
Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis


Added on  2023-06-13

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Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_1

Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_2

Table of Contents
Executive summary.............................................................................................................3
Scope and analysis.............................................................................................................6
Overview of the hotel.................................................................................................................6
SWOT analysis............................................................................................................................7
PESTLE analysis...........................................................................................................................8
Department descriptions .................................................................................................10
Findings and results..........................................................................................................17
Action plan ......................................................................................................................20
Recommendations ...........................................................................................................22
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................23
Executive summary
Internal and external business environment will affect the basic operations of the
company. SWOT analysis model is used to identify the area of strength and
Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_3

weakness of the company as well as opportunities for growth and threats to defend.
Marriott hotels are gaining strength by their brand image and hygienic factors of their
hotel rooms. Marriott hotels keep their rooms clean so that more customers will get
attracted and their high brand image is used to increase the total number of
customers for the hotel. On the other hand, their high prices of services will also
impact bad upon customers decision making process for using their hospitality
services. Ineffective information security like hacking of personal data of Marriott
hotel's customers and employees will impact bad upon their high brand image.
PESTEL analysis is used to identify positive and negative impacts of external
business environment of an organisation. In context of Marriott hotel, there are
gaining opportunity from UK's political factor because they are having less
restrictions on their trading activities. Hence, the company can import their raw
material such as mattresses, furniture’s, and few others from other countries where
they found good quality in low prices. On the other hand, their economic factors like
high employment rate will also help them to hire skilled employees for their
operational activities. The high cost of raw material can be impact negative upon the
performance of hotel. Social factors of UK population are also play an important role
for the growth of Marriott hotel because their customers prefer more quality products
and their high quality of lifestyle to enjoy their life will help hotel to offer those
services to their customers which can provide satisfaction for the customers. On the
other hand, using high quality of machines and tools will improve their productivity
and profitability. It is also essential for the hotel to follow their legal regulations to
survive in the market and must focus on sustainable changes within their
Identifying the organisational issues and make strategies to mitigate them is
also one of the most important tasks for the company to achieve their growth. In
context of Marriott, there are three issues which are impacting bad upon their growth
like their employees are not able to serve appropriate customer services to their
targeted customers. Most of their customers complaint regarding unresponsiveness
of the hotel toward their mails and texts. Second issues are IT problem and this
happen due to their technological challenges. They are mostly highlighted for their
insecure data protection tools. In the year 2018, the data of customers and
employees get hacked by the third party. Third and the last issue of Marriott hotel is
regarding their website and mobile applications. Their customers complaint that they
Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_4

are facing issues in reserving their rooms through their website and applications.
Hence, Marriott hotels must modify their website in such as manner which help
customers to use them effectively. It is essential for them to analyse the issues and
make effective measures to solve them as soon as possible before it impacts upon
their productivity and profitability. The following report also covers action plan to
mitigate the issues which was founded in the Marriott hotel. For example, for the
issues of poor customer services, Marriott hotel must hire new employees and
provide effective training to them to make sure that they will enhance their skills to
provide effective services to their customers to gain their high satisfaction. It is also
recommended in this report that the superior must measure the performance of their
employees on regular basis to analyse which employee is performing well and which
one is not so that the training opportunities will be provided to correct group of
workforces. On the other hand, it is also recommended that the hotel will take the
advice of IT expert to mitigate their IT problems within their organisation. IT expert
will help them to suggest few advance and modern tools and software which will help
them to protect their data from external threats and maintain the decorum of the
hotel. Secondly, hiring IT employees will also help the hotel to save their charges
which they spend on external IT services whenever they need an IT solution. Hiring
IT employees will help them to solve their issues quickly without paying additional
charges. The last recommendation is made regarding their website. They can use
various tools to develop effective designing of their website and mobile application
such as Web.com, Chrome DevTools, Grunt, and few others. They are also required
to measure the performance of their website that how much visitors visit their
website and what they are searching on their search tool through Google Page
Speed Insights, Gtmetrix, Dotcom-Monitor and many others.
They also set time to achieve this solution like for mitigating the risk of poor
customer service, they choose 6 months’ time duration, 8 months for solving IT
problem and 1.5 months to develop effective website for their organisation which will
satisfy their customers. It is concluded that regular business environment scanning
will help the organisations to analyse their issues and risk and they can make
effective strategies to reduce the impacts of these risks upon their organisation.
Analysing strengths will help the company to gain high profit from these factors and
analysing weakness will help the company to work harder to convert their weakness
upon their opportunities.
Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_5

It is essential for an organisation to identify their internal and external business
environment so that they can analyse the risk and make corrective actions to
mitigate the risk (Hodges, 2018). JW Marriott Grosvenor House London is a 5-star
service and luxurious hotel which is chosen for this report as the main organisation
to complete the report. There are various kinds of issues which are faced by this
hotel and due to which its operations get affected. Few of the issues are poor
customer service where most of the customers complaint that their mails regarding
any doubt or clarification of services will not get responded by the hotel (Top 10
Marriott Complaints and How They Can Be Resolved in 2019, 2019). Another issue
is IT problem where Marriott hotel is facing issues with reservations of guests, and
this happen due to technological challenges. And the last issues faced by customers
of Marriott hotel are regarding using their websites and applications for booking their
rooms. The search page of Marriott hotel is unable to answer the question
appropriately which is asked.
The following report will cover SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis, wide range of
management techniques, positive and negative aspect of analysis, findings and
results, action plan to mitigate problem and recommendations. SWOT and PESTEL
analysis are used to identify internal and external business environment of Marriott
hotel so that the hotel will use the opportunity for growth and make effective
decisions for mitigating the risks and promote productivity for their hotel operations.
Hence, the main purpose of this report is to mitigate three risks of Marriott hotel
which is mentioned above by using SWOT and PESTEL analysis.
Scope and analysis
Overview of the hotel
JW Marriott Grosvenor House London is a 5-star service and luxurious hotel which is
located on Park Lane in Central London. They are having various kinds of rooms like
Deluxe room and superior room. The Ballroom of this hotel is perfect for wedding
and society events. This room has capability of 500 guests for conducting an event
(JW Marriott Grosvenor House London, 2022). They are having 420 total numbers of
rooms within their hotel, and it is founded in 1929 which means this hotel is having
93 years of age in the market. Recently the hotel is having 4.5-star rating for their
location, service, and hygiene. Recently, the hotel is facing the issues related to their
Organizational Consultancy for Marriott Hotel: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis_6

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