
Successful Event Management Skills


Added on  2020-01-07

15 Pages2889 Words182 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Business Event Management
Successful Event Management Skills_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSintroduction......................................................................................................................................1LO1/LO2/LO3.................................................................................................................................1AC 2.1 Developing a set up plan for the event, choosing the completion date and allocatingresponsibilities.............................................................................................................................1AC 3.1 Choosing the appropriately sized team with the required knowledge and abilities........1AC 1.2 Appropriate documentation.............................................................................................2AC 3.4 Plan the actions and resources needed to achieve the success of the event or project....3LO2/LO2.....................................................................................................................................4AC 1.3 Organizing resources to carry out the event or project...................................................4AC 1.4 Performing regular reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources.......7AC 2.2 Demonstrating leadership, effective time management and skills of prioritizing anddelegating.....................................................................................................................................7AC 2.3 Assessing the significance of stakeholder analysis when formulating new strategy......7LO3/ LO1....................................................................................................................................8AC 3.4 Taking corrective action if necessary to keep the project on schedule...........................8AC 3.2 Demonstrating team building skills and how to diffuse anger........................................8AC3.3 Importance of effective co-ordination and clear communication when liaising with theteam..............................................................................................................................................8AC 1.1 Carrying out an identified event or project within an agreed timescale.........................9LO4..............................................................................................................................................9AC 4.1 Creating clear records of communication both internal, external and of team meetings9AC 4.2 Demonstrating good use of information technology where applicable..........................9AC 4.3 Producing information regularly and on time.................................................................9conclusion......................................................................................................................................10references.......................................................................................................................................11
Successful Event Management Skills_2

TABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1: Roles and Responsibilities of each team members..........................................................2Figure 2: Minutes of meeting..........................................................................................................5Figure 3: Minutes of meeting with operation management team....................................................6LIST OF TABLESTable 1: Budget for Career fair event..............................................................................................2Table 2: Event plan..........................................................................................................................3 | P a g e
Successful Event Management Skills_3

INTRODUCTIONBusiness events can be defined as a practice of integrating business logics for attaining aspecific objective. Managing such types of an event is very complex task for the organizations. Itrequires appropriate planning with time scale for attaining objective with a specific level ofstandard (Jalal-Karim, 2013). The current research project is based on business eventmanagement in which it will focus on career fair event for students of LSBF. Further, it will bemanaged by ABC ltd which is one of the leading organizations of event management. Thecurrent research will focus on planning of event, allocation of resources and execution of theevent (Linskell and Hill, 2010). Further, it will compare the actual performance of the event withthe expected and required level of standards. LO1/LO2/LO3AC 2.1 Developing a set up plan for the event, choosing the completion date and allocating responsibilitiesThe current project is focused on a career fair event of LSBF which is managed andplanned by ABC Ltd. This event will be completed by 20th Feb. Career fair is an event in whichthe students can take appropriate guidance about what career to pursue in future. In addition tothis, in these types of events students who are looking for a job can easily meet possibleemployers. Major goal of this event is to increase the work based learning opportunities forstudents of LSBF. Along with this, to provide a strong network to employer for selecting rightcandidates especially among the students of LSBF is also a major goal of this event (Luckham,2011). Event manager of ABC ltd is responsible for entire planning of career fair, makingcommunication and allocating responsibilities to all team members. Including this, he/she mustassure about attaining goals and objectives of career fair by event plan. AC 3.1 Choosing the appropriately sized team with the required knowledge and abilitiesEvent manager of ABC Ltd. has chosen an internal team of operation department whichincludes 9 members. Every team members has some specific skills, capabilities and knowledgeto complete different tasks of career fair event. Team members are capable to make strongcommunication, leadership, management and coordination among team members (Etzion andNiblett, 2010). Roles of each team member are as follows: | P a g e
Successful Event Management Skills_4

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