
Organizational Change Management in Telecom


Added on  2020-02-19

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Strategic Change Management in 3Sixty GSM
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Organizational Change Management in Telecom_1

Executive Summary
Strategic change management process has been applied by the modern business
management to improve the quality of corporate strategy contributing towards corporate synergy,
competitive edge, and business scope. In this particular study, the strategic change in 3Sixty
GSM, an information technology and service provider operating in Dubai, Saudi Arabia has been
elaborated considering a number of facts. Moreover, the study assesses the value of utilising
strategic intervention techniques in 3Sixty GSM to deal with the current competitive business
environment in the target market. In the study, the description of three strategic change models
has been elaborated in a detailed way out of which McKinsey 7S Model and Kotter’s 8-Step
Change Model have been considered to be the best possible change management model suitable
for the strategic change implication in 3Sixty GSM. In the existing scenario, the internal and
external business environment has created significant challenges for the management. In order to
boost the services and business growth, the change initiatives have become evident.
In the meanwhile, the study identifies the comprehensive values of using strategic
intervention techniques such as improving the productivity, sales, and efficiency of the
workforce. A number of intervention techniques and their respective benefits of the same have
been described. In another discussion, the study elaborates the importance of strategic change in
3Sixty GSM. Precisely, by implementing changes the organization can increase competitive
advantage and meet the expectations of the target audience. Evidently, the study paper evaluates
the driving factors influencing the need for change in 3Sixty GSM. However, the paper also
includes the effects of change management failure as well. Most importantly, the study identifies
how the strategic change process can involve the relevant stakeholders maximizing the
productivity of the change initiatives. To finish, a strategic plan has been derived to implement
the change process and monitor the progress of the change initiatives.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................4
2. Background to organisational strategic change...........................................................................5
2.1 Background of 3Sixty GSM Company and background to change.......................................5
2.2 Change Management Models.................................................................................................6
2.3 Evaluation of the models in relevance to the organisation’s need.......................................14
2.4 Value of using Strategic Intervention techniques................................................................16
3. Issue related to strategic change................................................................................................19
3.1 The need for strategic change in an organisation.................................................................19
3.2 The factors that are driving the need for strategic change...................................................21
3.3 The resource implications of the organisation not responding to the Strategic change.......23
4. Lead stakeholders to develop a strategy for change..................................................................25
4.1 Systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change.................................................25
4.2 Development of change management strategy....................................................................27
4.3 Evaluation of the systems to involve stakeholders..............................................................29
4.4 Strategy for managing resistance to change.........................................................................31
5. Planning and implementation of change model.........................................................................33
5.1 Development of appropriate models for change..................................................................33
5.2 Plan to implement change model.........................................................................................37
5.3 Measures to monitor progress..............................................................................................40
6. Recommendation and Conclusion.............................................................................................42
6.1 Recommendation.................................................................................................................42
6.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................43
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1. Introduction
Globalisation of businesses has forced the multinational and domestic organisations to
consider strategic change management process to establish competitive positions in their
respected industries (Beynon-Davies, Jones and White, 2016). Strategic Change Models have
been applied by the contemporary business management to improve the quality of corporate
strategy contributing towards corporate synergy, competitive edge, and business scope.
Inevitably, driven by the external environment and internal organisational framework, modern
management of MNEs and SMEs has considered significant strategic change models to achieve
explicit objectives and targets (Matesic, 2009). By initiating the change process, organisations
have to reset the mission, vision, and core competencies of business to rectify the prevailing
situation within the enterprise (Flamholtz and Randle, 2008). In the challenging business
circumstances, change management initiatives have become the most comprehensive alternative
to maintain sustainable growth in a target market.
In this particular study, the change management initiatives for the management of 3Sixty
GSM Company have been discussed considering a number of strategic change models suitable
for the organisational strategic alteration. The study introduces the company profile of 3Sixty
GSM and elaborates the background leading towards change. Moreover, the reported paper
discusses models of strategic change and the relevance of the precise strategic change models to
3Sixty GSM in the existing economic condition. Furthermore, the strategic change paper
assesses the value of utilising strategic intervention techniques in 3Sixty GSM. Besides, the
study also examines the need for strategic change in the identified organisation as well. In the
