
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process


Added on  2019-12-18

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Professional Development
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_1

Every organization spend lot of time and money to find the best person for job to
effective role. There is some documentation formality is necessary before recruiting any
individual into an organization. This help them in increase their efficiency. (Mumford, 2011).
New recruits arrive their first day of job with full of enthusiasm. To support them and encourage
them there are many activities organize and arrange by the company for their new employees.
These activities support them and encourage them to play their role in company very effectively
and efficiently. When company hire a new employee in then he must play his role provide by the
company. Close job chance and variety are not the isolated state in the choice and enlisting
procedure. This is one of the most appropriate factor through which a firm can achieve
excellence in their working.
P1 Documentation of selecting and recruiting process
For achieving the desired goals and objectives an organization have to use appropriate
recruitment and selection procedure because it is the only medium through which they can attain
all of their targets in a proper manner.
The documentation of whole process
Job analysis:
The selecting and recruiting process help company in achieving their desired goals with
skillful and effective employees (Rosen, 2010). This process provides the growth to different
department and provide the opportunity to new employees to develop their skills and
effectiveness. For selecting an appropriate person on the right job at the time of need will require
a plan and evaluation of the requirements for the proposed consent.
Identifying no. of position
While, identifying different position that are needed to fill company need to keep this
following point in mind.
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_2

Interpret the plan of action and goals and take it into intellect-ion for the various section.
Conduct the fast analysis of the nucleus competencies.
Demeanor the line investigation for new perspective in the department
Job Specification
An appropriate information and description is necessary for hiring an educated candidate.
It important for the companies to have proper communication, with candidates by providing
them with correct information about the position they are applying and about their job like, what
their job is about and what it demands from them.
Getting the approval.
In a company each position requires a clear documented plan and it is approved by the
company units. A careful and effectively structured recruitment plan help to make strategies for
attracting and hiring the best and qualified candidates (Lipnack, 2012).
Formulate a committee
A team is selected by firm to make sure that only best individuals get selected and move
further. The team consist of different people to minimize favoritism and to evaluate the candidate
from all perspective
P2 Legal and regulatory effect on recruiting and selecting process
Whenever a organisation is engaged in any of the recruitment process it is mandatory for
them to follow some ethics, rules and values (Fuller, 2010). It is essential to be alert of some
certain legal to decrease the peril related to option. Every action of recruitment and assortment
like job postings, interview question, checking references and making job offers all required to
be done in a way that fitting judicial responsibility.
Job positing
The company must not be publishing job positioning and advertisement that give preferences to
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_3

Political brief
Physical disability
Gender identity
Family status
Material status
When the interviewer taking the interview then some important key factors to be keep in
mind when he designs the questions for interview (Harrison, 2011). Enquirer need to assure that
the interrogation is not deliberately or unintentionally asking the question on forbidden ground. It
is crucial for the troupe that they depict the job and statement in a way that all applicants have an
equal opportunity to apply for that. In addition to it firm also must follow the rules and regulation
implemented by govt. Under equity law the above condition is included where employer is
needing to conduct all this process keeping its prejudice aside. Another such act is negotiation
act which gives candidate the power to negotiate the term and condition given by institute and
bend them to meet his demand. During this whole process its necessary for interviewer to listen
the point of view of candidate and then make any decision. If company does not adhere to this
rule, then they can fall in legal issue which can cost company a great loss and also its brand
Conducting a reference check
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_4

For the company it is essential to billet that they cannot ask the question that are against
the law to any stage of the recruitment and selection activity including interview or while
conducting reference check.
Making the offers
A company must get aware about all the chances of discrimination between their
employees based on gender, age, color at workplace. Such issues include less pay than other
based on sexuality.
P3 the procedure of selecting
Selection activity signifies that to hire most suitable candidate for a job which is required
to get fill.
Planning the selection process: Initial step described that to review about the nature and
education of an applicant so that they can determine that which candidate is most suitable for
their required position (M.D, 20011). It is not important for the company that they further
provide the consideration to the applicant which is not selected for the job. The job applicant
who are selected in job and meet the minimum qualification are then assessed to decided which
one is short listed to move forward for interview.
Operative with selection sheet: Utilizing of other people in selection process can be very
helpful for a company to select the most appropriate and deserving candidate (Glen, 2013). The
company can include the experience member of company, or any other member who hold
important position in company, sometime manager are also included in this process, when so
many people are included its necessary for company to have proper time management so that
whole process does not consume too much time of these people. The whole process includes
following points:
Screenings resume
creating effective questioner
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_5

creating panel for interview
Evaluating potential candidate
provide inputs for final assortment
Prepare for the interview: it is Important for the company that they prepare the questions
performance. It is also important to prepare the some important to prepare the some important
follow up questions.
Conduct the interview: It is important for the company that before taking the interview
the company select the suitable surroundings for examination and secure that they will not
Applicants then it is very important that there is no bias in the interview. A suitable
candidate must be select in interview.
P4 Contribution to the selection process
Human resource is the key factor and the important element of every organization. The
effectiveness and the success of every organization is depending on the skilled innovative.
Committed and creative workers, so it is very important for every organization that they pay
effective attention on their human resource and or work force (Bell, 2011). Every organization
wants the innovative, skilled and committed workers so it is important to apply the effective
recruitment and selection process.
Defining strategic Priorities: For an organization in making their operations successful they
must drive out appropriate strategies in this concern. The priorities of this scheme are for
company to achieve long term benefits and big achievements in near future (Scott, 2014). A firm
brand image also works in this scenario because if they have good image then many candidates
will lead to work with them and they also become able to compete with others.
The purpose of recruitment and selection: Importance of this process is growing in many
organizations as a result of strategic priorities. The compact for skilled labor and manpower
increase the competition in the market. The recruitment and selection process implement as a
Evaluating Employee Ownership Through Assessment Process_6

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