
(Solved) Project Management Methodologies


Added on  2021-05-27

4 Pages691 Words33 Views
Running head: Reflective journal 1PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGIES, TECHNIQUES, AND LEADERSHIPSTYLESStudent nameAffiliationSupervisor’s nameDate of submission
(Solved) Project Management Methodologies_1

Running head: Reflective journal 2Project manager is required to employ project related techniques and methodologies to ensureobjectives are achieved[ CITATION Hed13 \l 1033 ]. One area in project management that I founddifficult to understand is in the planning phase of the project life cycle which is projectscheduling using project management software’s. Project scheduling involves a process ofscheduling project activities by allocating time, resources and creating dependencies[ CITATIONKen13 \l 1033 ]. It was difficult to understand because it requires knowledge in calculatingdesired timings and indicating activities dependencies. I was able to deal with it by makingconsultations with experts in construction projects who practically explained how it is done andit’s utility in projects scheduling. In addition I was able to attend three week project schedulingtraining on how to use the project management software to create Gantt charts and critical pathanalysis. After learning the skill it has improved my planning approaches in project scheduling for thethree project constraints (time, resources and scope). I am able to schedule project activities fordifferent types of projects without any difficulty. The acquired skill included application of thesoftware to allocate time, resources and team lists in project activities. In addition learning theskill as enable me to understand the three types of time estimates (pessimistic, optimistic andmost likely times) which are used in project planning and scheduling[ CITATION Bur13 \l 1033 ].Future managers need to embrace use of project management software’s for planning purposes intheir projects. It improves efficiency and reduces redundancies and overlapping’s resulting frompoor scheduling techniques. The main strength as a project manager is on application oftheoretical models and frameworks in planning while my weakness is on applying mathematicalcomputations in decision making. I can easily understand theories used in project planning aspart of my strength but unable to apply mathematical concepts in decisions. There are different styles of leadership that can be applied in projects. Democratic orparticipative style of leadership involves project team members are freely allowed to activelymake decisions[ CITATION Bou15 \l 1033 ]. Autocratic or dictatorship involves a leadership stylewhere project team members are not allowed to make decisions the decision is centralized in aperson. Bureaucratic leadership involves using rules and procedures to govern project activitiesand team members. Free-rein is another leadership technique where project managers allow totalfreedom to the employees to perform on their own. There are different categories of projects
(Solved) Project Management Methodologies_2

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