
Self-Reflection on Organizational Behaviour: Analysis of MBTI, Johari Window, Transaction Analysis and DISC Personality Model


Added on  2023-06-12

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Professional Development
Self-Reflection on Organizational Behaviour: Analysis of MBTI, Johari Window, Transaction Analysis and DISC Personality Model_1

This subject has reflected upon organizational behaviour. OB is the study of human
behaviour in organizational settings (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). Understanding the behaviour
of employees in the organizational setting enables the organization to effectively cater to their
employees (Miner, 2015). Through this course, I have used and analyzed tools which have
assisted me in understanding my communication and conflict management abilities better. This
self-reflection reports highlights my analysis of the tools that I have adopted in this course. The
four tools are MBTI model, Johari Window, Transaction analysis and DISC personality model.
MBTI also known as Myers Briggs personality test help people in identifying which
personality do they belong to out of the 16 personality types defined by the test (Sadeghi, 2012).
I took the MBTI test and the result showed that I have an ENFP (Extrovert, Intuitive, feeling,
perceiving) personality type. I completely agree with this analysis.
In my personal life also I have always been an extrovert. I can freely communicate with
new people. This test also established that I am extremely emotional and believe in my gut
feeling rather than analyzing the facts and practicalities presented before me. I rarely try to judge
the situation but perceive the best for me.
Through this tool I have analyzed upon various career options that would suit my
personality type the most. Given my personality type, I am better suited for a career in a creative
field. In fact, I have always wanted to pursue a career in arts. As a hobby, I paint and sing. After
taking this test, I have been seriously considering a career in these fields.
However, I have also learnt that I need to look at life more practically in certain
situations. Through this test, I have come to terms with my intuitive nature. Overall the biggest
advantage of taking this test was that I was able to gain a better insight upon my career options.
There is one particular incidence wherein three of my peers and myself were working
together on a project. This was recently after we had taken up the MBTI test. The results of the
test helped us understand each other’s personalities better and we were able to divide different
tasks of the project among ourselves in an effective manner. The test highlighted upon my
creative side and this is why I took onus about the creative aspect of the project. This test is also
Self-Reflection on Organizational Behaviour: Analysis of MBTI, Johari Window, Transaction Analysis and DISC Personality Model_2

used by various organizations to recruit employees for the most suited tasks (Kroeger &
Thuesen, 2013).
Johari window is a tool that helps people in understanding their personality better. The
four celled matrix assists in analyzing attributes of an individual’s personality that are known to
self and known to others, known to self and unknown to others as well as known to others and
unknown to self (Rasheed, 2015). The last cell of the matrix is a black box signifying personality
attributes that exist within an individual but are unknown to both self and others. The first cell of
my Johari Window depicts my extrovert, emotional, creative and often imaginative nature. Since
my school days, I have been participating in various art competitions which have opened my
creative side for everyone.
In order to understand the second cell of the matrix, I took honest feedback from my
friends and family members about my personality. One interesting thing they mentioned was that
I tend to get overtly emotional over small things which makes it easy for others to take advantage
of my vulnerability.
The part of my personality that other do not know of is my immense fear of failure and
my inability to take risks. I have always been interested in creative fields but owing to this fear
of failure, I have been thinking or pursuing mainstream careers like finance and marketing.
This test helped me understand my strengths and instilled the confidence to pursue a
career in creative fields. Since the test, I have been devoting more time to fuel my creative side.
Now I would genuinely consider focusing on my strengths and preparing long term goals in my
The third test that I took was Transactional analysis. This test identifies that every
person has two basic personality types. A parent personality type and a child personality type. As
a parent, a person can be nurturing or controlling and on the other hand, as a child, a person can
be adaptive or free (Hargaden & Sills, 2014). Through the test, I was able to identify that I have a
dominant ‘adaptive child’ personality. This reflects that I tend to obey others. A dominant child
state also reflects an important aspect of my personality which depicts that my attitude and
Self-Reflection on Organizational Behaviour: Analysis of MBTI, Johari Window, Transaction Analysis and DISC Personality Model_3

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