
Stages of Negotiation Process


Added on  2022-08-19

16 Pages4470 Words15 Views
Running head: NEGOTIATION
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Author Note
Stages of Negotiation Process_1

Negotiation is considered to be a method or a process through which an individual tries to
settle his or her differences. Through this process a compromise of an agreement is concluded
upon which would resolve the conflicts between the individuals and prevent any arguments or
disputes to take place (Lewicki, Barry and Saunders 2016). It can be understood that during an
argument the primary motive of an individual is considered to be to reach to an outcome which
would be best suited for such individual (Pruitt 2013). Therefore, the principles relating to
fairness along with the mutual benefit of maintaining a relationship would help in making the
process of negotiation successful (Kłusek-Wojciszke and Grodzicki 2018). There are certain
specific forms of negotiations which can be used and implemented for a better outcome
(Thompson, Wang and Gunia 2010.).
This paper discusses and critically evaluates the statement relating to negotiation not
being the process, which are reserved for the skilled diplomat, or any top salesperson or any
ardent advocate for any kind of organized lobby, as negotiation is something, which is done by
individuals daily. Furthermore, it discusses the skills of negotiation and what are its merits along
with the drawbacks. In conclusion, it summarizes the points that have been dealt with in the
Stages of Negotiation Process
The process of negotiation has certain stages which are inclusive of:
Stages of Negotiation Process_2

Preparation Stage: Prior to any negotiation taking place a decision needs to be taken
which would determine the time and place for the meeting in order to discuss the problem
and carry forward the procedure of negotiation (Ting‐Toomey 2015). In this stage, setting
up of a limited time-scale would be beneficial in order to prevent the disagreement which
would be continuing. This particular stage is considered to involve ensuring of all the
relevant information of the circumstance in order to elucidate and signify one’s own
position (Rubin and Brown 2013).
Discussion Stage: During this particular stage the individuals along with the members are
considered to put forward each of their side as they see it which would be in accordance
with their own situation (Goldberg et al., 2014). In many instances it is helpful as well as
beneficial to take notes during the discussion or record the discussion in case there is a
need of further clarification. Each of the sides in a negotiation process should have an
equal opportunity to present their case (Ehlich and Wagner, 2011).
Clarifying the Goals: The goals along with the interests and perceptions of both the sides
are considered to be of equal importance and such needs to be clarified as it would
prevent the parties to a negotiation go into further disagreements (Pizer 2013). It is
advantageous and valuable to list these certain factors in order of priority. Through such
kind of a clarification it is possible to discover and identify some common ground and
such would be established Clarification is considered to be a vital part relating to a
negotiation process because without such there would be scope for misunderstandings
which might occur and cause difficulties and problems for reaching some kind of a
beneficial outcome (Kilgour and Eden 2010).
Stages of Negotiation Process_3

Negotiating towards a Win-Win Outcome: This particular stage concentrates on the term
‘win-win- outcome which provides that both the sides feel that they have acquired or
obtained something positive through the particular process of negotiation and the parties
to the negotiation process feels that their perceptions and views have been taken into
account (Rametsteiner et al., 2011). Therefore, a win-win outcome is considered to be the
best result as it might not always be possible but through the process of negotiation it
would be considered as an ultimate goal (Firth 2014).
Agreement: This particular stage discusses that through an agreement and understanding
both the sides to the negotiation process would have certain perceptions and interests that
would be taken into consideration (Sim 2010). It is important for all the parties to keep an
open mind during the process of negotiation in order to achieve and accomplish some
kind of an acceptable solution. Any agreement that needs to be perfectly clear would
have both the parties to such negotiation process know what the other party have decided
(Craver 2012).
Implementation of a course of action: From this stage and the agreement there needs to
be course of action implemented or executed in order to carry through the decision of the
process (Reeves 2010).
Critical Evaluation
According to the authors Gunia et al., (2011), it has been stated that Negotiation is a
process where two or more interdependent individuals or any group perceive that they have
certain common as well as conflicting goals and therefore, in order to resolve such they come
together to discuss the proposals as well as preferences for specific terms which would be
possible for reaching an agreement. However, it has also been stated that through out several
Stages of Negotiation Process_4

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