
Impact of Operations and Marketing Capabilities


Added on  2020-02-12

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Research Project
Impact of Operations and Marketing Capabilities_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSRESEARCH TITLE: ......................................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Research project outline.........................................................................................................31.2 Factors contributing to process of research project selection ...............................................41.3 Critical review of key references...........................................................................................51.4 Research project specification...............................................................................................71.5 Plan and procedure.................................................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................92.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis .....................................92.2 Undertaking the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreedspecification and procedure ......................................................................................................112.3 Data analysis .......................................................................................................................12TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................123.1 Research evaluation techniques ..........................................................................................123.2 Interpretation of analysis .....................................................................................................133.3 Recommendation ................................................................................................................23CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................23REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................242
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RESEARCH TITLE: “How to improve performance and sales of Iceland Foods”INTRODUCTIONIceland Foods is listed amongst the top ten retailers of UK. In order to maintain thisstrategic position, the organisation must keep on improving performance and sales. This researchproject helps in understanding the ways through which organisation can achieve excellence interms of performance and enhanced sales. The importance of operations management andeffective administration helps in generating value proposition of the organisation. Iceland Foodshas to inculcate all these attributes so that effective functioning is guaranteed. Moreover, thereare some recommendations provided in this research project which can help in achieving greaterbusiness standards. TASK 11.1 Research project outlineThis research project is a detailed study about the methods which can help in improvingperformance and sales of Iceland Foods. For successfully conducting this research, it isimportant to conduct analysis which provides an insight regarding the performance of thecompany and its sales structure. There is a significant impact felt over the consumers andbusiness clients when performance of a company is not up-to desirable standards (Handfield andet. al., 2015). This depicts that there is a requirement of certain methodologies which can beimplemented for enhancing performance and sales of products and services provided by thecompany. Quality of the product, improper distribution channels, lack of skills and knowledge inhuman resource, etc. are some of the barriers which limit or deteriorate the performance of acompany. Moreover, preferences of customers change when good quality products and servicesare not received. Hence, a strategic approach needs to be adapted by the company forovercoming such barriers. The present research study provides relevant facts and data which can be helpful forIceland Foods in improvising on their performances and sales. Aim3
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The primary aim of this research project is to provide recommendations and techniquesfor improving performance and sales.ObjectivesFollowing objectives have been devised for giving a directional flow to this study.To evaluate the existing performance of company.To identify and recognise the areas that require improvements in terms of performance.To analyse the current sales position of the organisation.To recommend methodologies for enhancing both performance and sales of IcelandFoods.1.2 Factors contributing to process of research project selection Quality of research completely depends on the type of information which is incorporatedby the researcher. This reason behind selection of this research project is the ease through whichdifferent analytical and factual data can be collected. Current market structure depicts thatcompetition is growing with fast pace and there is a need for every company to maintain thisspeed so that business cycle is not interrupted (Yu, Ramanathan and Nath, 2014). Hence, theresearcher has chosen this topic for conducting study. An organised approach has been selectedby the investigator for collecting and collaborating relevant information. The availability ofvarious sources of information is also one of the crucial factors that has led to selection of thisresearch project.This research work focuses on the areas where Iceland Foods needs to improve forstabilising its performance and sales. Since, the company is one of the renowned retailers of UK,it is easier to collect information and respective data that will be helpful in conducting this study.The researcher has considered survey as a medium to identify these aspects. Furthermore, thedata that is collected from the survey is used as the basis of suggestions which will be providedfor gaining the required techniques. Researcher has taken this project into consideration forenhancing knowledge base regarding the subject and also to understand the basic factors whichact as limiting agents for the company. 1.3 Critical review of key referencesIn order to develop a deep understanding on the research topic, it is important to conducta critical review over the different works of other researchers. It provides a foundation for4
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enhancing knowledge regarding the subject which is further enhanced through more facts anddata. Performance is considered as a parameter to judge whether an organisation is executingthe set responsibilities and duties in accordance with devised objectives and aims. According toBrown, S. and et. al. (2013), competition is one of the factors due to which performance becomesan important criteria in examining business enterprises. Iceland Foods has various competitors inits current operational markets of UK. Some of these include Tesco, Asda, Sainsburry's, etc. Asper Ahmed, Kristal and Pagell (2014), sales is a significant contributor in both enhancing anddegrading performance. If the company is not reaching estimated sales target then performance isdefinitely affected. There are many more characteristic features that affect the businessachievements. These include employee knowledge and skills, effective leadership andmanagement, attainment of organisational goals and objectives. Lim, Alpan and Penz (2014) stated that mission and vision are two important aspectswhich drive entire business process. The accuracy and relevance of these two parameters help inestimating whether a company would be able to survive the extreme competition. Organisationsthat have a clarity about their destination are more successful and perform extra-ordinarily wellas compared to those without any vision and mission. Furthermore, resource utilisation iseffectively done when these attributes are inculcated in the business strategies. According toChae, Olson and Sheu (2014), sales management teams must be formed with a combination ofdifferent set of individuals who have expertise in accomplishing various sales goals and tasks.The selection of right managers in terms of experience and knowledge can bring out best outputfrom sales teams.The productivity of a company is an important aspect for comparing performance withcompetitors. Iceland Foods provides a wide range of food products and grocery items. If staffmembers handling manufacturing units are not skilled or knowledgeable then an adverse impactwill be addressed by production and sales (Menguc, Auh and Uslu, 2013). Consumers won'tpurchase goods because of inappropriate quality and as a result, the company can witness adownfall. This indicates towards negative performance. (Hitt, Xu and Carnes, 2016) stated thatchanges have to be constantly introduced in business structures for enhancing growth. This canonly be possible if human resource of the organisation is efficient enough. Regular training and5
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development sessions help in updating the skills and education level of employees which isreflected in terms of productivity.Often companies fail to achieve their objectives and aims because of inefficientprocesses. According to Wiengarten and et. al. (2014), the process is most crucial part of everybusiness strategy. The entire administration of Iceland Foods is based on the different processesthey adopt according to their requirement. For example, marketing process is based on theplanning and analysis that is conducted to gain insight about the target market and target product.If this analysis is not performed correctly, the results so obtained shall not meet companyrequirements. This leads to failure of the strategy and wastage of different resources. Oh, Choand Kim, (2015) stated that processes must be given limited importance but should beengineered in such a way that resources are not wasted. Furthermore, the implications of eachstage involved in the procedure is to be assessed for gaining the estimated results. Performance and sales operations are interrelated. On the contrary, it would not beincorrect to state that Iceland Foods can experience a decline in its sales due to inappropriateperformance. The factors affecting both performance and sales can be same or differentdepending on the situation being addressed by organisation. According to Chae, Olson and Sheu(2014), regular analysis of the strategic position and market situation must be conducted to gainan insight about the gaps which are affecting profits and customer share. Moreover, continuousanalysis of different market situations helps in recognising the patterns of behaviour. Sales canbe improved through this analytical study of patterns and the respective factors (Lim, Alpan andPenz, 2014).Furthermore, customers also play a vital role in determining the performance and salesoperations. The changes in tastes and preferences of customers formulates specific trends. It isimportant for the company to track these trends and make decisions about the products andservices accordingly. As per Menguc, Auh and Uslu (2013), customer needs and requirementswhen analysed correctly helps in organising different activities appropriately and then thedesigned sales plan can be more effective. When strategies and planning processes are correctlydevised, it becomes easier for organisation to track progress and understand future scope. Themore a company performs constantly well, the greater is interest of individuals to seek6
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