
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022


Added on  2022-09-17

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentMaterials Science and Engineering
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Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_1

Executive Summary
The significant objective of the report is to provide an analysis of an organizational change in
Oman Air, specifically the introduction of a new performance management system. For this
purpose, an evaluation will be made on the external environmental factors that affect the
business of the organization. The organizational structure and its culture have been discussed
along with its impact on the behavior of the individuals of the organization. Kotter’s model of
change management has been used to assess the process of implementation of the change.
The impact of the change on the staff has also been discussed with respect to the barriers of
change like resistance and conflicts. Additionally, an academic reflection on Lewin’s model
of change has been used to evaluate the process of change, along with recommendations for
the human resource management system for successful implementation of the changes. In
conclusion it has been mentioned how organizational changes are necessary to bring about
growth and development within the organization, with the help of effective communication
and leadership to tackle the challenges that may arise from such changes.
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_2

Table of Contents
Analysis of Changing External Environment........................................................................6
Political and Legal factors...........................................................................................6
Customer pressure.......................................................................................................7
Impact of Organizational Structure and Culture....................................................................9
Organizational Structure and its Impact.............................................................................9
Organizational Culture and its Impact.............................................................................11
Models of Change Management and their Practical Implication.........................................13
Creating Urgency.......................................................................................................13
Formation of Coalition..............................................................................................14
Creating a vision........................................................................................................14
Communicating the vision.........................................................................................14
Removing obstacles...................................................................................................15
Creation of short-term goals......................................................................................15
Building on the change..............................................................................................15
Establishing the changes in the corporate culture.....................................................15
Impact of Change on Staff...................................................................................................16
Resistance to change........................................................................................................17
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Conflict Management.......................................................................................................18
Academic Reflection on Change Process............................................................................19
Recommendations for Human Resource Management........................................................22
Reducing resistance and grievances among employees............................................22
Redefining the roles of the employees......................................................................22
Provision of training and support systems.................................................................23
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_4

In the recent age of globalization, organizations over the world are inclined to change
the scope of their business to maximize their productivity and profitability across the globe.
This entails a process of not only planning and strategizing the changes but also incorporating
effective means to implement the proposed changes. To implement such organizational
changes, the organizations must also indulge in a process of managing the changes so that the
interests of the stakeholders, both internal and external to the organization, with the
objectives and goals of the firm (Bondarenko, Isaeva, Orekhov and Soltakhanov 2017). The
process of change management in an organization includes the approach to collaborate,
support and prepare the individuals of the organization so that the implementation of the
changes becomes successful and efficient. There are several drivers of such changes that may
include evolution of technology, reviews of processes, management of crisis, adjusting to the
changes in consumer behavior, coping with the pressure faced from new entrants in the
market restructuring of the organization. The management of changes in an organization
further involves the process of reallocation of resources and budgets of the organization to its
optimum level.
There are several theoretical approaches to organizational change pertaining to the
measures that can be adopted by the firms to implement the changes within their
organizational scope and manage such changes efficiently. One of the most recognized
models of change management is the Lewin’s change model that constitutes of three steps,
namely unfreeze, change and refreeze (Worley and Mohrman 2014). This effective model of
change management ensures that all the individuals of the organization are made accustomed
to the implementation of the organizational changes. Among the other theoretical approaches
to change management, John P. Kotter’s change management theory is a widely recognized
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_5