meanwhile, the discussion paper assesses the factors driving the need for strategic change in
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3Sixty GSM and the resource implications of the organisation not responding to the strategic
change. The reported study also discusses the systems to involve stakeholders in change
planning, change management strategy, evaluation of the systems used for change management,
and strategies for managing change resistance in 3Sixty GSM. In the ending of the report,
appropriate models for change and plan to put into practice the best strategic change model have
been elaborated (Grossman and Valiga, 2013). To finish, the appropriate methods to monitor the
progress of the strategic change process has been listed in the paper.
2. Background to organisational strategic change
2.1 Background of 3Sixty GSM Company and background to change
3Sixty GSM is an information technology and service provider operating in Dubai, Saudi
Arabia. The parent company of 3Sixty GSM is 3Sixty that provides a complete IT business
solution, Smartphone, LED Solutions, Smartphone accessories, and E2E cloud solutions etc. The
IT business of 3Sixty GSM is expanding the business in telecommunication sector as well.
Recently, the company has acquired BDL Egypt Corporation that has been ruling the market
since 2004 (3-6-T Corporate, 2017). Currently, 3Sixty Corporation has operated in the GCC
countries in diversified target sectors. Precisely, the diversified operations of the organisation
must be differentiated at the management level to avoid operational mistakes. The mission of
3Sixty GSM is to deliver unmatched IT related and Smartphone tech support to the target
audience of the GCC countries. In the vision statement of 3Sixty GSM, the management has put
the emphasis on developing long-term partnerships with the clients to achieve sustainable market
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In a nutshell, the Dubai-based company has emerged to be one of the leading innovative
corporations striving towards long-term growth and excellence. In the meanwhile, the
combination of innovative team and expertise of the members has developed effective strategies
to deliver unparallel ICT solution and total customer support (3-6-T Corporate, 2017). In the
current market status, due to diversified services and product offering of 3Sixty GSM, it is
essential to consider a number of strategic changes to be developed accomplishing competitive
advantage in the target market. Also, to manage the standard of cloud based IT services and
Smartphone related technologies, new competencies must be added to the business of 3Sixty
GSM (3-6-T Corporate, 2017). In context to the business growth, the management of the Dubai-
based company has to implement strategic changes in the organisational structure, technology,
total reward system, and style of management, etc. In the current economic scenario, 3Sixty
GSM has to face substantial challenges from the leading market competitors in the GCC
territories. Therefore, by conducting strategic change management applying the best strategic
change models, the company can make further progress in the target market acquiring new
clients for different segmented business (McGahan and Mitchell, 2013).
2.2 Change Management Models
In strategic change management, modern corporations need to identify precise strategic
change models to implement structural alterations following a planned process. According to the
required changes, organisational management has to consider a thoughtful procedure to
implement changes (Burke, Lake and Paine, 2009). Herein, the essence of strategic change
models is inevitable. In this particular discussion, three of the best change management models
have been described as follows:
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2.2.1 Kurt Lewin’s Change Model
One of the most effective change models that have been used by the modern
organisations is the Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Kurt Lewin developed the
Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze model in the early 1940s that presents three steps of change
management process (Grossman and Valiga, 2013). Lewin being a social scientist as well as a
physicist explained the change process as an analogy of changing shape of ice block. In order to
implement the change process effectively, the management need to unfreeze the current
operations strategies, make necessary changes and implement new policies to make the changes
permanent (Grossman and Valiga, 2013). A diagram has been presented herein below for further
Figure: Kurt Lewin’s Change Model
Source: (Grossman and Valiga, 2013)
The three phases of Lewin’s change management model has been presented in details
herein below:
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Unfreeze: During the first phase, the management need to focus on preparing the
organisation to accept the necessary changes. The first step is to breakdown the current
status quo before developing a new way of operations (Sibbet, 2013). At this phase, the
management need to determine what changes are required and ensure that the changes are
strongly supported by the senior executive members of the firm. Furthermore, the change
management team needs to create urgency for the change by developing vision and
mission statements (Boog et al., 2008). Additionally, the management must focus on
communicating the changes with the employees and clear their doubts and concern
regarding the change to get their support.
Change: After identifying the problems in the first step, the change stage is used to
resolve the problems and develop new ways to perform the activities (Boog et al., 2008).
At this stage, the change process needs to be communicated with the higher level
executives and lower level employees of the firm. Secondly, the questions and problems
of the employees must be solved to effectively involve them in the change process
(Sibbet, 2013). Thirdly, the employees must be empowered to support the change and
proper plan must be developed to effectively implement the changes. Finally, the short
term wins must be evaluated and shared with the team to motivate them towards the
Refreeze: The third step is to anchor the changes into the organisational culture of the
firm. For instance, the change management team must identify what supports the change
and the barriers that can negative impact the implemented changes (Boog et al., 2008).
Furthermore, the change management team must develop ways to sustain the changes and
create a reward system for the employees (Sibbet, 2013). The nest activity that must be
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