
Pitching & Negotiation Skills Report


Added on  2020-07-23

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Professional Development
Pitching & NegotiationSkills
Pitching & Negotiation Skills Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Determine what is negotiation and why it occurs and who they key stakeholders duringthe negotiation process................................................................................................................1P2 Evaluating the key steps and information for negotiating and generating deals. .................2M1. Explain the detailed steps that organisation go through during negotiation process andrequired information in preparation. ..........................................................................................3D1 Critically evaluate the steps of the negotiation process and provide valid solution withissues. .........................................................................................................................................3TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3P3 Explain the process of RFP and explain different types of documentation required. ...........3P4 Explain the contractual process and how they relevant documentation is managed andmonitored. ..................................................................................................................................6M2. Apply the RPF process with an organisational context and the consequences of beach ofagreement. ..................................................................................................................................8TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................8P5 Develop an appropriate pitch and key principles to sustain the competitive edge. ..............8M3 Evaluate the effectiveness ways the chances of a successful pitch......................................9TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P6 Assess the potential outcomes of a Negotiation. ..................................................................9P7 Determine how organisation full fill their obligations from identifying the potential issues. .....................................................................................................................................................9M4 Recommend ways in which organisation can full fill their post pitch obligations. ...........10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10
Pitching & Negotiation Skills Report_2

INTRODUCTIONNegotiation skills is the most essential and effective skills of Human resourcemanagement. In the big organization where large number of employees working in theorganisation. Where HR needs to set the skills in order to negotiate employees requirement andsalaries. Present report based on Pitching & Negotiation skills of the Manager in Mark &Spencer. It is the well known multinational retail departmental store in British. It will cover thenegotiation skills and negotiation process. It will also cover the process of RPF which is requiredin the organisation. Moreover, it will also define and resolve the potential issues that occur in theorganisation. TASK 1P1. Determine what is negotiation and why it occurs and who they key stakeholders during thenegotiation process.Negotiation is the positive process which helps to resolve the conflicts between thepeoples in the organisation (Ting‐Toomey, 2015). During the functions in the organisation thereare different issues has arisen related to some issues. Such as employee arise issues related totheir wages, working hours, low effective management etc. these issues are very common in theorganisation in day to day activities. With the help of negotiation manager reach to the beneficialoutcome. Overall, it also helps to determine the actual reason behind that conflicts. The mainobjective of the negotiation is to resolve the points of differences. It is very effective in Mark &Spencer for making effective working in the organisation. Negotiation proves have applied in case of any disputes and issues with the employees(Haslam and et.al, 2014). Individual needs to analyse the company issues and try to give bettersolution to mitigate those issues. Generally it occurs due to having improper management, highwork pressure, ineffective training and development skills, lack of employee motivation.Through all this reasons company will need to take negotiation process. Due to having longoperations in the company many of the issues may occur through which employees are notcomfortable to solve it. Besides, manger take steps of negotiation and try to remove the issues inorder to achieve the overall objectives and goals (Korobkin, 2014). For that, manager of M&S has responsible to solve the query of PersonalAssistant, the issue of the PA is that She requested to enhance their 10 % salary. Besides as perthe company rule average salary growth rise in a year was 5% for top performers in the1
Pitching & Negotiation Skills Report_3

company. Along with that, PA is the deserving person for the increment of the salary. Due tosuch events and issues negation skills will help to resolve the issues (Lande, 2014). Accordingthe employee issues manager take action to reduce the time of PA and permit her to come officeat 7:30 to 4:30 so that PA get time to reach the home timely. As per the standard time of thecompany is 8 am to 5 pm. With the help of negotiation manager solve the problem withoutincreasing the cost of the company. There are many stakeholders which affects and occurdifferent issues for the company (Zartman, 2015). To determine the actual stakeholders of the company manager needs to recognise thepotential and effective stakeholders in order to achieve negotiation process like companypotential stakeholders may be customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, government,competitors etc. stakeholders may create issues for the company and it is the responsibility of thecompany to remove all doubts and queries of stakeholder in order to achieve their satisfactionlevel. P2 Evaluating the key steps and information for negotiating and generating deals. Negotiation is the magical tool to resolve the different queries in the organisation. Itcontains five steps in order to simplified the issue and matter between the stakeholders andcompany. There are five steps in order to achieve the best solution to resolves the matter. Five stages of NegotiationStage 1: PrepareIn the first process Manager begin tounderstand the issue and facts relatedproblems. Further, they collect necessaryinformation in order to identify the actual baseproblem (Cenere and Lewis, 2015). Stage 2: Exchange InformationAfter, determining the issue managerdiscovering value and build interest and trustbetween the stakeholders. They discuss withthe individuals and try to build motivation levelamong them in order to mitigate the issues. Stage 3: Bargain In next process try to convene them with thehelp of negotiation skills. Along with thatmanger needs to address the issue (Cooke and2
Pitching & Negotiation Skills Report_4

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