Psychology of Behaviour : Assignment (Doc)
Added on 2021-01-02
11 Pages3784 Words407 Views
Psychology of Behaviour
TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3LO1..................................................................................................................................................3P1 Range of psychological perspectives and how they help in explaining the human behaviour.....................................................................................................................................................3M1 Similarities and differences between psychological perspectives in explaining humanbehaviour.....................................................................................................................................5LO2..................................................................................................................................................6P2 Research into group influence, conformity and obedience and how human behaviour isaffected........................................................................................................................................6M2 Analysis of the consequences of prejudice and discrimination within the public service....8D1 Why an understanding and knowledge of psychological perspective and social influence isrelevant to public service............................................................................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
INTRODUCTIONPsychology may be defined a scientific study of a human mind and the functions whichhave an effect on individual behaviour. Behaviour is defined as a way in which an individualbehaves or can also be defined as a response of an individual or a group to certain person, actionor even to an environment. Behavioural psychology is also known as Behaviourism, it is a theoryof learning mainly based on the idea that all behaviours of an individual are acquired throughconditioning. It includes the over view of behavioural approaches, theories and treatments. It isthe study of how a behaviour related to the mind (Lea, 2015). This report discusses about thevarious psychological perspectives such as describing the range of psychological perspectivesand how these perspectives help in explaining the human behaviour. Present report also identifiesthe effect of social influences on the behaviour of an individual and also discusses about theconsequences of prejudice and discrimination.LO1P1 Range of psychological perspectives and how they help in explaining the human behaviourThere various range of psychological perspectives which can help in explaining thehuman behaviour which can be explained as follows:Biological: Physical structure of a person plays an important role in shaping the behaviour of aperson, most common and important physical structure of human is nervous system.Understanding the nervous system is vital for understanding the human psychology in general.Biological perspective in the way of looking at the psychological issues by studying the physicalbasis of human behaviour (Blackman, 2017). Biology is the major perspective in the psychologywhich involves studying the human brain, nervous system, genetics and immune system.Biological perspective is mainly looking at the problems of humans and actions for example theaggression, someone may view the aggression as a result of childhood experiences andunconscious urges while as another person may take it as behavioural perspective which canshape the behaviour of human by reinforcement, association and punishment. Biologicalperspective would involve looking at the biological roots which may lie behind the behaviour ofhuman (Biological psychology, 2019). Biological perspective helps in examining the feelings,thoughts, behaviours, etc from the biological view point which involves three ways of studyingand understanding the human behaviour such as:
Comparative method: In this method humans can be studied by making the comparison whichcan help in understanding the human behaviour.Psychology: In describes how the nervous system and hormones work and how brain functionswhich have an effect the human behaviour.Investigation of inheritance: What a person inherits from its parents, peers, colleagues, etc.Psychodynamic: Psychodynamic perspective emphasis on the unconscious psychological forcessuch as wishes, feelings, emotions, fears, etc and how they relate to early experience. It describesthe personality of a human in terms of conscious and unconscious forces. Psychodynamicperspective describes the three levels of human consciousness such as conscious, sub-consciousand the unconscious (Ogden, 2016). Conscious is the current state of mind in which the currentrecord or events are recorded. Sub-conscious mind is opposite to the conscious, sub-consciousbehaviours can not be controlled by humans while as unconscious mind of human is that whichis occupied with the memories that may negative impact on the individual behaviour pattern.But, psychodynamic perspective works on the unconscious levels of human mind and how doesit effect the human behaviour. Psychodynamic perspective refers to number of psychologicaltheories which make up the psychodynamic perspective. Such theories collectively suggests theindividual personality with the combination of unconscious impulses and desires. For example aresearch can be conducted in order to understand why a particular person has committed a seriesof crimes, but the psychodynamic theory concludes that person may have negative or violentexperiences during its childhood which has led to the unconscious desire to harm others. Behaviourist: Behaviourist perspective is an approach which describes the behaviour andlearning of human in terms of stimulus response relationships it can have influence on humanthrough following ways:Environmental influence: Behaviours of an individual are the results of their interaction withthe environment in which a person lives (Woodhead, 2015). It focuses on how a person becomeconditioned to respond in a particular way which are based up on responses like rewards,feedbacks and praises. Learning involves a behavioural change: It includes the learning is not successful unless anduntil it has resulted in observable change in the behaviour of an individual. Learning as a stimuli and responses: Behaviourists mainly focuses on the observable eventsinstead of events which may occur inside the mind of a person which includes thoughts, beliefs,
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