
Job Satisfaction and Goal Setting Theory in Organization Behaviour


Added on  2022-11-10

10 Pages2698 Words118 Views
Job Satisfaction and Goal Setting Theory in Organization Behaviour_1

Organization Behaviour
Job satisfaction and Goal setting theory
The essay will highlight the two concepts which are Job satisfaction and
goal setting theory. The starting part of the paper will discuss about job
satisfaction and then the next part will emphasize on goal setting theory.
After discussing about both the concepts, the emphasis will be given on
linking these concepts with each other. By linking these concepts it will
be easy to have in-depth understanding in respect to concept of
organization behaviour. Job satisfaction and Goal setting theory are
considered as the essential concepts as it assist the companies in
enhancing the performance of the employees and also motivation level
towards the work (Barker, 2018).
It has been examined that these concepts has a significant role in the
workplace and if these concepts are considered then it would be easy to
enhance the performance level of the subordinates. Job satisfaction is
known as the concept that has a direct connection with the dedication
level of the workers towards their specified job role and job satisfaction
can be considered as the degree that assist to evaluate the positive and
negative behaviour of the workers in relation to the given task. The
second concept which is “Goal Setting theory” is a part of the motivational
theory that focuses on enhancing the performance of the employees. It
has a connection with the productivity of workers and also provides
feedback so that workers performance can be enhanced. Hence, goal
setting theory relates with boosting the morale of the workers in relation
to given job role.
Job satisfaction
In the new era, there are many people who focus on higher satisfaction
level. There are employees who continue working with the organization
when they are satisfied with the benefits offered by the higher
management. To enhance the productivity and growth ratio, management
should emphasize on boosting the satisfaction level of workers so that
Job Satisfaction and Goal Setting Theory in Organization Behaviour_2

Organization Behaviour
they can perform as per their capability (Lambert, Minor, Wells & Hogan,
If workers are satisfied then only they will be able to perform as per the
expectation of the management. But on the other hand, dissatisfaction
among the workers also impacts the capability to accomplish set goals
and targets. Job satisfaction can be defined as the term through which
workers can feel motivated and also satisfied in relation to the given job
role. Job satisfaction only exists when the workers have stability towards
their job, work life balance and also career opportunities. The job
satisfaction concept depends on the different factors that should lie within
control. It is essential for the management to emphasize on giving little
efforts so that people can feel satisfied with their assigned work related
with the basic necessity of the employees (Kianto, Vanhala & Heilmann,
Example related with job satisfaction
As per the recent survey done by “The conference Board” it is stated that
there are 48.3% of the workers in US who are satisfied with their assigned
job. The increase in the ratio is also linked with the higher job security and
more career options that are offered to the employees. In the year, 2010
the percentage of satisfied employees is enhanced by 42.6%. In 1987, it is
examined that 61.1% of workers were satisfied with their assigned role.
The survey linked with job satisfaction has also showcased that age and
income is one of the major factors that are linked with job satisfaction. In
2014, the workers who are of the age 35 to 44 have high satisfaction
towards their job with a percentage of 50.3%. Hence, it can be said that
satisfaction level towards job is boosting in the recent time (Biermann,
Kanie & Kim, 2017).
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