
Study and Employment Skills Audit Report


Added on  2020-12-10

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Study and Employment SkillsAudit Report(Assignment 1)
Study and Employment Skills Audit Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Audit and Evaluation of Key Skills.................................................................................................1a. Developing Skills....................................................................................................................1b. Individual contribution and overall team performance...........................................................2c. Personal development..............................................................................................................3d. Model of reflections................................................................................................................4e. Qualitative and quantitative evidence.....................................................................................6Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7References........................................................................................................................................9
Study and Employment Skills Audit Report_2

INTRODUCTIONTeenage Cancer Trust is a dedicated charity which provide young people with cancer ofage between 13 to 24 are been provided better treatment and support. A team is been initiated forraising funds through various fundraising activities. For which certain skills are required for andbeen developed. Individual contribution and overall team performance is identified. There arecertain models or cycle of reflection for team project process experience. Study of qualitativeand quantitative evidences and measures to identify individual or overall team performance.Audit and Evaluation of Key SkillsEvery day in UK around seven to eight young people of age between 13 to 24 arediagnosed with cancer. For this Teenage Cancer Trust is a charity dedicated to provide experttreatment and support to young cancer patients. For raising funds team is been created forhelping Teenage cancer research. For raising funds specific certain skills are required formotivating people or citizens for help young cancer patients, through charity or donating moneyor their services to support those kids for fighting cancer. Team group is formed for bringingattention of people on this concern (Mayne, 2017).a. Developing SkillsFor fundraising activity done for Teenage cancer trust requires certain skills in all teammembers. Through this activity and exercise, I have developed certain skills within me. Whichhelps in my own personal development and growth.Below listed are some skills that been developed during this exercise:Team work: Teamwork plays an important role in success of fund raising activity. Skillsregarding team work is established in individual as all have to work together for handlean ongoing project. My team working skills have been developed through this.Planning: My planning skills have been developed by participating in planning forfundraising activity. I am able to make effective planning for conducting these activitiessuccessfully.Research: Before launching a fundraising activity proper research should be done for this(Wadsworth, 2016). By participating in these activities my skills for research haveimproved.1
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Problem solving: Problem solving skills have been developed as me and my team have toface problem that have emerged suddenly. For such situations skills regarding tacklingproblems are required.Organisation: My organising skills have developed with participating in fundraisingevent by organising each and every tasks and resources accordingly for smoothfunctioning and its success.Skills that are to be developed by myself:Time management: As everything is planned according to time for fundraising activity, Ihave to improve my skills of managing time and be able to manage every tasks accordingto time.Communication: I have to developed my communication skills through participating infundraising event as, I get to talk with others and have to persuade them to contribute init. Communication skills can be improved by expressing my ideas and decisions to otherteam members and by regular interaction with people.Decision Making: As I have to take part in decision making process for planing forfundraising activities, I have to develop my skills of decision making and able to makeinstant decisions regarding a sudden arising issue.b. Individual contribution and overall team performanceFor the success of fundraising event for Teenage cancer trust I have also individuallycontributed by following ways:As a member of a team, I have contributed in taking various decisions regardingfundraising activity. I helped in formulating various plans and strategies for its properfunctioning.Before initiating fundraising activities, I have helped my team in conducting research forstudying the situations and how many will contribute and how much can be collectedfrom this, etc.I have tried to make a strong relation and by telling some emotional stories I haveconvinced people in contributing to fundraising for young cancer patients.2
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