
STA10008 Foundations of Statistics Project - B | Desklib


Added on  2023-06-18

14 Pages3755 Words176 Views
This Project is worth 20% of your final mark for STA10008.
You are a new graduate researcher at a social science and psychological sciences research institute. You
have been given a dataset which relates to a study of Australian adolescents in 2020. First year university
students completed a survey on two occasions: at the beginning [Time 1] and the end [Time 2] of the
teaching period. The purpose of the study was to monitor changes in the extent to which first year university
students use avoidance coping strategies and to investigate factors relating to aggression. Extent of
avoidance coping was recorded at the beginning and end of the semester, with external aggression and
internal aggression [hostility] also recorded at the end of the semester. Demographic data was also collected
for each student, regarding their gender and birth order.
For your Project – you should use the data set provided for you in the Project s → Project of the Canvas
site [STA10008_Case-Analysis_Data.sav].
Data Preparation for questions 1 to 4
For the purpose of your report, you must use SPSS to draw a random sample of 350 of the 1000
observations in the STA10008_Case-Analysis_Data.sav data file. You will conduct your analysis using
this random sample of 350. Instructions on how to generate your random sample are on pages 4 to 6 of this
document. Note, however, that some variables contain missing values, so each of your analyses might not
contain the entire 350 cases.
Submission Instructions
Your submission must be a single Word file or PDF file.
Although a cover page is not required, you should include your name and student number within
the document [eg in footer].
You must submit your file via Canvas by the specified due date and time to avoid late
penalties. Only the last document you submit will be retained by Canvas.
Once submitted, please review your submission to ensure the correct file has been submitted.
This is an individual project . Do not share your work with other students. They will have a different
random sample of data, so any copying will be detected.
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For each of requiring SPSS [Q1 to Q4], you should include the relevant output [eg tables and graphs] with
your report. You are also required to complete question 5 and 6, containing short answer questions.
Question 1: [15 marks]
The variable AvoidCope1 gives an indication of the extent to which each student uses avoidance coping
strategies, as recorded at the beginning of the semester. This variable was scored on a scale [taking from
0 to 20], with higher values representing a greater extent of using avoidance coping strategies.
Previous research indicates that first year students have an average avoidance coping score of 8.5 at the
start of a semester. However, an educational psychologist has claimed that this has now changed.
Produce the relevant SPSS output and write a one-sample t-test report based on your output in the style
presented in the Supplement G. Include the relevant output with your answer.
This box is for the REPORT and the FIGURE and will expand automatically.
H0 (Null hypothesis): There is no relative difference between the mean value of students within avoidance
coping strategies.
H1 (Alternative hypothesis): There is a relative difference between the mean value of students within
avoidance coping strategies.
In accordance with the results generated from the SPSS, it has been analyzed that alternative hypothesis is
rejected over null and this is because the value of P (0.34) is greater than 0.05. As a result, it can be stated
that each student did not uses avoidance coping strategies from the starting of a semester. However, from
the statistics description it has been exhibit that the mean of all the sample is 8.7 while there is only 4%
chances of fluctuating the trend by each students as specified under standard deviation.
This box is for ADDITIONAL SPSS output not used in the report and will expand automatically.
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Avoidance Coping score [Time
1] 338 8.7396 4.61551 .25105
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 8.5
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean
95% Confidence Interval of the
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Lower Upper
Avoidance Coping score
[Time 1] .955 337 .340 .23964 -.2542 .7335
Question 2: [20 marks]
The variable ExtAgg gives an indication of the amount of external aggression displayed by each student,
as recorded at the end of the teaching period. This variable was scored on a scale [taking values from 0
to 20], with higher values representing a greater level of external aggression.
A student support advisor predicted that male students in first year study display more external
aggression than female students. Conduct the appropriate significance test using the ExtAgg and Sex
variables to test this claim.
Produce the relevant output and write an independent samples t-test report based on your output in the
style presented in Supplement H. Include the relevant output with your answer.
This box is for the REPORT and the FIGURE and will expand automatically.
Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the mean values of external aggression score
and gender
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the mean values of external aggression
score and gender
In accordance with the results generated by using independent sample T-Test, it has been analyzed that
there is no significant difference between the mean values of external aggression score and gender because
the value of P is greater than the standard criteria. Thus, it can be stated that alternative hypothesis is
rejected and this indicates that there is no statistically different between the means of two unrelated groups
i.e. Sex and ExtAgg. Also, the results show that whether the student is male or female, the amount of
external aggression displayed by each students is lower.
This box is for ADDITIONAL SPSS output not used in the report and will expand automatically.
Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
External Aggression score Male 184 6.6957 4.55384 .33571
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Female 160 5.8938 3.77945 .29879
Check and comment on the assumptions of the independent samples t-test. Include the relevant output
with your answer.
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of
t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig.
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
8.535 .004 1.761 342 .079 .80190 .45525 -.0935
5 1.69735
variances not
1.784 341.280 .075 .80190 .44942 -.0820
8 1.68589
Question 3: [20 marks]
The variable Hostility gives an indication of the amount of internal aggression displayed by each student,
as recorded at the end of the school year. This variable was scored on a scale [taking values from 0 to 20],
with higher values representing a greater level of internal aggression [hostility].
A university counsellor believes that there is a difference, on average, between the level of internal
aggression and the level of external aggression of first year university students. Conduct the appropriate
significance test using the Hostility and ExtAgg variables to test this prediction.
Produce the relevant output and write a paired samples t-test report based on your output in the style
presented in the Supplement J. Include the relevant output with your answer.
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