations in effective and efficient manner. This culture helps to be maintainculture of the business firm. 1
Organisational Behavior Assignment(OB)_3

Task culture: In the organisation, group of number of persons are developed as per theirskills and capabilities so that they can effectively attain their decided objectives and goalsin a appropriate style. This type of culture helps to resolve and reduce the problems andissues which faced by them while working within the organisation. In the context of casestudy, manager of BBC seeks to be create a effective team as per the interest level ofperson so that they can attain their goals and objectives as well as will complete theirtasks and works in minimum time period (Wong, Wong and Ngo, 2012). Person culture: In the context of this culture, there are included those person who thinktheir significance level high as compare to organisation. Apart from this, while thisculture adopting by the business firm within the company so that respectively affects itsgoodwill and sales.Role culture: This type of culture associated by organisation for effectively and properlyutilisation of employees. In which powers and responsibilities are delegated to staffmembers as per their capabilities and skills so that they can attain their targets witheffective results. Generally, powers and duties are based on the position of employees inthe organisation (Nutbeam, Harris and Wise, 2010). In the other words, there has been analysed and examined BBC organisation using andadopting role and task culture in the organisation. So with the help of them effectively managedthe friendly relations with their employees due to this they significantly perform their operationsand tasks in effective and efficient manner. Culture play important role in every type oforganisation. Thus, while employees have to take care of all these factors along with their ownerwho are working in the BBC. b) How culture, power and politics is influencing behaviour of BBCIn the current time, there are different types of factors which affecting on objectives andgoals of the organisation. Therefore, if superiors of the organisation take judgement on the basisof rationalism then might be it will be affects on working performance of labours. In the contextof BBC, employers and employees of this organisation facing several type of issues andproblems so that they classified into several sections as per their caste, religion and culture(Ashby, 2013). Apart from this, organisation provides powers to its employees so that they caneffectively perform their tasks as well as take some chances in their culture. 2
Organisational Behavior Assignment(OB)_4

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