
Risk Management and Record Keeping Systems


Added on  2022-12-02

19 Pages4621 Words294 Views
Risk Management and Record Keeping Systems
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Risk Management and Record Keeping Systems_1

Table of Contents
Part 1(a). Develop system performance criteria or use already established criteria to monitor
performance for a specific period against:.................................................................................1
Part 1(b). Usage guidelines, such as safe and secure procedures for usage, that can be used as
a standard for determining whether users are correctly using the system:................................2
Part (c). Security guidelines; for example, guidelines or rules for use of passwords or
confidentiality agreements:........................................................................................................2
Part 1(d). KPIs, performance metrics and targets for performance of the system; for example,
cost and budget variation, number of reports, number of users, or number of errors:...............3
Part 2 (a). A change in the purpose or use of the system:..........................................................3
Part 2(b). A change in user requirements:..................................................................................3
Part 2(c). A change in size of the system or expansion of the system to cover new areas:.......4
Part 2(d). A change in technology:............................................................................................4
Part 2(e). Follow any monitoring or recordkeeping procedures that apply...............................5
Part 3 (a). The monitoring data; including charts or graphs as appropriate...............................5
Part (b). A description of how you followed any relevant procedures; for example,
monitoring, privacy, or recordkeeping procedures:...................................................................6
Step 1......................................................................................................................................6
Step 2..........................................................................................................................................7
Part 3 (c). An analysis of the monitoring data and research into changing business needs;
including an evaluation of at least four options for potential modification of the system or
Risk Management and Record Keeping Systems_2

Part 4. Prepare a communication to current users outlining changes to the system or
procedures. Ensure you use communication skills to build support for the improvements:......7
Part 5 (a). The skills required to perform the relevant administrative task................................8
Skills required to performing administrative task..................................................................9
Part 5(b).A pathway for learning these skills using an appropriate mode of delivery (such as
online or face-to-face delivery)................................................................................................10
Part 5(c). A training session plan, including information on relevant timings and activities for
the session; such as an introduction to procedures, practice on procedures, and testing of
procedural ability.....................................................................................................................10
Part 6. Training to New Staffs:................................................................................................11
1. Informing the new joiners about basic rules and regulations:..........................................11
2. Informing the new joiners about their rights and safety policies:....................................11
3. Train the new joiners about the work procedure..............................................................11
4. Training for adjusting with workplace diversity:.............................................................12
5. Final assessment...............................................................................................................12
Risk Management and Record Keeping Systems_3

Risk management is one of the most important workplace contexts which
multinational companies are experiencing. The multinational companies today in order to
monitor and manage risks effectively maintain extensive recordkeeping systems. Aven
(2016) define risk management is the scientific approach of understanding the impacts which
risks can have on the business outcomes. The authors in the very introductory section
introduce two main tasks of risk management. The first approach or task consists of risk
assessment and risk management. This part of the risk management approach has been
addressed by Bromiley et al.(2015). The authors mention that multinational companies
address all their risks comprehensively and coherently, instead of managing them
individually.’ In other words, risks are not mutually exclusive and lead to one another. The
firms that is why execute the first approach by considering the risks in a incoherent manner
taking into account how one risk attracts the other. The second approach which Aven (2016)
mention is, conducting generic research on risk management to develop knowledge about the
concepts and theories of risk management. The aim of the assignment is to delve into risk
management from the multinational companies. The approach which the researcher would
consider to conduct the research would be a record keeping.
Part 1(a). Develop system performance criteria or use already established criteria to
monitor performance for a specific period against:
The system performance criteria are that of the record keeping. The record keeping
can help to ensure that risk is managed in a proper manner. At the same time, it is also
necessary that the risk management be made based on the development of the time for the
risk to be managed. In the words of Bartlett (2019), the record for bookkeeping can be
established based on the risks that exist in order to understand the safety and security of the
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