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Reflective Journal on Personal Learning and Skills Development


Added on  2023/06/14

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This reflective journal discusses personal learning and skills development through university activities, using Gibbs reflective cycle. It covers the different skills developed, such as time management, team management, communication, and teamwork. An action plan is also included for future development.

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Reflective Journal

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
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Continuous development is the procedure for maintaining, evaluating and developing the
professional skills. These are considered as the type of skills which are developed by training
people and making integrated courses for them (Moser, 2019). With the help of proper
development of skills, individuals need to develop their academic and professional career in their
life. The professional development is used to properly develop the overall knowledge, thoughts
and values in the professional career considering the direct and personal activities which are the
meaningful direction (Rokhiyah, 2020). The report leads to cover the personal learning and skills
which are developed by taking part in the activities organised by university. For this, Gibbs
reflective cycle is useful to evaluate the reflection that will explore different study and
employability skills that leads to achieve during the learning. Lastly, action plan is developed in
terms of making further development for future.
Gibbs reflective cycle
It is related with the overall description which I gained by taking part in the activities
which are conducted by university. The activities which I performed, offer me the effective
opportunity and bad experience as well. During this process, I was engaged with different
activities which is helpful for me as I recognise my personal ability for doing and performing my
tasks. University has allotted individual task which is required for the several skills in terms of
the completion of such project (Tuan, 2021). For this project, I researched to collect the
appropriate information and data. We also aligned in the group task with particular guidelines in
regard of follow them performing each and every task. The learnings are helpful for me for the
completion of project and also I achieve suitable skills which I study.
Further, while doing the assignments and projects my ability and skills were tested and I
faced various challenges while doing the project. These complications taught me to perform my
taught me to work effectively and smartly (Miranda and et. al., 2020). I also gave my full
potential and worked out for my comfort zone in order to get effective outcome. Hence, the
discussed situation has increased my productivity and time management skills by developing my
skills to perform task in suitable manner.
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In the beginning of project, I was quite excited to perform my job and also nervous at the
same time. Due to this, it was new for me as I was conscious in terms of taking steps regarding
the project due to the shortage of overall experience (Hardwick, 2019). Therefore, to solve these
problem I look forward to have proper guidance of my mentor as they calmed and motivated me
throughout my project. For this, the project which I assigned came with suitable deadline.
Because of this, I got little bit worried as my mentor and colleagues supported and motivated me
to bring and develop my confidence and enhance my personality.
Further, all of the individuals and group project which was assigned to me were submitted
on time with effective integrity. For instance, at the time of group project we all are excited
because of group activities but also faced several issues regarding the conflicts, shortage of
proper communications and so forth (Dinham and et. al., 2021). All of these activity leads to
develop issues that resulted towards nervousness. Hence, it will help in developing motivation
and time management that has boosted our self-confidence.
It is the evaluation of all the activities which I face during the participation in university
project. All of these activities and experiences helped me in academic and future career. At the
time of performing group task, I have learned that several things like how to manage team and
time management skills. In terms of providing free project we followed all the guidelines which I
developed as the skills of academic integrity leads to develop my overall skills for study
(Shodiqin and Waluya, 2020). Because of this, I can easily perform such task in more effective
and deliberate manner for the further future. I also learned that the skills of self and time
management with the help activities which are conducted by university. To effectively perform
the task, I distributed it according to the guidelines that brings suitable skills of time management
in my life.
I also develop time management skills by solving issues which we faced during the
project related to the communication barrier, motivation and time management. These practices
are helpful in terms of brings the future and also develop my personality which I gained so it
includes significant skills like team management, problem solving and so forth (Korpaš, 2021).
These projects were also reducing my nervousness related to the new project. Hence, my

