
Project on Organisational Behaviour of BBC


Added on  2020-06-05

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Organisational Behaviour
Project on Organisational Behaviour of BBC_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 (A) Use of Handy's cultural typology...................................................................................1(B) Politics, power and culture influence behaviours within company......................................2M1 How politics, power and culture impacts organisational behaviour.....................................3TASK 2 ..........................................................................................................................................3P2 (A) Procedure and content theories of motivation................................................................3(B) Describe Motivational tools..................................................................................................3(C) How to improve the motivation level ..................................................................................5M2: Evaluate other behaviours by applying various motivational theories................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P3 (A) Various kinds of team in company..................................................................................6(B) How to make an actual team as well as describe Tuckman model.......................................6M3 Analysis team development theories....................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P4 (A) Organisational theory to improve performance of team.................................................8(B) Determine the issues that could influence team performance and efficiency.......................8M4 Evaluate theories and concept of OB...................................................................................9CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................10.......................................................................................................................................................11
Project on Organisational Behaviour of BBC_2

INTRODUCTION Organisational behaviour is the application of skills and knowledge regarding howindividual act within workplace. It is also known as human behaviour study in business entity.These aspects investigates people's performance and emotions in a structure, system and team oforganisation (Adeniji, 2011). It supports in order to give and explore a knowing of whole partsthat are essential and necessary to generate an impressive enterprise. According to the FredLuthans; OB is straightly obsessed with the manufacture, understanding and control of personactivity in business organisation. This project is based on BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), it is successfulcompany Of UK. In this study, it has been determined that how politics, power and culture effecton personal behaviours and activities within organisation. There are different types of motivationways which has been evaluated so that they execute desired output and profitability of this firm.Last task is Philosophies and concept of OB also identified in this project which is verybeneficial for increasing sales and revenues of enterprise. TASK 1 P1 (A) Use of Handy's cultural typologyIn the organisation, large number of the person work together with the aim of attainingcommon goals and interest, so it is called organisational behaviours. All workers of businesshave its own cultural and working style. So it is essential and beneficial for entire entity in orderto identify the effectiveness & efficiency of workforce. With the help of these, they can easilydetermine their working capability and knowledge (Alfes and et. al., 2013). Business takes aid ofdifferent concepts so with the use of these they can easily increase its skills and power.Motivated person, contributes their all efforts in achieving development, success and growth ofenterprise. In current scenario, competition is highly maximising in marketplace which hasbecome main study of business in regards to doings those training and development section toimprove employees and workers effectiveness in a systematic manner. So in this they canorganise different activities and functions of organisation in an efficient manner. It will supportenterprise in gaining its desired and long term competitive benefits. There are some kind oforganisational cultural which are followed by BBC in their business. 1
Project on Organisational Behaviour of BBC_3

Power culture: With the use of this aspects, firm should provides whole duties, roles,responsibilities and power according to personal skills. Using this culture, BBC can organise itspractices, plans, strategies and activities in accurate manner (Bolino and et. al., 2013). Also, itwill support in developing and improving effective working environment and situation withinenterprise. It is important in order to promote employees to carry out their roles in perfect way. Task culture: It is important and essential part of the organisational culture because in thismangers make actual group of those person who have better skills and knowledge to assign alltasks and projects as per its experience and ability. Using this culture, business can promote andmotivate their workforce to increasing their performances as well as working style. Person culture: In this type of culture, one employee of the company is compared by other. It isa essential and beneficial approach for the organisation to force its workers in regards to increaseabilities and skills. It is followed by business to improve their members effectiveness. Role culture: Business entity use this methods and allocates all duties to its employees as pertheir knowledge and position. (B) Politics, power and culture influence behaviours within companyEach and every organisation establish in order to achieve their objectives and goals in aneffective manner. In regards to executing them, enterprise can operates different practices andactivities of BBC. It is also very important for company to search better place where they expendtheir business functions and activities in a proper manner. With the use of all aspects oforganisations, company can attain its competitive advantages and benefits in a large level.Business entity should analysis its team members as per their skills and performances (Burnardand Bhamra, 2011). With the use of all cultural typology, organisation working environment caneasily evaluated. Furthermore, Business can provides more attention and aid to their workforce as well asworking efficiency & effectiveness. As per their abilities and knowledge, it will provides themBBC responsibilities and duties, so in this they can perform better and achieve its desired andlong term goals and objectives. Moreover, All culture typologies are essential to give large opportunities of businessenlargement and expansion to British Broadcasting Corporation. Organisation success and theirfailures mainly lay on political aspects. With the help of these factors, company considerdifferent problem while making various variation within workplace. In this conditions,2
Project on Organisational Behaviour of BBC_4

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