
Research Paper Assignment - Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Organisation


Added on  2020-10-23

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Research Paper Assignment - Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Organisation_1

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TITLE: To ascertain the influence of Artificial Intelligence on the growth and production ofan organisation. A case study on Solotech Inc. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONOverview of the ResearchArtificial Intelligence is considered as an area of computer science which emphasizes thecreation of intelligent machines that works and react like humans. Artificial intelligence isconsidered as an important part of the technology industry, it is a branch of computer sciencewhich aims and develops intelligent machines (Camps-Mur, Garcia-Saavedra and Serrano,2013). The major purpose of each small and large business firms, is to increasing their sales andrevenue through developing their operations and functions. Organisations are widely concern onadopting new and advance technology within the work place in respect to reducing the extraworkload and human efforts. This create value in attaining high growth and success throughattaining competitive position within the market place. In the modern business scenario, digitalimplement and technologies performs vast role in heighten the growth or firm throughimprovising the operations and production of firm. In the modern era it is also essential for eachsmall as well as large business enterprises is to adopt advancement in their functions andoperations in order to reaching at high competitive edge. It is advantageous for businessenterprises to sustain effective position within market through providing competition to theirrivals. Artificial intelligence ensures to improve existing goods and services through enabling theautomation of different tasks. Artificial intelligence has a huge influence on the economythrough offering new or general purpose like method of invention which can reshape the natureof innovation process and the organisations of research and development. Artificial intelligenceis an effective process which is widely applied by organisations as to improvising theirproduction functions and operations, this is beneficial for an organisation to enhance theircustomers base through offering variety and innovative products and services (Cimler and et. al.,2015). Solotech Inc. is the selected organisation for this particular research report, the companyis engaging in renting and selling audio, lighting, video and rigging systems. The major focusedarea of firm is to developing their operations and functions within the market place throughincreasing the quality and standard of products and services. 1
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Background of the ResearchIn the world full of digitalisation, human life is very much based on the digitalequipment’s as digital technologies are effective in making humans life more easy andcomfortable. Artificial Intelligence refers as the most important part of digital technologieswhich plays crucial role in management of organisational operations through applying new andadvance technologies within the work place (Curry, 2011). Solotech Inc. is a company whichoffers solutions in the area of broadcasting, radio and monitoring, retail business, educationalinstitutes, corporate events or projects, festivals, government museum and exhibitions, emergingmusic’s, hotels, restaurants, clubs, casino, health and medicine, sporting events, TV and film,Circuses, theatres etc. The prior objective of each business organisation is to expanding theirbusiness operations through developing new and innovative products and services at marketplace as to satisfying the needs and wants of people who are willing to taking benefits of offeredproducts and services of firm within the market area. The company was founded in the year of1977. The specialization of company is in audio, lighting, video and control system. Artificialintelligence is effective for each kind of business as it create value in reducing the workforce offirm through implementing innovation within the work place. This method is significantlyapplied by organisations as to reduce human efforts and developing their production operationsby establishing new and advance technology within the work place. Significance of the Research This part of research emphasizes on determining the purpose of conducting aninvestigation work as a research is effective in developing the knowledge base of learner bygathering data and information through various sources. The present research is based on theinfluence of Artificial Intelligence on the developing growth and production of an organisation.This consist to be a wide area of study which helps in enhancing the knowledge base on peoplein the area of artificial intelligence. The present study helps the researcher in attempting theirfuture objectives in appropriate manner (Gál and et. al., 2014). The major reason behindconducting a research is to overcome with the issue of the previous research or analyse a newarea in systematic manner as to gaining appropriate information in regards to the specified areaof study. A research procedure helps an individual in enhancing the ability of finding data andinformation in relates to a particular issue. In a research project a particular research issue isdiscussed as to reaching at valid and reliable outcome of the work. 2
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Research Aim Research aim is considered as an important predetermined statement, which representsthe overall purpose of the study. A research aim needs to be clear and concise in nature as thissection is effective in providing a systematic way to the researcher to implement all researchactivities in effective manner (Gumbo and et. al., 2012). A research aim reflects the expectationand aspirations of the selected area of study. The important aim of this specific research is “Toascertain the influence of Artificial Intelligence on the growth and production of anorganisation”. A case study on Solotech Inc. Research Objectives This is additionally an another fundamental piece of research work which isinterconnected with the point of research. This segment is suitable in giving a correct method tospecialist to execute all exercises of research in deliberate way. Research objectives areaccessible as little explanation which are successful in discovering the final products and result.The significant goals of research are portrayed as under: To analyse the importance of digital tools within small or medium size business. To articulate