
Personal and Professional Skills for Management


Added on  2023-01-11

9 Pages2978 Words28 Views
Personal and
Professional Skills for
Personal and Professional Skills for Management_1

Table of Contents
How knowledge and understanding of conflict management is used to resolve situation of
conflict at workplace........................................................................................................................3
Knowledge and Understanding of Conflict and Conflict Management practice.........................3
Ways for reducing and resolving conflicts in workplace............................................................5
A clear understanding of coaching, its benefits and how the use of appropriate coaching
techniques which can improve the performance of an individual at workplace..............................6
Knowledge and Understanding of Coaching...............................................................................6
Benefits of Coaching...................................................................................................................6
Coaching technique’s used by organizations for improving performances of individual...........7
Personal and Professional Skills for Management_2

The second part of the report is an essay which discusses and provides an understanding of
conflict management practice that is used in resolving specific situations of conflict at the
workplace. Over a clear understanding of the coaching concept, its benefits and different
techniques such as listening, questioning etc. that are used for improving the performances of the
employees of an organisation is provided.
How knowledge and understanding of conflict management is used to resolve
situation of conflict at workplace.
Knowledge and Understanding of Conflict and Conflict Management practice.
Conflict is an activity that takes place when disagreements happen amongst two people or
within a staff in a business setting (Walidin, 2016). Once the disagreement leads to argument and
struggle between people with competing and adjusting with each other’s point of view and ideas
or even personal interest it leads to conflicts taking place among them. There are several factors
and sources which leads to conflicts in workplace such as difference of opinion, dissatisfaction
with working conditions, dissatisfaction with remuneration of salary that is being paid to the
people, excessive workload, lack of recognition for appreciation, separate perceptions of
individuals that leads to discriminatory and unfair treatment, fear of insecurity, clashes of
personality, misunderstanding or miscommunication amongst staff and unique expectations of
individuals in relation with behaviour and work environment. These are few factors that leads to
disagreement and conflicts among staff and individuals that are working in a business setting and
in a particular organisation.
Conflicts are not always of negative nature creative solutions and new ideas are most often
emerges through disagreement and continuous debate increasing aggressiveness and
destructiveness can make the conflict a negative aspect for the workplace and for the individuals
(Bronstein, 2015). Ultimately the conflict likely to have an adverse effect on performances and
practices of the management and once it escalates or spread it most likely to create damages and
affect others as well. A conflicting situation do not resolve and mail even deteriorated the work
place and working environment leading to damaging the organisations reputation and causing
Personal and Professional Skills for Management_3

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