
Organizational Behaviour and its Impact


Added on  2020-02-05

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Organization Behaviour 1
Organizational Behaviour and its Impact_1

Table of ContentsIINTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................3TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................31.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structure and cultures .....................................31.2 Impact of relationship between organization structure and culture on the performance of BlueRubicon ...........................................................................................................................................31.3 Factors which influences individual behaviour of Blue Rubicon ............................................4TASK 2 ................................................................................................................................................52.1 Comparison of effectiveness of different leadership styles.......................................................52.2 Organisation Theories for support and underpin the different management practices of Blue Rubicon............................................................................................................................................62.3 Different approaches to the management of Blue Rubicon and Mischief PR...........................6TASK 3 ................................................................................................................................................73.1 Impact of different leadership styles on motivations.................................................................73.2 Comparison of different motivational theories with the workplace of Blue Rubicon ..............83.3 Evaluation of usefulness of motivational theory for managers.................................................8TASK 4.................................................................................................................................................94.1 Explanation of nature of groups and group behaviour .............................................................94.2 Factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within Blue Rubicon............................................................................................................................................94.3 Impact of technology on team functioning in Blue Rubicon ..................................................10CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................10REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................112
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IINTRODUCTION Organization behaviour (OB) is a kind of study of both the individual and groupperformance as well as their actions within company. By using this, it is simple to analyse thebehaviour and activities of employees at workplace in various situations (Aquinas, 2006).Generally, OB is used to develop a more effective business unit and directly apply for themanagement of staff members. The purpose of following study on OB is to understand its differentroles and importance within the organizations. Objectives that will cover under the present researchare related to understand the effectiveness of leadership behaviour theory and practice, impact oforganizational structure and culture on company, methods that can used by firm to improveemployee effectiveness so that they can responses on business opportunities etc (Bissell and Dolan,2012). Along with this, different approaches in organizational decision making will also explainunder the study. TASK 11.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structure and cultures Blue Rubicon is a public relation company of UK and works as a strategic consultancy fordifferent reputed companies such as Virgin, Facebook, Coca-Cola etc. It has set some strategicdirections of communication that help its clients to achieve sustainable growth by takingcompetitive advantage (French, 2011). Organization structure of Blue Rubicon is flat because thereare few levels of management and whole structure is divided into top, middle and lower levelmanagement. On the other hand, culture of company is role where every single worker has specificduties and roles. It has minimized the duplication of work and responsibilities at the time ofallocating task. Mischief PR is a UK base firm where it connects its business clients with the customers. Ithas worked with the prestigious companies such as Kellogg's, Virgin Atlantic etc. It has developedcreative business objectives for its clients (McKenna, 2000). Organizational structure of companyis functional because managers need to directly report to the head of firm. Every manager has tosupervise the work of one or more employees. Further, business entity follows power culturebecause large organization cannot run by single person decision (Parikh, 2010). With the help of it,firm is able to take different business decisions by just a small consultations. 1.2 Impact of relationship between organization structure and culture on the performance of Blue Rubicon There is a strong relationship between organizational structure as well as culture and it3
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directly puts impact on the performance of company. It can be understood by the example of BlueRubicon (Ranganayakulu, 2005). The present organizational structure and culture of company hasimproved decision making process. It has reduced the duplication of allocating work at the time ofdistributing roles and responsibilities to the employees. Less hierarchical level within the companyhas decreased the time of taking different decisions. On the other hand, existing organizationalstructure and culture of Blue Rubicon have improved the level of task processes (Reddy, 2004).Working procedures of firm has reinforced with the time which increased the productivity andeffectiveness of employees. Beside this, teamwork has also promoted by present organizationalstructure and culture of company. It has built team working spirit among the staff members and ithas led to reduce the timing of solving client’s issues (Carr, 2002). It has also raised thecollaboration in between team members and it has make them able to take better decisions. Inaddition to this, it has enhanced communication between the workers as well as management.Reduced level of communication gap between them has minimized the chances ofmisunderstanding. Along with this, it has promoted good working environment at workplace for theemployees of Blue Rubicon (Curtis, 2003). Therefore, it has shown that there is a strong andpositive relationship between organizational structure and culture of company. 1.3 Factors which influences individual behaviour of Blue Rubicon There are many factors that can influence individual behaviour of Blue Rubicon which areas follows. Personality: It can be explained in terms of examining the qualities and attributes ofindividual person. Personal characteristics of employees have changed the responses of his or her indifferent situations. Blue Rubicon needs to understand that unfavourable environment may impactthe reactions of individuals towards work. If, employees of company try to maintain theirpersonality, then it will promote new creation at work place.Perception: Mental capacity of a person to understand things from different perspective iscalled perception. In case of Blue Rubicon , it varies from person to person and affects the workingenvironment of company. So, it is important for the firm to understand the individual perception andtake actions accordingly to maintain good environment. Attitude: Employees of Blue Rubicon need to carry out positive attitude towards the workso that more improved and productive services can be easily provided to the business clients.Conflict, stress and change: If, employees of Blue Rubicon are not able to manage newchanges as well as stress, then it will affect the working style and approaches. It also affects theindividual behaviour of staff members of the company in a negative manner.4
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