
Romanian & Bulgarian Migration to EU


Added on  2020-02-05

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Dissertation(To investigate the issues and challenges ofRomanian migrant in hospitality (from employeepoint of view)
Romanian & Bulgarian Migration to EU_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................31.1 Overview................................................................................................................................31.2 Rationale for the study...........................................................................................................51.3 Research Aim and Objectives................................................................................................61.4 Research questions.................................................................................................................61.5 Significance of the study........................................................................................................6CHAPTER- 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................82.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................82.2 Training and development.....................................................................................................82.3 Romanian migration in UK..................................................................................................112.4 Benefits of employing Romanian workforce.......................................................................132.5 Challenges faced by Romanian employees in UK hospitality industry...............................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................182
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CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION Title: To investigate the issues and challenges of Romanian migrant in hospitality (from employee point of view)1.1 OverviewThroughout history and throughout the world individuals have always moved acrosssignificant borders. Migration has been regarded as the universal part of the human condition/ Inthe present era, nearly each state as well as political contexts are affected through theinternational migration. Human migration has become debatable topic that can be observed in thevarious parts across the globe. It can be defined as the movement of individuals from oneparticular location to another (Black, Adger, Arnell, Dercon, Geddes and Thomas, 2011). Themigration among the people is carried out with the aim to live either on temporary or permanentbasis within new location. The movement is often over longer distances and from one country toanother. There is greater impact of migration on the economy of the host country. The influenceof migration can be viewed over various sectors that includes education, health housing as wellas hospitality etc. Migration has continued in the form of both voluntary migration that is withinone region, country or beyond and involuntary migration. Earlier the human being migrated asthe reason of various factors that includes change in climate, landscape as well as inadequacy inthe supply of food (Biermann and Boas, 2010). The people migrating face wide range ofchallenges. The present era of globalization has taken the activities of the employment beyondthe boundaries of the nation. In hospitality sector the individuals are being employed fromanother countries. The presence of existing migration of Romanian within UK is concentrated infour various sectors that involves construction, trade, hospitality as well as cleaning services.This has resulted in increasing number of people that are migrating with the aim to getemployment. There is greater impact of immigration on the growth of population. This hasbecome one of most prevalent themes in the political and media debates on UK immigrationpolicy. Earlier migration was regarded and utilized as last resort for the purpose of maintainingmoderate living that is impossible to acquire in origin country while this successfully respondsto significant labor needs of the destination countries. Then with this migrants might not has any3
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trouble to get employment within host countries. But beside this there are several challenges thatare being faced by the migrants in the host countries. The issues as well as challenges that are being faced by the migrants includes culturaldifferences and educational issues etc. the major challenge which young migrants are required toface before starting up new journey relates with preparing to adapt to new culture, in a differentenvironment from what they were used to and getting informed regarding their rights andobligations as new comers (Muttoni, Scardia and Kent, 2010). Cultural differences demonstratemajor issue being faced by migrant workers even in the situation when they are not at the job.Migrants workers are often isolated by their neighbors as they do not speak similar language andshop mostly at the ethnic stores. The barrier regarding language can make it difficult for them togain better understanding in relation to legal documents such as tax forms and leases. Thepatterns of people flowing among the countries are widely affected by the internationaleconomic, political as well as cultural interrelations (Adamo and Izazola, 2010). There arevarious factors affecting international migration. This includes factors such as economicdisparities, poverty and environmental degradation that is combined with absence of peace,security as well as human tights violations. Today, it has been examined that there are nearly 200 millions migrants that are living inthe countries in which they are not born. About 60% of the recorded migrants are found in thedeveloped countries. However 40% are in the developing areas. In the present era the migrationto the developed countries is work oriented. The predominant form of the migration varies fromone part of the globe to another in a considerable manner (Levy, 2010). There have beenconflicting views regarding the impact of immigration on the economy of the host countries. Ithas been believed that migrants steal the jobs and depress the wages. Further immigration has thepotential to create conflicts among the ethnic group. This is because of the assumption that thepossibility of occurrence of such environment wherein low income native groups considermigrants as the competition for jobs as well as resources (Kempadoo, Sanghera and Pattanaik,2015). Further it has been gained that increase in number of migrants results in destroying localcommunity's identity as well as its institution. Along with this there is presence of certain barriers that makes it impossible for themigrant workers to integrate with the labor markets of the host society. Non recognition of4
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diplomas gained in the origin country, discrimination in relation to access to employment, lowerwages as well as other barriers for women immigrants for participation in the labor market actsas major challenges that is being faced by the migrants. Due to such they face difficulty inresiding in the host nation without fear in an effective manner. Human possess the tendency tomigrate. Migration to the uninhabited lands has not created any potential for conflict as there wasno interest that can be challenged (Mangalam, 2015). Conflict emerged when the migratingpeople were forced to crystallize their quest for better life on the expanse that has been made byothers. This presents that earlier conflicts took place as a result from movement of people. It hasbeen gained that children of migrant workers often have to miss school and fall behind theirpeers due to the reason that they have to work along with the entire family. The present study explores the issues and challenge faced by the Romanian migrantunder the UK hospitality industry. Further the dissertation covers the views points of variousauthors who have carried out research on similar subject in past. With the assistance of suchphenomenon under subject matter can be gained in an effective manner. 1.2 Rationale for the studyThe major purpose of the present investment is to investigate the issues and challenges ofRomanian migrant in hospitality (from employee point of view). The research is being conductedin the areas of challenges of human migration that is getting significant growth in the today's era.What is the research issue?In the present investigation the research issue that will be discussed is with respect toincreasing number of Romanian migrants in the hospitality business in UK. Why it is an issue?This is research issue as in the present era there are various number of people who aremigrating to developed nation for the purpose of getting job (Scheffran, Brzoska, Brauch, Linkand Schilling, 2012). This further results in creating situation of conflict among the people ofhost country and they regard is at loss of job. Thus due to this major challenges and issues arebeing faced by immigrants in UK. Why it is an issue now?The subject under the present report has become an issue now because of increasingpoverty and unemployment in developing and underdeveloped nation there is increasing number5
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of people that are migrating to the developed nation in search job. This has greater impact on thehost community in terms that they would not agree for such situation prevailing in the country. What could this research shed light on?The present research would shed light on the challenges and issues that are being facedby the migrants in the host country. Further it explores human resource literature that relates withtraining to the employees. The present study also makes analysis of the advancement with thehospitality business in UK so as to deal with migrants. Along with this it highlight whatRomanian migrants bring regarding skills and what they gain or learn from working in thissector. 1.3 Research Aim and ObjectivesResearch AimThe main aim of the present investigation is: To investigate the issues and challenges ofRomanian migrant in hospitality (from employee point of view)Research ObjectivesTo explore the Human Resources literature related to employee training.To analyses the advancement within their organization.To highlight what Romanian migrants bring regarding skills and what they gain or learnfrom working in this sector1.4 Research questionsWhat are the relevant theories on employee training development?What are the benefits of employing Romanian workforce?What does current literature states regarding Romanian immigrants working in thehospitality industry?1.5 Significance of the studyThe present investigation is effective in investigating the issues and challenges ofRomanian migrant in hospitality (from employee point of view) within UK. In addition to this itassist in gaining in-depth knowledge regarding human migration. The significance of the presentresearch has been enumerated in the manner stated below: 6
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