
Resource and Talent Planning: Labour Market and Skills Analysis


Added on  2023-06-18

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher EducationHealthcare and Research
Unit Number and Title Unit 19 – Resource and Talent Planning
Project Title Labour Market and Skills Analysis (Part 1)
Recruitment and Selection Documentation (Part 2)
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I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own and the research sources are fully
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Resource and Talent Planning: Labour Market and Skills Analysis_1

Table of Content
Part 1: Business Report
1. An overview of the organisation and types of labour
requirements 3
2. An analysis of current labour market trends and the factors that
are influencing those trends 4
3. The different types of legislation that the organisation must take
into account when workforce planning 5
4. A critical analysis of current and anticipated skills requirements
for the organisation in terms of how current trends are directly
influencing the organisation 6
5. A comparison with other similar sized organisations with
examples given 7
6. Conclusions and recommendations on how the organisation
needs to respond to changes 8
References 10
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Labour market analysis is defined as one of the most essential process taken
into consideration by the business organisation in order to analyse the requirement
of the skilled and talented workforce in the business organisation. Labour market
analysis leads to maintaining effective balance of demand and supply of labour in the
marketplace. The skill analysis helps in analysing the skills and capabilities required
for the particular job. For this report, Morrisons Supermarket Plc, is taken as the
base company. Morrisons is considered to be the fourth biggest chain of
supermarket in the UK, having strong brand image in the marketplace serving
around 11 million customers and also being part of the FTSE 250 index of the
company. The company was founded in 1899 by William Morrison (Wehl, 2019).
This report highlights the kinds of labour requirements along with the factors impacting
those trends. In addition to this various kinds of legislation required by the
organisation. Also the current and anticipated skills required by the organisation as
per how current trends impacting business are also highlighted, and the
recommendations on how organisation can deal with the changes effectively.
1. An overview of the organisation and types of labour
Morrison is one of the well-established and fourth biggest chain of
supermarket in UK, it was founded in 1899 by William Morrison headquartered in
England. The company has strong brand image in the marketplace continuously
satisfying their needs and wants of its customers. It was started as a small egg and
butter stall, till 2004 the company’s main target focus market was England. After
2016, company started expanding their business in the global market, now they have
around 494 supermarkets across England. Morrison employees around 110000
employees around the globe and serving more than 11 million customers effectively
(Ulceluse and Kahanec, 2018). The company is effectively dedicated to enhance the
performance of their employees, they are always looking for the skills and
capabilities in their employees and who can handle their customers effectively. In
addition to this, they also focus on enhancing the overall performance of the
employees through offering required training. Morrison has a specific criteria when
Resource and Talent Planning: Labour Market and Skills Analysis_3

selecting the labor, they mainly focus on skilled and quality labor also productive
labor which will effectively contribute in enhancing the overall performance of the
2. An analysis of current labour market trends and the
factors that are influencing those trends
Workforce planning is defined as the process of effectively analysing and
managing the needs and wants of the workforce of the organisation and continuously
enhancing their performance. It helps the business organisation to achieve desired
goals and objectives effectively, also determining the needs of the workforce in
respect to the organisation and maintaining balance between the two effectively and
efficiently. In context to the Morrison, HR manager needs to hire right and skilled
person for the right job in order to reduce any kind of risk in relation to the
implementation of required strategy of the company.
Current labour trends: In order to effectively carry out their activities and
achieve desired goals and objectives, a business organisation requires large number
of skilled and qualified workforce. In context to Morrison, HR manager of the
company effectively determine the current labour market trends so as to select the right
candidate as per the requirement. Also employees who will effectively contribute to overall
growth and development of the company (Bazen and Waziri, 2019). The trends analysis
will also help chosen company to analyse the potential of the employees required in
order to effectively carry out their activities. Some of the current labour market trends
that directly influence the talent management and workforce planning are mentioned
Globalisation: It is define as large number of companies moving towards the
international market to enhance their market size and gain competitive advantage in
the international marketplace. The international trading of the business are known as
the multinational companies, it is mainly used as the movement of goods and
services as well as technology. This growing enhancement in the globalisation trend
directly influence the working labour and workforce of the organisation as the they
have to work according to the new countries legislation. In addition to this companies
have to implement new strategies as per the requirement of the new counties.
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Technological changes: Another trend is the technological changes, with
growing use of the technology in each field, large number of companies are moving
towards the use of technology and various online platforms. Continuous change in
technologies will directly influence the workforce planning as, if the required training
is not given to the employees regarding the new technology then it will lead to
directly influencing the overall performance of the company. In context to Morrison,
to effectively manage the workforce of the organisation effective training needs to be
provided to employees. Also proper knowledge regarding the technology used in the
business organisation should be provided to the workforce so that they can smoothly
work on various technology (Devitt, 2018).
Assess current and anticipated skills requirement in relation to determine labor
market trends and legal requirement.
With the current changing labor market specially with the current global
pandemic which has directly impacted the growth and development of business
organization. And forced the business organization to start working remotely, this
has lead to creating situation of work from home for the employees. In order to
effectively work the skills like hybrid workplace will help in smoothly carrying the work
for the employees and enhance their productivity and profitability.
3. The different types of legislation that the organisation
must take into account when workforce planning
Employment legislation is defined as the various laws and rules implemented
in order to protect the rights of the employees and also to maintain effective and
positive relationship among the employer and employees. There are various
employees legislation implemented in the business organization in order to avoid any
kind of discrimination, promote equality and so on (Durazzi, 2019). In context to
Morrison, the various legislation that can be taken into consideration by the company
for effective workforce planning are mentioned below:
Employment Rights Act 1996: This is one of the most essential law that is
needed to be taken into consideration by the organization as this allows the business
to protect the rights of their employees and also protect them in case of any kind of
dismissal, paternity leaves, maternity leaves and unfair dismissal. In case of
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Morrison, this act will cover all the rights of the employees making them feel safe and
secure (Bagavo and Kourachanis, 2021).
The Equality Act 2010: The another essential law required by the business
organization in the effective workforce planning is the equality act, this act will allow
the company to avoid any kind of discrimination at the organization and treat each
and every individual equally. This will help the HR manager of the Morrison to be fair
during the recruitment process, hiring right and well deserving candidate also avoid
any kind of inequality in the organization (Grunow and Evertsson, 2019).
Employment Relations Act 1999: In order to manage and retain the
workforce for long period of time in the organization, maintaining effective
relationship with them is very essential. The employment relation act allows the
organization to create effective relationship with them through implementing various
rights related to the trade union recognition, any industrial actions and so on. In
context to Morrison, this act can help company to maintain and build effective
relationship with their employees and also manage them.
4. A critical analysis of current and anticipated skills
requirements for the organisation in terms of how current
trends are directly influencing the organisation
Skills are the ability or characteristics of a person which allow them to achieve
desired goals and objectives and motivate them towards enhancing towards overall
performance (Wehl, 2019. With the changing trends, it becomes very essential for
the business organization to enhance their skills and knowledge and also improve
the performance of their employees in order effectively deal with the changing
requirement and deal with the changing trends and gain competitive advantage in
the marketplace (O’Connell and McGinnity, 2019). In order to analyze the current
and anticipated skills needed for the organization to effectively deal with the
changing trends, the companies first need to analyses the skills needed in the labor
market and skills perceived by their workforce and accordingly training should be
provided to the employees. Various kinds of the business needs different types of
skills as per the changing business situation. In context to Morrison, to effectively
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