
Impact of Managing Cultural Diversity on Business Performance


Added on  2023-01-19

27 Pages6660 Words85 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataLanguages and CultureStatistics and Probability
Research Project
(Equality and diversity in the workplace)
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Main purpose of this project is to identify the impact of managing cultural diversity in
improving business performance of company. In order to achieve this purpose, different number
of activities was done by the researcher. Literature review is more effective part of research that
were done by using different number of secondary sources i.e. books, articles etc. Research
methodology also completed with the use of different methods apart from their justification.
Questionnaire was followed by researcher for gaining valid results and outcomes of the study.
Conclusion and recommendation has been completed by summarising entire information of
report in short manner. Reflection has been done by describing effectiveness of each method.
With the help of conclusion, researcher can identified research aim and objectives are achieved
and they get better results.
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CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology.............................................................................................4
CHAPTER 4: Data analysis and Interpretation.............................................................................10
CHAPTER 5: Results and Discussion...........................................................................................21
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................22
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CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology
Research methodology refers to the systematic process of data collection and data analysis.
There are different approaches and methodologies that will be essential and useful for researcher
in doing this project effectively. Research methodology is another main and significant part of
research project as it facilitate in collecting, analysing and interpreting of information effectively
(Ali, 2016). This section includes different number of methods, techniques, approaches etc. that
will be valuable and useful within a current study. There are some approaches and methods of
research that will be taken into this project are explained as below:
Research approach: This is another important section of methodology that assist researcher
in analysing of qualitative or quantitative data from two approaches which are inductive or
deductive. Therefore, deductive and inductive are two main approaches of analysing information
about the specific area of study (Al-Jenaibi, 2017).
Justification: Current investigation is based on quantitative information and for analysing
this type of data; deductive approach is more suitable that will be followed by researcher. Main
intent behind selecting deductive approach as it not take more time and also give data in form of
quantitative as compare to inductive approach of research (Barak, 2016).
Research choice: This is an effective and important part of research that will be essential
and important for researcher in completion of full study effectively. There are basically two
choices which are quantitative and quantitative. These choices of study are important but for
conducting present study quantitative research choice has been followed because it support
investigator in collecting of quantitative data by consuming minimum time period (Blackwood,
Bentley, Catley and Edwards, 2017).
Justification: Main reason behind selecting quantitative research choice as it assist in
gathering of numerical data from large number of sample size. On the other side, qualitative
research is not appropriate because it takes maximum time and not provides quantitative
information (Boehm and Dwertmann, 2015).
Research philosophy: This part of the research methodology help researcher in collecting,
analysing and interpreting of qualitative and quantitative information. This section of
methodology basically has two types which named are positivism and interpretivisim. These
types of philosophies are effective but for doing present study, positivism type of philosophy will
be used (Deresky and Christopher, 2015).
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Justification: It is more appropriate or suitable because it will help researcher to gather and
analysis numerical data within lesser time duration. Another reason for selecting positivism
philosophy as it provides quantitative information and also not consumes maximum time as
compare to interpretivisim philosophy (Guillaume and et. al., 2017).
Therefore, research methodologies and research approach within an investigation plays an
important role in collecting of valid and reliable data about the study. All these are effective and
essential but quantitative and deductive approach of data collection and data analysis are more
suitable within a study because it assist in gathering of valid outcomes in limited time period
(Gurung and Prater, 2017).
In order to conduct primary and secondary research, there is requirement of using some
appropriate and useful methods that will be explained as below:
Sampling: This is another main part of research methodology that helps researcher in
selecting of sample size from total population. This section has two techniques of sampling
which are known as probability and non-probability. For selecting sample size in this study,
probability sampling has been applied because it helps in selecting of large number of
respondents randomly. 60 employees of Machine industry has been recruited or selected
randomly under probability sampling. Non-probability is another technique of selecting sample
but in this research it is not useful because it is based on smallest number of sample and also
consumes maximum time (Mor Barak and et. al., 2016).
Research techniques: There are number of research techniques which are questionnaire,
interview, focus group and many more. All these are main techniques but for gathering data
about the equality and diversity, questionnaire will be followed as it support researcher in
collecting and analysing of quantitative time of information easily. In this method, researcher has
been making some close-ended questions that support in collecting of reliable and valid data
from the respondents about the topic (Hofhuis, van der Zee and Otten, 2015).
Primary and secondary sources of data collection: These are two effective sources of data
collection that will be applied within an investigation for gathering primary as well as secondary
information about the topic. In order to gather primary information, questionnaire is more
appropriate method because it facilitate in collecting of valid information within lesser time
period. On the other hand, there are different numbers of secondary sources such as publication
research; books, magazines, articles, journals etc. are used within a study for collecting
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secondary information about the topic. These sources are used in literature review section for
collecting secondary and detailed data regarding the topic (Riccucci, 2018).
Q1) Do you understand about the importance of equality and diversity at workplace of an
a) Yes
b) No
Q2) What are the significance of diversity and equality in the workplace of an enterprise?
Increased employees satisfaction
Improved brand reputation
Opens up new talent
Retention of talented employees
Q3) According to you, what are the positive impacts of culture diversity over business
performance of Machine industry?
a) Improved creativity
b) Increased profits
c) Reduced employee turnover
d) Wider range of skills
Q4) What are the ways that may be use within Machine industry in managing cultural diversity
at workplace?
a) Teamwork
b) Awareness
c) Communication
d) Model the right behaviour
Q5) In your opinion, what are the benefits of cultural diversity management for employees?
a) Higher employee engagement
b) Improved employee’s performance
c) Higher motivation
Q6) What are challenges that may be face by Machine industry in managing cultural diversity in
the workplace?
a) Conflicting working styles across teams
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