
Policy Process Analysis: Theories & Models


Added on  2020-07-22

14 Pages4182 Words40 Views
Policy Process Analysis: Theories & Models_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Part 1................................................................................................................................................3Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3a)Identification and discussion of earlier organizational culture within BBC............................3b) Analysis of how the culture, power and politics have affected behavior of BBC......................5Task 2...............................................................................................................................................5a)Definition of content and process of theories of motivation....................................................5b)How process theories along with motivational techniques help to improve the effectivenessof the teams within BBC..................................................................................................................6c)How improved levels of motivation help to achieve organization's goals...............................7Part 2................................................................................................................................................8Task 3...............................................................................................................................................8a)Different types of teams and necessity of having different types of teams..............................8b)Explanation of the factors that make an effective team in BBC..............................................9Task 4.............................................................................................................................................10a)How team performance and productivity could be improved within BBC............................10b)The main barriers to effective performance within BBC.......................................................11Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................11Reference List................................................................................................................................12Page 2 of 14
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Introduction Organizational behavior can be recognized as the study of manner people interact within a team.It is worth saying that, organizational behavior can be used as a scientific approach for thehuman resource purpose to maximize the output from the each group member of the workplaceenvironment. From the Smith’s review, it can be stated that, the concerned company BBC hasrecently faced a number of challenges from organizational culture and behavior. The BritishBroadcasting Corporation is the largest public service broadcaster in London. Total number ofemployees that work in this company presently is more than 20,950 and the annual revenue ofthe company is near about £5.166 billion as per the statistics 2015. For this purpose, the study isgoing to focus on the various theories and models in order to redefine the organizational culturewithin the workplace of the BBC. Along with this, the study will focus on the various level ofmotivations and theories of motivation so that, it will be possible for the company to improve theeffectiveness of the individual from the group. Part 1Task 1a)Identification and discussion of earlier organizational culture withinBBC It is worth saying that, an organization is structure where employees come together to work for acommon objective. For this purpose, it is necessary for the company to arrange a culture so that,it will be helpful for the employees to work openly in the workplace environment. However, inthe past few years, the concerned company BBC faces some of the conflicts as Smith accusedtwo of the employees of the company for the child abuse. Because of this, it is necessary for theconcerned organization to develop a work culture so that, it will be possible for the company toregain its reputation in front of other employees and customers. In this case, Charles Handymodel will be helpful to define the organizational behavior that has to be maintained by themanagerial department to develop a better working condition. According to the viewpoint ofPage 3 of 14
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Miner (2015), this model consists of a few steps that include power, role culture, task culture andthe other one is all about the person culture. Power: As mentioned by Hogg and Terry (2014), there are some of the companies where the actualpower confined to higher authority so that, those people have the right to take decisions whileothers have to follow the instruction. This structure has the potential to develop conflicts amongthe employees. The concerned company does not follow the rules. Therefore, in BBC, eachemployee is given valued and their opinions are considered to take ultimate decisions (Hogg andTerry, 2014).Task culture There are some of the companies where business owner or the higher authorities divide theemployees into a group so that, it will be possible for the leaders to handle the employers whohave common goals (Luthans et al. 2015). Based on this culture, it can be stated that, theconcerned company has divided the employees within some of the teams so that, they will beable to develop contents of the news properly. Figure 1: Charley’s Handy Model(Source: Developed by writer)Person culture Person culture facilitates all the employees so that each of the employees feels that they are mostimportant rather than the company. For this reason, they focus on self rather than theorganizational goal and because of this, the company suffers. The situation is different in case ofPage 4 of 14Charles Handy model
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