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Strategic Marketing Plan for E45 Skincare Brand


Added on  2022/12/30

AI Summary
This report discusses the significance of strategy formulation and implementation in organizations, focusing on E45 skincare brand. It covers the marketing plan, market analysis, objectives, and strategy formulation for E45. The report also includes information on the budget, key performance indicators, and GANTT charts.

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Strategic marketing

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Marketing plan for E45..........................................................................................................3
Executive Summary................................................................................................................3
About the company E45.........................................................................................................4
Market analysis.......................................................................................................................4
Strategy formulation...............................................................................................................6
Key Performance Indicator.....................................................................................................8
GANTT Charts.......................................................................................................................8
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This report revolves around the importance of the strategy formulation and
implementation in the organisation. Strategy is needed on every organisation as it helps in setting
the path and helps in planning to achieve the end goals and objectives for the organisation.
Strategy helps in utilising the resources effectively and efficiently in the organisation and it helps
in understanding the importance of goals and objectives in the functioning of the organisation
and also it helps in maximising the productivity and functioning of the organisation.
Organisation managers focuses on formulating the effective and efficient strategies in order to
achieve the goals and objectives. This report revolves around the E45 organisation which deals
in the skincare brand and it is been in the market of UK for a very long time. This report includes
the effective strategic marketing plan in order to make sure that the E45 business shouldn't be
affected by the other competitors in the market. Strategic marketing plan helps in utilising the
resources for the department such as marketing, finance, HR, operations etc. There is very fierce
competition in the skincare industry as there are many big players in the market such as Loreal,
Lakme etc. and in order to be competitive and more fierce E45 have to focus on their strategies
to attract the new consumers and to increase the market share for the organisation (Chernev,
Marketing plan for E45
Marketing plan for the organisation helps in analysing the goals and objectives for the
organisation which are reliable and achievable. This plan helps organisation in understanding the
importance of resources available in the organisation and ensures that the proper utilisation of
resources should be there and it should be effective and efficient. The marketing plan for the
organisation E45 is mentioned below and it includes different points which are included in it.
The points which comes under marketing plan are:
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Executive Summary
The summary of this marketing plan includes about the strategies which can be
implemented by the E45 in order to make their organisation effective and efficient and to achieve
the desired goals and objectives (Kalva, 2017). This marketing plan for E45 includes firstly the
setting of the objectives which is explained as the SMART objectives that is defined as the
objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relative and time bound. This will help
E45 in setting the goals and objectives for the future and helps in understanding their position in
the market. This plan will help them in attracting the more consumers and increasing their
market share. After setting the objectives E45 have to formulate and implement the strategies for
the organisation and focus on the implementing in the effective way. The formulation and the
implementation of the strategies depends on the effective analysis of the environment of UK and
how the market trends can affect the business of the E45. After the successful implementation of
the strategies E45 have to focus on the monitoring of the strategies as it would help them in
measuring the progress on timely basis and it will help them in making the changes if needed by
the organisation (Maymand and Samaeizadeh, 2017).
About the company E45
E45 is a skincare brand based in the UK environment. This company basically deals in
the skincare products for the consumers based in the UK. The marketing plan is needed for the
E45 in order to stabilize their business and make it's mark in the market. E45 is trying yo attract
more consumers and increase it's market share. This will help organisation in boosting their
E45 should focusing on the objectives for the future of the organisation. Managers of E45
should keep in mind that the objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relative and
time bound. Setting objectives helps E45 in understanding the current market trend and
forecasting the future market trends and by setting the goals and objectives according to that E45
will be able to utilise their resources effectively and efficiently. Objectives helps organisation in
it's vision and mission and helps in setting the path tot achieve that goals and objective sand how
organisation is going to achieve that goals (McDONALD and M.A.L.C.O.L.M, 2016.).

