
Concept of Globalisation - Case Study on Marks and Spencer


Added on  2020-12-18

42 Pages10105 Words39 Views
Research Report
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Table of Contents
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TITLE: How globalisation can drive business success
1.1 Purpose of research
The main purpose of conducting this investigation is to improvise knowledge of
investigator on globalisation and its importance in the business success of large scale companies.
Marks and Spencer is already leading United Kingdom and also serves its customers at
international marketplace. But, the top management team of this company often faces numerous
of problems while operating its business at international level (Cavusgil and Knight, 2015). For
this, superior authority has planned to investigate on the topic globalisation so that they can
enhance their knowledge on the same which will lead to business success. In this regard,
researcher has developed suitable aim and objective that will support in obtaining appropriate
outcome effectively.
1.2 Research Objectives
Research Aim
Main aim of this research is “To identify the role of globalisation in driving business
success at international level ” A case study on Marks and Spencer.
Research Objectives
To understand the concept of globalisation.
To analyse influence of globalisation in the business growth of Marks and Spencer.
To identify potential risk of globalisation that affects business activities of Marks and
Research Questions
What is the concept of globalisation?
How globalisation influences business growth of Marks and Spencer?
What are the potential risk of globalisation that affects business activities of Marks and
1.3 Intervention
Researcher have complied with all norms associated with investigation for conducting
research in rightful manner which will provide justified outcome to the learners too.
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1.4 Reasons for choosing this research
The first and foremost reason of choosing this topic is to develop professional skills of
investigator such as analytical skills, team working skills, communication skill etc. This
development in skill will allow researcher in grabbing job in multinational companies in future.
Also, another purpose of conducting this investigation is to support investigator in gaining higher
scores in their respective subjects.
1.5 Personal reasons
The investigation will also allow researcher in conducting more effective research in
future with the developed skills. This will lead to attainment of research outcome effectively.
1.6 Principal outcome
This investigation is highly important as it supports large scale companies in improvising
their knowledge on globalisation. It will also create numerous opportunities for large scale
companies as they are having desired information on the concept and they can easily use this
information availing all resources mandatory for their projects.
1.7 Summary
Globalisation is termed as the incorporation of different nation under which several
business entities, governmental authorities, people etc. interacts with one another for gaining
maximum benefits and also developing world with common efforts (Bendell, 2017). This
interaction also increases number of opportunities for companies as they are able to approach
desired resources at international market scale which helps them in better execution of business
operations. Globalisation has not only raised benefits for businesses but it has also contributed in
the economical development of nation as if a company gains monetary benefits it ultimately
develops the nation too. The current investigation rely upon Marks and Spencer. In this influence
of globalisation has been elaborated on Marks and Spencer which leads to its business success.
Marks and Spencer is a UK based retailer which basically offers high quality clothing, food
products and home products. The company was incorporated in the year 1884 and its business
operations are managed by around 80787 number of employees at global scale.
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Literature review is defines as the comprehensive summary that consist of detailed
analysis of information, which is presented by different respective authors on particular topic
(Crane and Matten, 2016). This helps and support investigator, in developing effective base for
further investigation, with help of this, they can proceed further in to achieve objectives of a
Concept of Globalisation:
As per thoughts given by Didem, (2017), it is evaluated that globalisation is a concept in
Which there is worldwide shift of economic operations of a company. This is whole scenario in
which there has been increase in interdependencies between nations, this can lead to avoiding of
occurrence of conflicts. Some scholars such as Robertson have a tendency to think that world as
a whole, this can be related to some notions as “ecumene” & “cosmos” were having prevalence.
In concept of Globalisation also, communities which are nationally imagined and are not actually
present have to break down. Many different travellers, missionaries, traders and military
contribute significantly in developing a global sense that there is a single community.
Globalisation is actually responsible for transforming of world into one single place. It is
complex transformative and a multidimensional process which involves creolization,
hybridization and indigenization. Apart from cultural transformations, there is complete shift in
understanding of space, time and territory (Brambilla, 2015). According to another author James
Rosenau, globalization helps in creating “distant proximities” and there is emergence of both
opportunities & threats. Sometimes it can also be regarded as a process of “Deterritorialization”.