one, which is divided into eight elaborate stages each one focusing on the key principles of
response by the individuals of the organization (Ceptureanu 2015). These theories of change
management adequately assess the various aspects of the organization that are affected by
changes, namely the structure, culture and potential conflicts within the organizational scope.
Oman Air is one of the most reputed aviation firms in Oman and is often recognized
as its national airline. The airline is based at the Muscat International Airport and operates
international and domestic services for the passengers (Omanair.com 2019). The airline also
provides the system of air taxi in the region, providing services of short flights on the demand
of the customers, along with services of charter flights. The airline is recognized as being part
of the Arab Air Carriers Organization, which is a non-profit organization constituting of
thirty airline members from eighteen constituent countries (Jalagat, Dalluay, Al-Zadjali and
Al-Abdullah 2017). The organization has been subject to several changes over the years that
include the recapitalization of the airline by the government of Oman, introduction of several
Airbus A330s in tis airline facilities, introduction of Wi-fi and mobile phone internet facilities
on certain selected routes. However, one of the most recent organizational changes in the
Oman Air was the introduction of a new performance management system to induce
awareness among the individuals of the airline about measures to improve their performance
and management skills so as to integrate the needs of the customers with the goals and
objectives of the airline (Al Rawas 2014). The report will further analyze this organizational
change in Oman Air with respect to the approaches of change management that can be used
for the successful implementation of the change.
The aviation sector is a booming industry in the world that is constantly and
persistently developing to meet the changing patterns of the market, expectations of the
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_6

stakeholders as well as the changing requirements and needs of the customers (Baker,
Merkert and Kamruzzaman 2015). In this aspect, several changes have been observed in the
organizational scope of business entities from the aviation industry, the transformative forces
of which has affected the processes and systems, labor, assets, political and corporate
structures, and the infrastructure. The aviation industry is service based, meaning that the
most important aspects of this industry is the facilitation of travel and hospitality. In this
aspect, it can be said that provisions to meet the need and requirements of the consumers to
optimize customer satisfaction is the primary agenda of the business entities in the aviation
Analysis of Changing External Environment
The growth and development of any organization depends on its interaction with
several factors that are external to it. This external environment of the organization
determines the planning and decision making of the firm towards increasing and improving
their productivity and profitability (Cameron 2015). Organizational change being an
imperative in business, the organizations must take into consideration these external factors
that are essential in driving the changes. An analysis of the external environment of the
organization provides an insight on the type of changes that need to be planned by the
organization and implemented in an efficient manner (Baranenko, Dudin, Lyasnikov and
Busygin 2014).
The several external factors that drive the organizational changes in Oman Air can be
identified to be the following and have been discussed in detail as under:
Political and Legal factors The various political forces that act upon the
organization determines the kinds of changes that need to be incorporated for the
smooth functioning of its operations (Falkner 2017). Moreover, the several laws and
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_7

regulations set by the government and the industry in which the organization operates
is also essential in determining the process that needs to be undertaken by the
organization for the efficient implementation of the organizational changes.
Oman Air has been subject to various changes implemented by the government of
Oman. Firstly, the government of Oman withdrew from Gulf Air, which was a major
competitor of Oman Air. This withdrawal took place in several stages that ultimately
affected the operations of Oman Air. Moreover, another change that the Oman Air
was subjected to related to the recapitalization of the airline by the government of
Oman. The process of recapitalization involves the process of restructuring of the
equity ratios and debt of the organization for the purpose of stabilizing the capital
structure of the company. The process of recapitalization involves the benefit of
protection of the organization from decrease in the prices of shares, bankruptcy and as
a defense against takeovers that may prove to be hostile for the existence of the
organization in the market (De Bonis, Leanza, Marsh and Trapani 2014). There are
several reasons that may drive the process of recapitalization, including the reduction
of financial obligations. Through the process of recapitalization, the organization is
able to reduce the levels of debts and thereby reduce the amount of interest to be paid
to the creditors. The financial wellbeing of the Oman Airlines was ensured by the
government of Oman through the process of recapitalization. This also enabled the
Company to indulge in an exit strategy and minimize their payment of taxes, thus
enabling them to diversify the ratio of their debt to their equities, thereby improving
Customer pressure – Another important external factor that determines the scope of
changes within the organization is the changing demands, needs and requirements of
the customers. With the consistent growth of the airline industry throughout the
Organizational Changes in Oman Air Report 2022_8

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