In this assignment we will discuss about statistical Inference and below are the summaries point:-
Aim: determine if Capital city fuel prices were often less than elsewhere in the state
Statistical test used: independent sample t-test
Hypotheses: H0 = Capital city mean fuel prices were not significantly less elsewhere in the state; H1 = Capital city mean fuel prices were significantly less elsewhere in the state
Result: Null hypothesis is accepted, meaning Capital city fuel prices were often not less than elsewhere in the state.
Aim: determine the relationship between unleaded 91 and diesel prices
Methods used: scatter plot and simple regression
Scatter plot used to visualize the relationship between variables
Simple regression used to find the least square regression equation, which is Diesel = 0.7147 * (Unleaded 91) + 44.876
Coefficient of correlation (Multiple R) = 0.599 and coefficient of determination (R square) = 0.3589, indicating a moderate positive relationship between the two variables and that 35.89% of the variability in diesel prices can be explained by the variability in unleaded 91 prices.