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Market analysis
Market analysis will help E45 in understanding the market trends and helps in
understanding the dynamics of the market and how it is going to affect the business of the
organisation in the current scenario. Market analysis helps E45 managers to formulate and
implement the strategies for the organisation and to utilise the resources of the organisation
effectively and efficiently. Market analysis helps the organisation to understand the needs and
wants of the consumer and helps in designing the product according to the need of the
consumers. There are parts points are included in the market analysis:
Market size
Market size is explained as the market size in terms of the competitors in the market. It is
considered as the size of the market helps in setting the objectives by keeping in mind about the
competitors.E45 is a skincare brand and there are many big players in the market such as Loreal,
Lakme etc. which have higher market share and in order to compete with them E45 have to
formulate effective strategies and utilise the resources efficiently (Paul and et. al., 2019).
Competitors Analysis
This part helps E45 in analysing the strategies of their competitors and after analysing
their competitors strategies they have to formulate their strategies in order to compete with them
in the market. Analysis of competitors would help E45 in understanding their market share and
objectives and by the help of that it give E45 to launch it's products in the markets which differs
form their competitors.
Customer analysis
Consumer analysis helps the E45 in analysing the needs and wants of the consumers and
it helps them in designing and innovating their product according to the need of consumers.
These days consumers demand needs and wants changes with the time and having so many
products in the market it is important for the E45 to understand the need of consumers which will
help them in gaining the competitor advantage over their competitors.
Stakeholders analysis
This part helps in analysing the influence of the people who are at higher level in the
organisation and how they can contribute in the success of the organisation. Stakeholders
analysis will help E45 in understanding the views and thoughts of the stakeholders of the
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organisation and how their knowledge and decision can affect the business of the E45 and helps
them in boosting their revenues and their productivity (Proctor, 2020).
Macro and micro forces
This part helps in understanding the affect of the internal and external factors of the
organisation which includes internal factors such as consumers, suppliers etc. and external
factors includes political, technological, environmental etc.
Strategy formulation
For the strategy formulation E45 have to recognise their key strategic objectives for the
campaign. These key marketing objectives are very important for the organisation as this will
help them in forming a proper strategy and their will help them in including all such factors that
can be include in them, this will also help them in identifying the opportunity. Some of the most
important or the key marketing objectives is to have a reason or they have to have a goal for this
campaign then they have to create a good opportunity for them in order to create a good and
when they formulate their plan they have to remember their targeted audience and while
marketing they have to share some general marketing campaign (Schiavone and Simoni, 2019).
Goal – their main goal is to rise up again form the depths of the sea. They want to bounce back
for their position and they want to acquire a good market share and they want to have some one
who didn't do anything else or anything nonsense for the face of the brand for this they chos3e
various celebrities. They choose celebrities like Nicola Adams, Gizzie Erskine and Em ford for
becoming the face of their campaign. Through them they want to develop a powerful message in
order to go through people heart. As their main aim was to avoid extirpation from the market and
find a new way so as to bounce back from their current niche and non relevant market to a higher
segment in which the people will love them.
Opportunity – the best thing that they can do is to avail an opportunity and for availing the
opportunity they have to either create one or they have to grab the existing opportunity that is
there in the market. For this campaign E45 have developed their product with creativity and
innovation so as to provide their customers with new product in the market. For this they have
launched a product which will help the people to apply them and go for their work. What their
competitors were doing was that they were giving the customers fast absorbing products. These
fast absorbing product was out dated in the market and with the apply and go product of E45 the
customers can use their product on the go. They also have developed the product which will give
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their customers good skin for all day instantly. What their customers were providing was that5
their product were ging the fresh look after 48 hrs. they developed this opportunity through
analysis the needs and demands of their customer that is the women segment who wants
moisturiser or the make up kit (Sinha, 2018).
Target audience – their targeted audience are the ladies segment as E45 is making the product
with women segment in their mind. Women are one who in many house holds make decision and
they also have the freedom of choosing what ever they want for their skin. They want to have
good and fresh looking skin all day long and they also want to have those product which can be
applied very fast as lot of them are working and lot of them wants such type of product which
will enable them for apply and go for all day long.
General messaging campaign – they did this project that is the straight up skincare project so that
they can deliver the message that a lot of people are having dry skin and in winters it become a
lot itchy and for that a lot of company have developed moisturiser which will help them get rid
of the dry skin by they are taking so much time for their result but through E45 moisturiser they
have developed a product that will help everyone in saving their time and money (Thrassou, A.,
Vrontis and Bresciani, 2018).
For the implementation of the straight up skin care project they have to us the RACE
model because with the help of these strategies they can easily cover the key areas of marketing
and communication mix . Through RACE strategy they can make frame work for the digital
campaign planning .
The RACE model consist of the following : research – with the help of a proper research that can be both formal and it can also be
informal they can identify the answer for various question that is who? What? And why?.
Through proper research E45 can identify all the problems and opportunities Action and planning – after the research they have to formulate a plan that is SMART.
SMART stands for the plan that is having a specific purpose, that can be measurable, the
plan should be attainable and the plan should be realistic, they also have to keep in mind
the formulate plan in which they are having the necessary time for the implementation of
the plan .a ftre making the plan they have to take the plan into action.

