
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Behavioural Models on Individual and Team Performance


Added on  2023-06-04

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Leadership ManagementMechanical Engineering
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Behavioural Models on Individual and Team Performance_1

Table of Contents
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour and performance.........................................................................................................1
M1 Critically explain how the culture, politics and power of an organisation can influence
individual and team behaviour and performance........................................................................4
P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context...........................................4
M2 Critically explain how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective
implementation of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models.............................6
D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation that
enables teams and organisations to succeed providing justified recommendations....................6
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team....................7
M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of
cooperation within effective teams.............................................................................................9
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organizational
context and given business situation...........................................................................................9
M4 Evaluate how concepts and philosophies of OB inform and influence behaviour
within a given business situation...............................................................................................10
D2 Critically analyse and evaluate the relevance of team development theories, concepts
and philosophies that influence behaviour in the workplace to improve business performance
and productivity........................................................................................................................10
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Behavioural Models on Individual and Team Performance_2

Organisational behaviour is said to be the study of the people in the organisation who act as
per the organisation objectives. It studies the human behaviour and their needs and wants then
implicate the motivational and leadership techniques in order to generate the bet output.
Organisational behaviour is directly concerned with the in-depth understanding of the human
nature and behaviour which impacts the working and culture of the organisation. The behaviour
of the organisation is getting influenced by the developments in area of the sociology, economics
ans psychology. For each and ever organisation its very important to maintain the effective
business environment and this can be attain by making balance in people of the organisation,
structure of the company, technology a company use in the manufacturing and selling process
and all the external environment. The report is being made in the context of Merchant and Mills
organisation which a UK based organisation manufacturing quality clothes in the UK market.
They are also selling their products online for effective profit generation(rducci, 2020) . The aim
of this report is to highlight the measures that influence the working of the organisation that are
culture, politics and power. Then it evaluates the motivation theory that enables effective
achievement of the goals. Adding to that this report explains the differentiate in effective and
ineffective teams. And at last it analyse the philosophies of the organisational behaviour within
the current situation of the Merchant and Mills organisation.
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and
team behaviour and performance.
An organisation is the sum of the different aspects and making balance within these helps in
achievement of the tasks and objectives. Culture, power and the politics are the elements that
motivates an individual to work harder , the impacts and influence of these three in the
operations and functions of the Merchant ans Mills are discussed below:
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Behavioural Models on Individual and Team Performance_3

The influence that culture made on individual and team behaviour and on its
The culture of the organisation is defined as the combination of the beliefs, knowledge,
capabilities and the morals that set the working atmosphere in the organisation. The culture in the
company is reflected by the workers performance and their level of working. Merchant and Mills
is the small medium enterprise having effective working environment is very important to reach
the goals and to generate effective revenue procedure. Culture is the powerful term and the
influence that different type of culture made in the organisation is described below:
Material culture- Having materialistic culture in the organisation which motivates the
employees to work harder through contribute and fulfils their needs. It is defined as the
dependence on the physical objectives to motivate the employees(Fallatah and Syed,
2018) . The things that includes in this are machinery, money, tools, buildings and much
Social culture- Social stability is very important for healthy working environment as it
underlines the values and behaviour that an individual posses . It also sets the way of
interaction in the organisation. Generation of the effective working culture promotes
transparency in the working .
Ideological culture- This is defined as the culture which is having beliefs on the
particular social arrangements and the patterns. It involves the intellectual abilities and
the emotional abilities which builds daily interactions process in the organisation.
Establishment of the relevant values and the cultures making effective contribution in the
healthy working environment.
In the context of the Merchant and Mills organisation , their working culture is defined very
clearly among the employees of the organisation and regulating effective communication and
working. The company is making alignment in tasks that needs to be achieved and the
expectations of the employees from the organisation(Gnankob, Ansong and Issau, 2022) .
Their culture is the combination of the social culture and the material culture as it motivates
employees both physically and mentally.
The impact of politics and power in team behaviour and organisation culture
Managing the politics in the organisation sets the effective working procedures and the results in
the relevant behaviour of the employees. Politics have the special power which regulate the
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation Theories, and Behavioural Models on Individual and Team Performance_4

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