
Successful Business Strategy Management


Added on  2020-02-03

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Successful Business Strategy Management_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4P1 Project Aims: ........................................................................................................................4P1 Project Objectives..................................................................................................................4P2 A project management plan covering various aspects covering risk, resources, cost, time,scope,communication and quality...............................................................................................5Scope of project...........................................................................................................................6Cost of project.............................................................................................................................6Time period of project.................................................................................................................6Quality required..........................................................................................................................7Communication required.............................................................................................................7Resources required......................................................................................................................7P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chart for producing time frames and stages forcompletion...................................................................................................................................7TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10P4 Small scale research through qualitative and quantitative methods of research for achievingthe project aims and objectives.................................................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12P5 Analysis of research by using proper tools and techniques.................................................12P6 Appropriate recommendations and conclusions for the implementing of corporate socialresponsibility.............................................................................................................................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................15P7 Reflection on the undertaking value....................................................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17
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INTRODUCTIONThe need generated for the project management plan in managing the business is toorganise the work into systematic tasks. Managing business is not a easy task it includes lots ofplanning, organising, sacrifices and lot of systematic work. It includes taking care of aspects likecost, time and quality control. For small businesses like TESCO its very important nowadays tomeet the societal needs . This reports aims at accomplishing the sustainable objectives byimplementing corporate social responsibility(De 2016). CSR is the responsibilities that abusiness undertakes for providing benefits to the society and by solving certain societal issueswhich are happening within the organisation. Implementing CSR has become a trend now, and ithelps the business's reputation grow in the market and in the eyes of stakeholders. With the helpof project management plan and Gantt chart TESCO adopts CSR policies as it will help themsolving the problem of food wastage in their organisation.TASK 1P1 Project Aims: To implement corporate social responsibility policies to attain sustainable goals andobjectives of TESCO.P1 Project ObjectivesTESCO PLC is a retail chain of grocery market and general merchandising, they own 12stores and hold a leading position in the market. The main objective of TESCO is to achievesustainable development with the help of implementing CSR activities and while this theythought of giving their contribution from pre tax profits in donations and charities. Corporatesocial responsibilities is the activities makes the company to work on the morales. It teaches thecompany to work ethically and abide by all the rules and regulations. If the company is ethical,more and more people will attached to it and trust is developed ,so as the business. Everybodywants to do business with the company who has values and is ,morally strong(denvan and de2010). And follow all the legal procedures. The customers will be attracted toward them and itwill increase their market share and visibility. CSR is the commitment to done by the business towork ethically in the market and give their contribution in the economic development. They helpin improving the standard of living of their employees and of their families by providing certain
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benefits. It improves the goodwill of the company and gain trust of the stakeholders. Theobjectives of TESCO are as follows:Measuring the extent to which CSR will help gaining sustainability.To assess the role of CSR.To evaluate all the activities that will be conducted in CSR.To know the applications of CSR.To solve the issue of food wastage.To understand the level to which the business can be improved.For evaluating the extent of competitive edge TESCO can get with the implementation.For attaining these objectives smart formula is applied and that is:Specific: The role of corporate social responsibility must be specific. It must be clear what theobjectives are and it should not deviate( Eckerson, 2010.). Here in reference to TESCO, its thewastage of food in their pantry.Measurable : The management should know the amount of food being wasted as it will helpthem to make plans for reducing that wastage. It must be measured and known to themanagement.Appropriate: the goals that is to be set by the management must be relevant and appropriate asit is to be resolved in the following plan.Realistic: the plan that is made for the implementation is should be realistic and not idealistic.Only that plan must be made which is attainable.Timely: the time to complete the project is very essential in the projects as if the project isdelayed it losses its value.P2 A project management plan covering various aspects covering risk, resources, cost, time,scope,communication and quality.It is the plan which helps the business to reach to the successful conclusion. The planneeds to cover all this for the successful completion( Edmonds 2011). Communication is themost important part of the project as it helps in managing the work and coordinating with theemployees , as without coordination no task can be completed . The project is associated withmany risks as to adhere to the cost , quality , time.
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Scope of projectThe scope of project is to give attention to certain aspects which make the projectsuccessful and these are stakeholders, ethical values, laws and policies. Stakeholders should begiven attention and the company should work for their betterment as they include customers,suppliers, government etc. including ethical values as scope gives the company a sense ofprestige in the market. TESCO can use normative policies as it will give satisfaction to thecustomers. Laws and policies must be followed religiously( Gharajedaghi 2011). It will fulfil thecriteria of CSR. And wastage of food should be minimal.Cost of projectThe cost of project includes the cost right from the planning stage to the date of executionof plan. It must be reasonable and should not include unnecessary extra costs that are irrelevant.These cost must cover all the expenses that are going to occur in saving the food wastage andattaining all the objectives. Main cost will incur in implementing CSR as it will include lots ofcampaign and legal frameworks.Time period of projectThe project must be completed in time(Keller Parameswaran and Jacob 2011). Thesuccess of the plan is in timely beginning and ending of the project. The deadlines should bemeet and they should be monitor regularly as to stick to the plan. Customer expectation isattached to the plan so if the time exceeds customer will loose interest and after that it will be ofno use.
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Quality requiredThe quality should not be compromised. In order to complete the project in time, itshould be taken care of that the plan must not loose its quality.Communication requiredFor making a plan successful and effective it must be communicated to the stakeholderas they are the essential part of the project( Kowalkowski Kindström and Brehmer 2011). TheCSR is being implemented for their benefit only. They should be informed about this throughappropriate manner such as formal meetings, via e-mails, etc.Resources requiredThe allocation of resources is must for any plan to initiate. The kind of resources that arerequired are human resources for doing the work, financial resources for funding the plan,marketing resources for the campaigning and marketing the CSR strategies. P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chart for producing time frames and stages forcompletion.For completing the implementation of CSR on time it requires proper monitoring andcontrol of the activities going on in the plan. For this there are tools like work break downstructures and Gantt chart which provide a check on the activities. The work breakdown structuredivides the work into smaller organised and systematic tasks that are to be achieved withincertain specific time frame. They needed to be completed in that only. By doing this, qualitymust be maintained and cost must be controlled(Law Chen and Wu 2010). The following workbreakdown structure will definitely help TESCO in implementing CSR and will help in knowingthe time of closing of the project.ActivityPlanningRequiredResources Execution of theprojectResultsFor conductingmeetings with themanager atvariousbefore theconducting surveyin the market,meetings must bePen, papers andMobile phone, soon. The meeting willbe conductingwith the top levelmanagement soThe survey isconducted on thestakeholders ofthe organisation
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