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Better communication – they have to have better communication and relationship with
the consumer. They have to maintain the transparency with the consumer as this will help
E45 to build consumer trust. Evaluation – after all This E45 have to evaluate the hole process and they have to
evaluate the result for better understanding the method and this will also help the in
making change in their existing. This will also hep them determining their ROI. Through
this evaluation they will be able to check whether their plan or the project was a success
or it was a failure.
List Cost (in pounds)
Digital marketing 1000
Face of the project 900
Traditional approach (including newspaper and
Research and development 1100
From the above table the total cost of marketing campaign for E45 will be 5000 pounds.
This will include digital marketing, cost of the influencers, marketing through traditional
approach and the most important one of them all research and development
Key Performance Indicator
This method is adopted by E45 in order to know the performance of their project. With
the help of KPI E45 can measure the value of how effective their campaign is, this will help
them analyse or measure the performance of their strategy or their financial condition during this
time with their competitors. This will help them measure the company's success with respect to
their set target and objectives (Usman and Okafor, 2019).
Engaging with the audience digitally is the best way through which E45 can improve their
marketing as engaging digitally will help them target larger audience and this will also give them
a push in their project which will ultimately result in the success of this project.
GANTT Charts
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From the above report it is concluded that E45 being a brand that deal in the beauty and
the skincare products is having many problems and are having many challenges that they are
facing. Earlier this was the been that was not recognised for this they were not a big brand sio
they decided to do the proper analysis. They analysed the market on the basis of market size,
competitor analysis macro and micro forces that can affect the working of the organisation and
they also did the stake holder analysis with this they can know about the interest of the stake
holders and they also did the customer analysis through this they came to know more and mor
about the choices and the need of the customer. This report also include the strategies, the
campaign strategies that the company researched on the basis of the analysis done by E45. They
formed strategies that helped them to make the customer understand the reason of their
campaign, these strategies helped them to create an market opportunity for them selves. With
help of these strategies E45 can know about the targeted audience, and with all the strategies
they can also share some general campaign message to its audience. This report with the help of
GANTT charts also developed a marketing roll out plan for them. It is also concluded about the
budget that E45 will be needing in order to do this analysis and in order to form an implement
the strategic plan.
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Books and Journals
Chernev, A., 2018. Strategic marketing management. Cerebellum Press.
Kalva, R. S., 2017. A Model for Strategic Marketing Sustainability (Marketing mix to Marketing
matrix). InNational Conference on Marketing and Sustainable Development (pp. 7-23).
Maymand, M.M. and Samaeizadeh, A.H., 2017. Explanation of the “Strategic Marketing
Management” Model and verification of its impacts on “Increasing the Organizational
Profitability”(Case Study: Iranian Textile Industry). Pacific Business Review
International 9, pp.125-147.
McDONALD, M.A.L.C.O.L.M., 2016. Strategic marketing planning: theory and practice. The
marketing book, p.87.
Paul, J., and et. al., 2019. Research in strategic marketing: past and future (Developing New
Models, Reviews, Measures, Methods with Future Research Agenda).
Proctor, T., 2020. Absolute Essentials of Strategic Marketing: A Research Overview. Routledge.
Schiavone, F. and Simoni, M., 2019. Strategic marketing approaches for the diffusion of
innovation in highly regulated industrial markets: the value of market access. Journal of
Business & Industrial Marketing.
Sinha, B., 2018. Strategic Marketing Management: Why to study?. NOLEGEIN-Journal of
Leadership & Strategic Management, pp.30-34.
Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D. and Bresciani, S., 2018. The Agile Innovation Pendulum: A strategic
marketing multicultural model for family businesses. International Studies of
Management & Organization.48(1). pp.105-120.
Usman, A. and Okafor, S., 2019. Social Media and Purchase Intentions: Strategic Marketing
Implications. Harnessing Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies for Fashion and Luxury
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