
Assignment : Organizational Culture


Added on  2021-06-15

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Organizational Culture 1ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTUREby (Name)The Name of the Class (Course)Professor (Tutor)The Name of the School (University)The City and State where it is locatedThe Date
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Organizational Culture 2Annotated Bibliography: Organizational CultureTopic: Organizational CultureThesis Statement: Organizational culture comprises of the values and behaviors that contributeto the unique psychological and social behavior within a firm. Particularly, it represents thecollective norms, systems and beliefs and principles that guide the members of a particularorganization. Thus, this annotated bibliography will provide a list of sources that talk about theconcept of organizational culture within firms. Alvesson, M. (2013). Understanding Organizational Culture. 2nd ed. London: Sagepublications.The first source is a book written by Mats Alvensson in 2013 called UnderstandingOrganizational Culture. The book explains the concept of organizational culture as oneof the key areas of management and organizational practice. According to Alvensoson(2013), managers are tasked with an important responsibility of managing the ideas andviews of their staff. They are also responsible for dealing with technical issues within theorganization such as budgeting and information systems. Thus, all forms of managementtake place within culture. The book also highlights the fact that there has been anincreased interest in organizational life and managerial action over the past few decades.Mainly, this interest aims at developing an environment where formal chains ofcommand and bureaucracy are less invasive means of control, and instead values, ideasand beliefs are central in decision making. This source is a relevant and importantcontribution to the research on organizational culture as it helps the audience to know the
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Organizational Culture 3importance of culture within a corporation. Furthermore, the book provides clarity on thealternative approaches to organizational culture. Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 4th ed. New Jersey: JohnWiley & Sons The second source for this research is also a book by Edgar Schein. The name of the bookis Organizational Culture and Leadership, and was published in 2010. The book is thefourth edition and covers various aspects of corporate culture dynamics and theirrelationship to the leadership of the organization. In this series, the author provides adeeper explanation into the theoretical and practical issues that surround the culture oforganizations. Over the past few years, organizational culture and leadership havebecome very complicate topic. Thus, the book seeks to explain the importance ofexploring how leadership and culture can be intertwined to bring about organizationalchange. The book also defines culture and offers various examples on how to think aboutculture as an abstraction. It also discusses major dimensions along which leaders cananalyze culture and review the more salient culture typologies that can be used within thecorporate environment. Thus, this book will provide insightful and important informationregarding the concept of organizational culture and corporate leadership. Lee, Y. and Kramer, A. (2016). National Culture, Organizational Culture, and PurposefulDiversity and Inclusion Strategy. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1), pp.3-24.The third source is a journal article published in the Academy of ManagementProceedings in 2016. The name of the article is National Culture, Organizational
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