the concept of artificial intelligence and its effectiveness in the growth anddevelopment of organisational activities. To determine the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the growth and production ofSolotech Inc. To identify various measures which are adopted by Solotech Inc. as to increasing theirprofitability. Research Questions This can be resolved as the noteworthy piece of research work, which gives anunmistakable heading to actualize the session of writing survey in powerful way (MayJing andet. al., 2014). In this segment information must be assembled through breaking down the feelingof different writers and essayists. The real issues of the research are related as underneath:What are the importance of digital tools within small or medium size business?What is the concept of artificial intelligence and its effectiveness in the growth anddevelopment of organisational activities?What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the growth and production of Solotech in?3
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What are the various measures which are adopted by Solotech Inc. as to increasing theirprofitability? Time scaleWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9IntroductionLiterature reviewResearch methodologyData collection, Analysis & InterpretationConclusion4
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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Importance of digital tools within small or medium size business.Digitalisation has become an important requirement in current internet-driven era. Withthe research of more than 3 billion internet customer at national level, one would have observedthat developing a website is essential for the any companies. They want to become moresuccessful, growing consistently and generating maximum revenue during the time. Likewise,most of the small and medium size company is thinks that online mode is out of their reached,because of their high cost or charges. Digital marketing is considered as one of the effectiverequirement which has increasing maximum people toward them. A digital marketing is aneffective campaign uses the internet to reach as one of the reliable brand’s target market. Most ofthe research need to simply use marketing campaign to increase their outreach customer closerwith the use of internet. Some common importance is mentioned underneath:Cost effective: Digital tools are responsible for generating maximum ROI in comparison totraditional marketing. However, there is no any need of long-standing commitment. Because ofthis they are more effective or economical to be use by various people.Brings people closer to the audience: Digital tools are more effective in terms of connectingpeople with the valuable audience. They can interact with the customer or any other organisationby the help of social media sources.Results-or lack thereof- it can be seen almost quickly: This seems to be more closely related withanother important pillar of digital tools. The outcomes of digital tools used to measure within anhours and sometimes even after it has been launched.Concept of artificial intelligence and its effectiveness in growth & development of anorganisational activity. AI is said to be one of the crucial areas under digital technology which assign thecompany in providing more appropriate and quick results in faster time. It is majorly focus oncreation of intelligent machines that works and react such as human being. This seems to besimulation of human action that are regulated by the help of computer system. It has been foundthat machines become an important concern for the company, mental facilities once required tobe more vital in getting reliable outcomes in future period of time. Some of the vital activitythose are related with the artificial intelligence are designed for certain aspects such as, speech5
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recognition and learning. Computers used to make proper ability to mimic or duplicate all theoperations that a normal human brain can perform. Artificial intelligence is the proper study ofhow to implement computers do things an individual can do better at or would be moreeffectively done in reliable manner. They could be more extend what they do to nationwide inproper amount of information to be taken into account. It will assist in controlling all themistakes those are arises in the department.Some of the common activities that used to determine an organisational effectiveness.Such as: Determine and make procurement of different resources needed for effective productionof different for the proper manufacturing process. Efficient utilisation of resources to get morevaluable outcomes in near future time. Scanning the environment, determining appropriatefactors which would make impacts on an organisation.Impact of Artificial intelligence on growth and production of Solotech inc.It seems to be reasonable to make conclusion of all fears and aspects those are relatedwith artificial intelligence and automation that are understandable for the company. This seemsto be more changes that have been made to reduce certain job, but it has been always develop inmore than a process. It is more appropriate in delivering effective technologies from newcollaborations. They are creating new earning streams from overall data generation. Some of theimplication are related with use of technology would results in resolving human jobs at risk andovercome employment in effective manner. Through, increasing proper demand for labour inrespect to small and medium industries that are arises because of digital automation. Specifickind of invention in cars and automatic looms is having long term impacts that have valuableimplication on increasing growth by the help of using artificial intelligence. The impacts on Altechnology on business is projected to enhance labour productivity with almost 40% andconsidered people is more efficiently through using their time to get rid of all issues those arerelated with the SMS. It has been found that digitalisation will surely help the small business togrowth the living standards and make future planning in order to attain future target for thecompany. It is a new factors of production and have the potential that implement new sources offuture growth, changing work environment and reinforcing all the specific role that are done bythe people in making certain contribution in growth and future sustainability in the business.Artificial intelligence has positive as well as negative impact over the growth andproduction of business, thus the emergence of artificial intelligence is cost consuming in nature6
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