There are also some themes which can be used interchangeably with globalization like
transanationalization or gloablity. Globalization is a process of unifying as there is interaction
taking place between different countries. There are some normative approaches also which have
emerged because of phenomenon relate to globalisation. Some also perceive “managing
globalisation” as legitimizing the projects which lead to undermining of democratic standards
and accountability. No matter how many criticisms or demerits of globalisation have emerged
still it has helped in increasing profit for companies and helped them in getting a competitive
advantage in external environment. In today's changing world growth of digital media has also
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provided a platform to companies from which they can use to do promotion of their business
across boundaries.
Globalisation influences business growth of Marks and Spencer
On basis of views of Justin, (2017), it can be regarded that globalisation has a influence
on business practises of Marks and Spencer. In terms of increased opportunities, foreign direct
investment and innovations. There is one such positive impact which leads to increased
productivity of companies in terms of economies of scale that helps them in cutting down their
costs which leads to increased economic growth. This has a disadvantage for small companies in
domestic country as it creates hurdles for them in terms of increased competition. There are also
various types of risks involved in process of globalisation, like there is increased
interdependence between different countries, some organisations also see it as negative impact
on national sovereignty of country. There can also be a situation because of globalisation where
there are increase in inequalities among nations which leads to occurrence of some conflicts.
Most reliable impact of globalisation on countries has been that it has created lot of changes in
everything way business are done, various operations of company are carried on (Zajda, 2015).
Main aim of globalisation was to decrease in military conflicts but because economic growth of
all countries are not same this has created some conflicts. In marks and Spencer Globalisation is
contributing in increasing their overall sales as now company's business will not be limited to
just one country but it will have presence in many countries this leads to increase in market for
company. Not only company but other stakeholders such as employees are also benefited as it
leads to increase in wages for them. From any country's point of view globalisation has lead to
increase in employment opportunities, new technological advancements, increased innovations
and all this has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Marks and Spencer is also planning to
open some 250 stores outside UK, with this they are planning for expansion in different
departments such as beauty related products. This is a big step on part of company an will
require lot of investment, but this can be repaid in form of recognition across global markets and
improvement in overall profits of company. This means that Globalisation has somewhere lead
to sustainable development of companies (Oyemomi and et. al., 2016).
Potential risk of globalisation that affects business activities of Marks and Spencer
According to Vom Brocke, (2016), Globalisation is a phenomenon which has many
benefits for countries, but it has become a topic for debate as there are many risks associated
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with it along with positive impact. Its risks include injustices, poverties, marginalizations,
starvations and many others. Globalisation has benefited companies like Marks and Spencer in a
way that they are able to expand their operations and presence apart from their host country. This
has provided this company an opportunity to grow and expand their operations. People of other
countries also are benefited as they now have increase in choices, more opportunities for
employment, high quality products & services and this all leads to increase in living standards of
people. This process have some demerits also such as there are more opportunities for richer
sections but poorer sections do not get much benefits instead choices for them are reduced. This
leads to increase in gap between richer and poor sections of society (Díaz and et. al., 2015). A
prevailing or inherited culture is also affected by this process of globalisation, which sometimes
can lead to loosing of originality of a country. From point of society this process may lead to
destroying of some of aspects such has many classes remain far behind in getting benefited from
this process instead they continue to suffer from misfortunes and calamities. Growing of new
markets is also prevented sometimes because of globalisation as competitiveness remains
unequal. Also, for Marks and Spencer there can be a situation when its consumers have lot of
expectations because they have a recognized brand name, and if at some point such expectations
are not met then this may lead to brand switching and loosing of customers. Globalization also
based on its present formula may not ensure political and social stability. So, it has also
necessitated that globalization as a process must be rethink so as to reduce its negative affects
over a country and brands.
3.1 Planning action research
In this section, researcher have used different analysed problem and then developed
effective planning action research in order to overcome research problem. This section includes
development of knowledge base so that effective plan can be developed for the same. It includes
four basic steps that is selection of focus, collection of data, analysis and interpretation of data,
taking action for the same.
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