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confidence was also developed by the completion of project that brings positive approach in my
nature. For the further future, I can easily manage these types of situation in an effective manner.
During performing suitable activities, I gain different experiences which can be easily
evaluated. we also face issues regarding the completion of project because of shortage of team
management skills. Further, such situation I did not know like how to handle these situations.
But when I started the project I create different attributes in personality like these projects helped
me in determining several vision which are related to the project (Esmaeilinasab and
Hajihashemi, 2021). Among the project, I face several issues which are related to my individual
and team project as well. By effectively having guidance of my mentor and class lectures helped
me a lot for the completion of project at the given period of time. The problem skills that
developed during the project has developed the confidence in personality.
Throughout the project, I learned different skills and knowledge and also realise that every
panic situation can be resolved by effective management and also use the concerning resources.
As I mentioned in the above reflective report, I got nervous and stressed during the project
because of the unfamiliar and critical situation which I faced during the implementation of
project (Sadruddin, 2019). Such incident has realised me the significance of the guidance of
mentor and also developed my self-confidence and important skills. The above stated experience
has changed my overall perspective in wider context and also developed my ability to perform
the task.
Action plan
On the grounds of overall experience which I gained in performing the suitable activities in
university as an effective action plan which is required that it will helps in developing my skills
and knowledge for the future scenario. As it reflects in the above report by which I faced several
challenges and issues regarding the completion of project (Nagro and et. al., 2021). Therefore, by
dedicated action plan I can develop my objectives that will surely helpful for the future projects.
This plan will enhance my academic skills and knowledge that will facilitate the learning in my
own academic career. The developed action plan is comprehensive for the employability and
study skills.
Plan Objectives Tasks Success criteria Time Resources
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Study skills
on skill
By focusing over the
learning is useful for
me to improve my
knowledge and
growth. By reading
books, listening
podcasts and
documentaries are
also useful to develop
my overall skills. Also
actively taking part in
group discussion and
debate by which I can
improve my
communication skills.
Impact of
teammate by
having effective
command on
Group discussion with
these people have
detailed knowledge of
literature. Interactive
sessions, seminars and
books to develop the
suitable knowledge in
regard of academic
Continuously reading
blogs and research
paper for developing
the ability of
researches by surfing
of search engine.
Reading the research
material for published
Submit the
given project of
university on
given time.
High speed internet.
Skills for analysing the
research material for the
use of own project.
Teamwork Taking active
participation in group
Taking actively part
in group assignments.
Achieve the
desired goals by
working in the
project team.
Working platform
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From the above action plan, it has been analysed that it will play an important role for
developing my skills and knowledge. By effectively practicing will helps in shaping my
academic career. By working on the assigned task I can capable enough to manage team work
and also offer me ease in my future projects.
From the preceding discussion, it has been analysed that all the above activities played a
major role for effectively developing the new skills in overall academic career. As discussed I
the above report regarding the activities of universities different skills are developed like time
management, team management, communication, team working and so forth. All of the skills
that plays an important role in the career guidance become fruitful for me. In the above report
several factors are stated and helped me in recognising my skills and also develop my personal
learning. Further, I also gained significant skills in order to manage critical situations. Lastly, the
action plan is useful and also helped me to shape my future development and improve my ability
to overcome the future challenges.

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Books and Journals
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Malaysian and Australian education systems: A scoping review. Asia-Pacific Journal of
Teacher Education, 49(4), pp.435-449.
Esmaeilinasab, M. and Hajihashemi, S., 2021. Parental Mentalizing and Emotion Regulation:
Validity and Reliability of the Persian version of The Parental Reflective Functioning
Questionnaire. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 13(1), pp.89-100.
Hardwick, G.C., 2019. Teachers' Perceptions of Reflective Practices Within an International
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ACADEMIC SPEAKING SKILLS. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and
Academic Purposes, pp.321-331.
Miranda, M and et. al., 2020. Active, experiential and reflective training in civil engineering:
evaluation of a project-based learning proposal. European Journal of Engineering
Education, 45(6), pp.937-956.
Moser, C., 2019, March. Reflective oblique phase imaging of the retina (Conference
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Society for Optics and Photonics.
Nagro, S.A and et. al., 2021. Promoting Reflective Ability Through a Comprehensive Field
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Ndomba, R.M., Development and Assessment of Reflective Skills among Teacher Trainees in
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Rokhiyah, I., 2020. Reflective practice teacher education: Constraints at Universitas Terbuka.
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Shodiqin, A. and Waluya, S.B., 2020, April. Mathematics communication ability in statistica
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Tuan, D.M., 2021. Vietnamese EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Reflective Teaching
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